Favorite/Least Favorite Final Fantasy Protagonist


New member
Oct 25, 2009
KefkaCultist said:
SalamanderJoe said:
Best villan on a side note is Kefka - not only because of his story, but I beilieve he's still the only Final Fantasy bad guy to desire to be a God, AND succeeds. [sub](sorry if thats a spoiler but it has FF6 has been out two decades now...)[/sub]
Don't forget that after achieving that godhood he also the entire world and retains that power for a long time unlike certain silver haired antagonists who maybe get a taste of power before being struck down by an emo punk. :p
You sir in all fairness ... I hate. (even if you are entitle to your opinion)


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Favorite: Terra & Lightning
Least Favorite: Zack

I didn't list Vanille as my least favorite because I don't consider her a protagonist.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
acidk44 said:
you sir, i like.
in reality this is how i felt first time i did a post in escapist and subsequently got burn for it.
It shouldnt be a problem as long as you can base your opinion on something substansial. anyone who's played more then one ff game knows that its the immersion that gets you, the depht to which the developers have gone to make it seem like a real universe. and ff XIII just flyes by and never becomes more then a journey from A to B

and right back at ya for standing up for what you think ;)


New member
May 22, 2009
Faves: Rikku (X-2), Cid (XII), Wakka (X)

Hates: Tidus (X)

Rikku is my all time favorite game-girl. She will be my fave no matter what, hence her being my scantily-clad female background ;D


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Favorite: Squall/Zell
Least Favorite: Cloud.

"I AM MY OWN MONSTER!!!" "I'm not strong enough".
Vincent would be pretty close too, "LUCHRESIA!"


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Super Easy.
Favorite Main Protagonist: Ramza Beoulve. Good motivations. Not whiny, but not a badass either. Isn't as overpowered as some of the support, but can still kick a shit-tonne of ass.
Favorite Support Protagonist: Steiner and Locke have a big place in my heart, but I think Red XIII is still my favorite.
Favorite NPC Protagonist: Zalbag Beoulve. Favorite character in my favorite game, must be mentioned at all possible opportunities.
Least Favorite Main Protagonist: Vaan. Had nothing to do with plot, very annoying personality, bad character design.
Least Favorite Support Protagonist: Wakka. Oh my god, I can't even begin to express the hell I went through every time he opened his mouth. If there was something that you could do, in that game, to make it so that Wakka is murdered (preferably violently) the first time he opens his mouth, excluding him from the entire rest of the game, I would do it EVERY TIME, regardless of how difficult or convoluted the method was.
Bonus - Favorite Protagonist to play in Dissidia: Zidane. He's super easy get really good with, he's my only level 100 at the moment.


New member
Aug 19, 2010
favorite: tidus, I can understand people disliking him, but I can really relate with him, were very similiar, also I like his abilities in game, personality and voice.

least favorite: lightning, she is very boring and unoriginal, basically being a female squall/cloud, also for punching snow who was my favorte in 13 and being a jerk most of the game.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2010
Favorite: Locke or Ceres.
Least favorite: Every FF character in every game after 6.

Henrik Stavenes

New member
Jul 21, 2010
This will not create many friends. Og well OT:

Favourite: Vivi

Least favourite: Hope or Cloud from Advent Children


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I don't if I have a favorite. Maybe Squall, I found his brooding funny.
I know my least favorite is Marchie for Tactics Advance though, he spends the whole game talking about how escapism is wrong. He judges you for playing his game. There aren't many game characters that go personally out of there way to offend their players like he does. Defiantly in the top 5 worst game heros for me.


Sep 9, 2010
Zidane is by far my favorite. I was in 5th grade when I played 9, my first FF game, and Zidane was exactly who I wanted to be like when I got older. Charasmatic, flirty, slighty douche. I love the character and the story of 9 so much that I never beat it. I'm convinced to this day that any ending I could come up to any FF game would be better then what it was.

Least favorite is clearly Tidus. putting aside the fact I hated hated HATED the voice acting and that fact that put an end to naming my own characters, Tidus was at the time of playing just plain dull. He's a flat out over emotional pussy.

Worth mentioning, 8 was the only other game I played in the series. I liked Squall in that game, but truly the character I liked the most was Zell.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Favorite: Terra, Locke & Celes, Ramza Beoulve and Auron.

Least favorite: I don't have time to hate. Therefore, I have no least favorites. Only favorites.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
acidk44 said:
SalamanderJoe said:
Best - Auron or Cecil. They both steal the show.
Worst - Vaan. What strange ribs...

Best villan on a side note is Kefka - not only because of his story, but I beilieve he's still the only Final Fantasy bad guy to desire to be a God, AND succeeds. [sub](sorry if thats a spoiler but it has FF6 has been out two decades now...)[/sub]
mmm... I feel you and I are going to have a "Sephiroth vs. Kefka" fan war... Except i tip my hat to you sir because i do recognize that Sephiroth just wanted to destroy everything (in an emo HAHA evil kinda way) and Kefka just had that... evil... Laugh. Plus everything he said was golden and IS still consider golden today by most FF fans...

But alas I grew up with Sephiroth and the entire cast of FF-7 (that and considering i had 3 copies of the game; YEP 3 COPIES)...

MMM... What is your opinion on this matter, sir?
Everyone has their own favourite and despised Final Fantasy characters. I just personaly found Kefka a more appealing villan than Sephiroth. I did leave FF7 till last however so that may have something to do with it.
Jun 26, 2009
Favorite: Auron, for everything he does is badass, and pretty much everyone Dissidia except...

Least Favorite: Cloud, a character who from then on made everyone think that all JRPG protaganist were emo's. Warrented or not the only reasoning behind it I ever hear is "Urrrrrr... Cloud!".


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Favorite: Zack fair, Zidane tribual, Laguna, Bartz, or Tidus, from most loved to slightly loved
Least favorite: Hope, Lightening/snow, Vaan, Firion, Tidus, Squall/Cloud from most hated to disliked.
I love the happy ones because they are funny and naturally I like characters who make me happy, the mopey ones however, I dislike because they come off a bit to whiny. (You might notice Tidus was one of my most liked and least liked, I like Tidus however, I don't like how he acts in regards to his father.)


New member
May 27, 2009
Favourites are: Tidus, Squall, Vanille, Tifa.

Least Favourite are: Aerith, Hope, Cloud, Yuna, (everyone except Panelo of FFXII).


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Favorites in no particular order:
Vivi, Auron, Squall, Snow, Zidane

The ensembles in 8,9, and 10 were easily the best, with the exceptions of Zell, Quina, and Wakka...

Least favorite, in a very specific order:
Aerith, Vaan, Hope, Wakka, Yuffie (in 7.. they improved her in everything else she did afterwards)

My favorite scene in all of 7 is when Sephiroth comes down and impales Aerith.

And everything that had to do with 12 (except Balthier) was excruciatingly bad. They should have called the most recent Final Fantasy FFXII, and just pretended the real 12 never happened...