Funny events in anti-woke world


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This doesn't mean he's beyond redemption, but I am deeply skeptical he'll have remorse and recant.
As far as I'm concerned, he is beyond redemption. Him and his brother. When you're involved with human trafficking support rape, and blaming the women who are the victims of rape, those two get nothing from me.

I think what people need to get their heads around is that the "nice" child they once knew has either gone, or that it was only ever a veneer that was eventually stripped away when no longer advantageous.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
As far as I'm concerned, he is beyond redemption. Him and his brother. When you're involved with human trafficking support rape, and blaming the women who are the victims of rape, those two get nothing from me.
I always entertain the possibility that some people can, with time and reflection, realise what they did was awful and end up feeling genuine remorse. Even people who have done truly despicable things. We don't have to fully forgive them, but we can at least accept their contrition with grace: it will have made them better human beings than the truly unrepentant, and they will bear the pain of guilt which the unrepentant will not.

However, I think this rehabilitation usually comes from people who lived in extremely difficult circumstances and corrosive social environments that perhaps caused them to lack opportunities to know better. Once in another environment and with access to other perspectives, they can rethink and begin to appreciate the gravity of their sins. This strikes me as much less likely in the case of the Tates. Despite whatever troubles or issues in their upbringing, they seem to have chosen to be repellent scum, as adults, with control over their lives and plenty of opportunities to behave otherwise.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This strikes me as much less likely in the case of the Tates. Despite whatever troubles or issues in their upbringing, they seem to have chosen to be repellent scum, as adults, with control over their lives and plenty of opportunities to behave otherwise.
Exactly. Other than an abusive grandfather, and their dad being a douche, both of them chose to be misogynistic butt-fucks, and chose to lead teenage boys down the wrong path. At least their sister chose to make something of herself and chose to become an attorney. The sister wants no involvement with her brothers, and I do not blame her.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
So I did some quick math. I research how much we should pay African Americans for slavery, and redlining based on how much we paid Japanese Americans. First I calculated 20 thousand in 1988 when Japanese Americans got paid, then adjusted for inflation that's 50 thousand dollars. But we are not done. I then calculated the four years that Japanese Americans suffered under internment, and I would argue slavery is a lot worse, but let's continue. I then did 76 which is the number of years African Americans suffered under the civil war plus slavery. 76/4 times 50 thousand goes out to 950 thousand dollars. Add in the fact that the average white person's wealth is around 172 thousand, and the average black family around 20 thousand(red-lining). And we are looking at a total of around a million dollars plus. And that's a relativity conservative estimate since there is an argument to be made that slavery>internment camps in harm due to increased chance of rape, and lynching, and I didn't even factor in other institutional racism. times that by 35 out of 41 million which is a rough guess on how many African Americans were descendants of slaves. We would need Thirty-five trillion in order to do reparations. Okay, let's argue Civil War was the bloodiest war, and knock off some of that. We would still need at least 20 trillion if we did the Newsom plan.


~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Had to search for an appropriately censored tweet

Also it's apparently filmed in the UK. The songpinganq account appears to be a rabid conspiracy fearmongering peddling account meant to push a narrative that china is supremely psycho-fascist evil and any politics left of centre-right is working to enact this psycho-fascist evil unto western civilization, and especially conservatives. They seem to have put out a correction for this one, but revealed with it their tactic of just sharing any old shit as long as it feeds the fear. All their other posts are no less awful. Is no surprise Peterson follows it.

Tried scrolling to find Peterson's post but it looks like he may have deleted it. It's not easy to tell cause he posts so fucking much, just like the aforementioned account, also retweeting themselves which I learnt only recently is like a big cheat boost for the algorithm...they're all just sweaty fucking clout goblins with nowt better to do than cramming as much sordid bullshit into online space as they can to boost their own wallets and egos. No concern for truth, no need for integrity...the cult is comfortably indoctrinated and well fed with constant dripfeed of relentless utter crap whenever they log in.

