Wow, I am frustrated by Fox News but absolutely APPALLED by the escapist community's response.
First of all, I'm not sure what the rest of you were watching but this is what I saw:
The host opens up with the headline grabbing "should Call of Duty get taxpayer funding" bs
The host then says to Brian "When you (meaning non-gamers) think of video games you do think of Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto and the like..." (Which is absolutely true, whether the escapist thinks so or not)
Brian Ambrozy gets the first word, and he says right away that those types of games are not up for funding, that only independent and artistic developers qualify.
The show continues playing the COD:BO clips because those were ALREADY-ASSEMBLED and easily accessible game clips which saved Fox some time. (And don't anyone even dare pretend that every other news agency in the world doesn't cut those kind of corners when possible)
The radio asshole (who is NOT! the Fox News host nor a Fox employee) throws out an insult that misses the point. If the radio guy had any valid point, it is the timing of this move to add game funding through the NEA.
Brian kind of misses the point of whether GOVERNMENT-BACKED games should exist when he points out how strong the capitalist game industry is.
The radio asshole than follows up with some screaming.
And the segment ends
This segment was clearly assembled by people who aren't video-game player, which I would expect given the network's audience.
They gave Brian Ambrozy an opportunity to defend his industry, and he did so very well.
The only people who are going to be convinced this is some kind of outrageous plot for game propaganda are the minority of Fox watchers who believe that kind of thing already.
No harm was done, Brian stood up for the game industry, and the radio host made himself look like an asshole.
The real people I'm disgusted with are the supposedly enlightened escapist community members who see no problem with wanting physical violence against Fox viewers or the network itself. Even if you're joking. That mindset is really pointless, and if this very comment board were shown to older, non-gaming, conservative Fox viewers or employees, it would only serve to reenforce the idea that video game players are violent, despicable, arrogant little pieces of shit.