Fox News Begins Two-Part Series Linking Games to Mass Murder

Hungry Donner

Mar 19, 2009
*ponders the lengths he goes to to avoid cleaning in real life*
*ponders the many hours he has spent organizing game inventories*

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this game thing doesn't really stick.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
IanDavis said:
However, the article does end with Dr. Doug Gentile, who's quoted as being rather reasonable. "I think it's the wrong question -- whether there is a link between mass shootings and violent video game play... I understand people want to look for a culprit, but the truth of the matter is that there is never one cause." Clearly, Dr. Gentile isn't thinking about the children!
This is such an excellent clever way to end it. Now Fox News can deny any actual allegations that they're pushing an agenda. "But we put a disclaimer at the end. This is all a what if scenario! ;)"


New member
May 5, 2012
To be fair all Fox News viewers already believe this shit and people who don't watch Fox News know they spew shit at a rate that would dwarf any sewer outlet pipe. This doesn't concern me.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Guess they have to find something to blame for people killing roomfuls of people with guns instead of easy access to guns.
Not saying easy access to guns causes mass murder.
But i would be willing to go so far as to say that it does not hinder it.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Quick question. Is this the oppinion of the entire network or just one of the local channels? I ask as my local(I don't know how to underline) has actually said negative on this multiple times ( twice that i've seen). Also my oppinion 'bout the whole violent games make serial killers argument, I have to decry bullshit on that one, otherwise everybody on this earth would beem killed by screaming profanity spewing COD players. Disclaimer:note I am not speaking about the majority of players just that type.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Doom? Mortal Kombat? Really, Fox?

I mean, if you're gonna play up this same, damn song again, could you at least get some new examples? Why not talk about how you can enslave people in Fallout, or how you can shoot anyone you damn well please in Saint's Row, or how there's wonky, awkward sex in Ride to Hell: Retribution.

... Or you could simply stop trying to harp on video games like they're some kind of evil plague, especially given how no study has ever supported such a fact. Correlation =/= causation.

But then again, they're a joke anyway.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Zachary Amaranth said:
erttheking said:
That's certainly a good point. I still think it's a possibility though, I love Bioshock Infinite but it sure as Hell wasn't subtle. It even shows in the advertisements.
That could still be too subtle. They might actually think it's supporting their line of thought. :p

I've known more than a few viewers who didn't see why Andrew Ryan is the bad guy in Bioshock.

Or, should I say, didn't really see him as a villain.

MCerberus said:
So you're saying The Milk Man works for Fox News?
I...I don't know. After that post I started to swallow my tongue and needed to be sedated.

Do you know how hard it is to type this message with my nose on a Galaxy S4?
*Sigh* Christ who the Hell am I kidding, you're right. Though that puts a more terrifying thought into my head. My Dad is a right wing nut job, thankfully he knows jack about video games but the last thing I need is for him to come in while I'm playing Bioshock Infinite or one of the places where the Enclave show up in Fallout. He'd probably get pissed at the sterotype, or wonder why they aren't the good guys, I'm honestly not sure which is worse.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Oh, so the circus is going to run a program on violent video games since fox news is ran by Clown's and Puppets? I'll order some cotton candy. Honestly, fox is a joke.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
This happens every fucking year, multiple fucking times. Just fucking quit already, it was cute at first but I'm starting to think they actually believe the absolute bollocks they spew forth from their anus shaped pie holes.

I'm so fucking done.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
I'm not touching this one, and neither should you. I don't care anymore. Let's ignore them together and play our violent video games. Let's not actually engage in a meaningful rebuttal of this meaningless crap.
Rebutting Fox News is a full time job for 3 people working in shifts.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
Here we go again~

Also I watched the Nasa stream yesterday, and the guy explained things like oculus rift's possible applications, and video games in general.
He also said that 97% of all kids in america play videogames. Good luck making a reliable link to killers.


. . . . . . . .
Aug 3, 2013
FINALLY!! At last we have someone who can be seen as rational, sane, impartial, and agenda free looking into this issue. Hot diggity!

Honestly I was hoping the paragons of honesty at the Daily Mail would champion this issue, but Fox News is a good second choice.

I await the day this fact filled series makes all of you here that defend these mass murder simulators rethink your ill formed and frankly ludacris opinions. HUZZAH!!!


New member
Jan 31, 2012
This just in! Every recent shooting in the US has been perpetrated by someone known to *gasp* DRINK SODA. Are sugary beverages just liquid murder in disguise?


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Willinium said:
Quick question. Is this the oppinion of the entire network or just one of the local channels? I ask as my local(I don't know how to underline) has actually said negative on this multiple times ( twice that i've seen). Also my oppinion 'bout the whole violent games make serial killers argument, I have to decry bullshit on that one, otherwise everybody on this earth would beem killed by screaming profanity spewing COD players. Disclaimer:note I am not speaking about the majority of players just that type.
In general, FOX News's primary network is very much against violent games. However, from my experience, the local FOX News channels tend to be much more level-headed about this and pretty much every other major issue than the primary channel is.

Anyways, everyone has known for a while that FOX News hasn't moved past the belief that violent games cause violent behavior. This is hardly surprising. Personally, I just find their attempts humorous at this point because it is obvious that they really don't have any power in this matter, given that their ranting on violent games isn't necessarily harming the industry at all or making any of its products illegal.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
All I can say is: Really guys? Doom!? Were the makers of this also beyond impressed with the camera equipment used to film this?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Ldude893 said:
FOX News posted an online poll in conjunction with this; asking people whether they believe that video games cause people into committing violent crimes.

The []
It was posted onto reddit /r/gaming. After it was linked there a huge spike of no occurred.

Often times when reddit or 4chan is linked a flood of votes happen. So it may or may not be the fox news readers' opinions.

Edit: Considering the comment section /v/ was probably linked to it as well


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Wait. realization. I know why Fox hates THE EVIL GAMES instead of guns. You see, when gun companies see people wanting to collect data or state that (and correctly) more guns = more shooting, likely to the innocents, they freak the hell out and start screaming about communists.

With games, gamers and companies point to past studies and historic context (the Seduction of the Innocent comic scare being a personal favorite). When someone proposes a new study, we're mostly 'come at us bro', since it has been studied already.

Fox News hates facts, so which group will they support?


New member
Jul 10, 2008
Reporting actual news has long since fell by the wayside since these stations became 24 hour opinion pieces that regurgitate facebook/twitter comments in lieu of actual content. But Fox is the easily worst of the bunch, blatantly lying to the point of propaganda in their twisting of information and getting "experts" who have no knowlege of the topic to prove their point. Heck I'm surprised that after Obama got elected their heel turn didn't give the entire staff whiplash.

Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, whatever it may be, but keep it out of what is supposed to be news. To quote Dragnet: "Just the facts, ma'am."