Added context;

Male Milking Controversy
On March 11th, 2023, Peterson quote-tweeted (from his recently re-instated by Elon Musk Twitter account) a video from a conspiracy theory account purporting to show a male milking laboratory in China. There is no evidence for male milking in the People's Republic of China, and online users rapidly identified the video Peterson shared as an extract of a British pornographic fetish film. The film, as posters noted, was produced in the southwest of England by a "techno-sexual gadget girl" dominatrix.[14] The highly NSFW post shocked and surprised many, including @Win98Tech (seen below) who received almost 10,000 likes for tweeting a George Bush Learning About 9/11 meme describing the situation.[13]

windows 98 Tech Support @Win98 Tech Sir, Jordan Peterson is retweeting cockmilking porn thinking its a Chinese Sperm factory PRE MA MIC 12:51 AM. Mar 12, 2023 267.7K Views Dr Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson Such fun in unbelievable techno-nightmare CCP hell. Songpinganq @songpinganq 6h What's going on in China? Three Children Policy? Warning Graphic Pictures Show this thread 796 Retweets 43 Quote Tweets 9,017 Likes ...

Peterson deleted the tweet in question shortly after posting it, but others screenshotted and saved the tweet, including a reply by his daughter Mikhaila telling him not to tweet such things. Many posted memes about the ridiculousness of Peterson's posting, such as @KyleTrainEmoji, who made a Goatse joke and received almost 5,500 likes on March 12th (seen below left).[16] Others, like @robrousseau, pointed out that Peterson had exposed many of his underage followers to graphic pornography through the quote tweet, and questioned his judgment and his moral character, receiving almost 12,000 likes (seen below right).[17]

Kyle @KyleTrainEmoji me: *handing Jordan Peterson a glossy printout of goatse* China JP: *staring at it tearfully* oh no. oh no. oh my god 3:49 AM Mar 12, 2023 133K Views 572 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 5,148 Likes ... Rob @robrousseau Did Jordan Peterson check to see if he had any underage followers before he retweeted that femdom machine milking fetish video to millions of people 2:25 AM Mar 12, 2023 777.2K Views 559 Retweets 44 Quote Tweets 11.2K Likes ...
The original video came from the Chinese conspiracist account @songpinganq, which also posted prolifically about 15 Minute Cities and anti-vaxx content. @songpinganq is followed by the official account of Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey, as of March 2023.[15]

SRUS NEW Songpinganq @songpinganq Millions of Chinese people being imprisoned in quarantine camps now Joined March 2021 15.4K Following 85.8K Followers Followed by Dr Jordan B Peterson and jack Follow
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
So I did some quick math. I research how much we should pay African Americans for slavery, and redlining based on how much we paid Japanese Americans. First I calculated 20 thousand in 1988 when Japanese Americans got paid, then adjusted for inflation that's 50 thousand dollars. But we are not done. I then calculated the four years that Japanese Americans suffered under internment, and I would argue slavery is a lot worse, but let's continue. I then did 76 which is the number of years African Americans suffered under the civil war plus slavery. 76/4 times 50 thousand goes out to 950 thousand dollars. Add in the fact that the average white person's wealth is around 172 thousand, and the average black family around 20 thousand(red-lining). And we are looking at a total of around a million dollars plus. And that's a relativity conservative estimate since there is an argument to be made that slavery>internment camps in harm due to increased chance of rape, and lynching, and I didn't even factor in other institutional racism. times that by 35 out of 41 million which is a rough guess on how many African Americans were descendants of slaves. We would need Thirty-five trillion in order to do reparations. Okay, let's argue Civil War was the bloodiest war, and knock off some of that. We would still need at least 20 trillion if we did the Newsom plan.
What's the point in all that maths when the figure has been put at around $200k?

For 35 million people, That's about $7 trillion (under a third of US GDP). Although the government would get a decent chunk back in taxes, plus it would function as a general economic stimulus. Also, it could be delivered under a scheme to spread out the costs over a period of time (say, 10-20 years).

This is manageable.

And with an arrangement, the Fed could just print it and give it to the government, so not even any need for taxes.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I love it when criminals publicly document their very real, serious crimes without even attempting to talk to a lawyer first

View attachment 8244
Tangent here I know but:

1) it's impressive to see people turn on Jesse Signal who was one of the few people covering Trans issues in vaguely mainstream places all because he dared suggest maybe a 3-4 year old saying they want to be girl isn't grounds to then put them on life altering drugs just on the kids say so.

