COR 2000 said:
..I applaud you profusely! God, that made me lol so hard..
As for @Kuchinawa212, I also lol'd and wish to subscribe to your newsletter!
@Cryofthewolf, as an Australian citizen, the actual topic of the internet filter has died out a bit, but I'm sure there's still a massive petition to stop it for good. Hell, the internet connection overall in Australia is BULLSHIT, which made watching Desert Bus absolute torture when it came to announcing it to my parents. o.o
@Demonio Penguino, you're being a little over-the-top, moreso than the rest of us. Continual posting several times, sheer lack of the edit button. Try and catch up with 2010? =D
Now, if I could mention one other thing.. This woman is on
FACEBOOK! That in itself is a kind of game. Well, social network first, but there are MANY countless apps that are games. These might be taboo words, but FarmVille, Cafe World, even Mafia Wars.. They're all games that are FREE and you can CHOOSE what you want to play. My own mother plays FarmVille and such and she's older than this trout. Hell, my mother used to play the EXACT same games as me a few years ago! Final Fantasy, Terranigma, Lufia, even Mario. Now, she's settling with FarmTown/FarmVille, cafe's and whatever.
This "frumpy mom" may try and say "Why not start your own real world equivalent of that instead of staring blankly at a computer screen?" The answer is simple. IT'S FUN FOR THE PERSON PLAYING IT. It's a recreational tool for enjoyment. And if this Frumpy Dumpty (not my term) wants to claim that my mother and I are brain-dead zombies, then how about she check my mother's extensive resume with countless computing/IT/nursing degrees and diplomas? How about my natural love of computers and video games and from that, wanting to make that a career. Does she not realize that game designers make MILLIONS when they're in the upper layers of the business. She's fighting an inferno with a measly fire and we're the inferno.