Paragon Fury said:
"They" didn't take your games away. Nintendo took a minigame out. I don't see how removing one part of a game counts as taking your games away.
Dude. Stop throwing around the word censorship like that. I didn't want to associate people willingly changing their work with censorship, but people kept insisting that self-censorship was a thing, so fine. Censorship is constantly used as a loaded word, people act like every time it happens is a horrible encroachment on freedom of speech and people who supports it hate freedom. However, self-censorship is also a thing, therefore I cannot stand by censorship being an always evil thing, because doing that would mean I am denying developers the right to change their own. Goddamn. Work. So yeah. Maybe take a step back before you start declaring what other people have the "right" to do. You do not have that authority, you will never have that authority. That'd mean something if developers changing things was a black or white morality thing, a concept I do not and will never buy. The developer changed the game. No one forced them to do it. They changed it in a way that they thought would reach the audience better. You can disagree with it if they want, but they are not in any moral wrong by changing it.
Trust me, if SJWs "Won" there'd be a lot more smug rubbing it in. There's always been self-censorship every time someone releases something to a general public. Developers, writers and artist tweak their work all the time, because most of us don't like pissing people off, and I really don't see what's so terrible about that. The fact that you think this is a recent development reflects a severe lack of understanding on your part on how the creative process works.
Diversity quotas? Either you're being extremely sarcastic or you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Seriously, can you please draw me a map to how we get from "One minigame maybe 10% of the western audience was actually interested in removed" to diversity quotas? Because there's a pretty damn big gap there.
You honestly consider this a threat? The removing of skinshipping? Really? If this wasn't under everyone's microscope, it would've been removed and everyone would've gone on their way being none the wiser.
Developers want to change their characters. Again. I fail to see what's so horrible about this. Maybe it's because I'm a writer who's changed my work on several occasions to avoid pissing people off with no shame about it, but this all comes across as much ado about nothing.
Yeah, making the bulk of its profits overseas. Because it was an xbox exclusive (A console that has absolutely no support base in Japan) for the first game and stopped being that afterwards, whereupon the majority of sales were in its home region.
Taking out one mini-game and changing one scene = heavily censoring? That's barely any changes made. What's the qualification for censorship to be "heavy"?
Admit what? That localization is a thing? Nintendo described this as business as usual. Just because it took sensationalist news for people to realize this was a thing doesn't mean it wasn't a thing before now. Hell, people were more than happy with it when it was done in a way they liked. Or do Ace Attorney fans not realize that the original Japanese Maya didn't talk about how she wanted to eat hamburgers all the time?
Bottom line, I really don't see the removal of one of the dumbest video games I've ever seen as a violation of any kind of freedoms, nor do I see how it's supposed to lead to anything worse.