2) Something doesn't add up here. Why would people actually against Trans people be working at such a centre that held actual trans people transition?

Had to search for an appropriately censored tweet

Ok so is the anti woke thing here Peterson apparently doesn't realise that it's a fetish video?
Or is it some-one claiming to be progressive dunking on a person who literally has a known degree of brain damage for not realising it was a fetish video?

Because to some-one a bit more innocent, yeh China the place that's been accused of organ harvesting from inmates setting up some kind of dystopian breast milk selling station or something isn't a million miles into the impossible.


~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Because to some-one a bit more innocent, yeh China the place that's been accused of organ harvesting from inmates setting up some kind of dystopian breast milk selling station or something isn't a million miles into the impossible.
Uhh...that ain't a breast milking video. 😬
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So I did some quick math. I research how much we should pay African Americans for slavery, and redlining based on how much we paid Japanese Americans. First I calculated 20 thousand in 1988 when Japanese Americans got paid, then adjusted for inflation that's 50 thousand dollars. But we are not done. I then calculated the four years that Japanese Americans suffered under internment, and I would argue slavery is a lot worse, but let's continue. I then did 76 which is the number of years African Americans suffered under the civil war plus slavery. 76/4 times 50 thousand goes out to 950 thousand dollars. Add in the fact that the average white person's wealth is around 172 thousand, and the average black family around 20 thousand(red-lining). And we are looking at a total of around a million dollars plus. And that's a relativity conservative estimate since there is an argument to be made that slavery>internment camps in harm due to increased chance of rape, and lynching, and I didn't even factor in other institutional racism. times that by 35 out of 41 million which is a rough guess on how many African Americans were descendants of slaves. We would need Thirty-five trillion in order to do reparations. Okay, let's argue Civil War was the bloodiest war, and knock off some of that. We would still need at least 20 trillion if we did the Newsom plan.
yeh but then you have to re-adjust those figures based on the opportunities America now presents people vs the native countries their ancestors were stolen from.

Also it's apparently filmed in the UK. The songpinganq account appears to be a rabid conspiracy fearmongering peddling account meant to push a narrative thst china is supremely psycho-fascist evil and any politics left of centre-right is working to enact this psycho-fascist evil unto western civilization, and especially conservatives. They seem to have put out a correction for this one, but revealed with it their tactic of just sharing any old shit as long as it feeds the fear. All their other posts are no less awful. Is no surprise Peterson follows it.

I tried scrolling to find Peterson's post but it looks like he may have deleted it. It's not easy to tell cause he posts so fucking much, just like the aforementioned account, also retweeting themselves which I learnt only recently is like a big cheat boost for the algorithm...they're all just sweaty fucking clout goblins with nowt better to do than cramming as much sordid bullshit into online space as they can to boost their own wallets and egos. No concern for truth, no need for integrity...the cult is comfortably indoctrinated and well fed with constant dripfeed of relentless utter crap whenever they log in.

Added context;

As a reminder

Sesame Credit



Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
What's the point in all that maths when the figure has been put at around $200k?

For 35 million people, That's about $7 trillion (under a third of US GDP). Although the government would get a decent chunk back in taxes, plus it would function as a general economic stimulus. Also, it could be delivered under a scheme to spread out the costs over a period of time (say, 10-20 years).

This is manageable.

And with an arrangement, the Fed could just print it and give it to the government, so not even any need for taxes.
yeh but then you have to re-adjust those figures based on the opportunities America now presents people vs the native countries their ancestors were stolen from.

As a reminder

Sesame Credit

I feel like 200K would get you like 1/4 of a house in California.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
What's the point in all that maths when the figure has been put at around $200k?

For 35 million people, That's about $7 trillion (under a third of US GDP). Although the government would get a decent chunk back in taxes, plus it would function as a general economic stimulus. Also, it could be delivered under a scheme to spread out the costs over a period of time (say, 10-20 years).

This is manageable.

And with an arrangement, the Fed could just print it and give it to the government, so not even any need for taxes.
Also, the Newsom plan does 200K plus increased welfare programs like government-provided X, Y, and Z.