Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
For some time now I've grown rather annoyed about the double standards leftist politicians are held to. Talk all you want about a ''left wing bias'' but frequently its the left who gets slandered and the right which gets forgiven.

The mental health of the two presidential candidates is of course the most recent example. Biden's mental faculties are hyper focused on while Trump's obvious mental decline never got such attention. But it goes beyond that.

Just look at how representatives and challengers of the status quo are described in the press. According to the press there are only two sort of leftists. People who want to change the status quo like Corbyn and to a lesser extend Sanders get deemed as extremely dangerous radicals but if you're a left leaning politician who doesn't want to change the status quo then the press describes you as ''boring''. Meanwhile the right can actually run the most dangerous radicals imaginable while having legions of shills trying to gaslight us that they honestly don't mean it so bad. Meanwhile the more normal right wing politicians don't get instantly deemed to be ''boring'' the moment they want to keep the status quo. Instead they get to be the ''adults in the room''.

Personal traits that don't hinder the right are also used to malign politician on the left. Often the left is blamed for a lack of cheer. In response to setbacks they are deemed ''sour'', their bearings around voters sometimes called ''icy''. But a politician like Geert Wilders who has never been caught having a good mood never gets blamed for his lack of cheer. Often left leaning politicians are also class shamed in ways their far more posh right wing counterparts don't. When a right wing politician is classy or posh we're supposed to find it charming or that it reflects professionalism. But when these traits exist in a left wing person the narrative becomes ''Pff! Look at this ELITE looking down at us from his ivory tower!''

Different standards for professionalism also apply. You can be on the left and be deemed unfit for office if you eat a sandwitch, but if you're on the right and you're Boris Johnson or Trump your lack of professionalism and class becomes ''folksy'' or ''funny''

And on and on it goes.

Some examples of this in action

-The running theme of the press with Biden, with Sholtz and with Keir Stammer can be summed up as ''Yeah they're not literally insane like their opponents but aren't these old guys BORING!''
-Cameron, Sunak, Pechtold and the like are evidently upper class posh right and to some extend base their personas of it. And while this is noticed and sometimes prompt dislike it hardly ever gets used as a reason to discount them. But with left leaning persons like Sanders or Timmermans you have people scoff about their imagined richness and use it to discount everything they say and do.
-Corbyn was raked over the coals about how dangerous he was for the economy even when his opponents were leading Britain out of the EU. Meanwhile there was also some slander of antisemitism that conveniently never get so far when the far right makes such claims. (ironically Corbyn would later prove all his detractors correct by his antics around Russia)
-Clinton was of course maligned for not taking her defeat with much grace even if the people who take the most offence of that excuse Trump whenever he loudly whines about how the deck is ''stacked against him''. Or how Trump tried doing a literal coup after he lost. In Europe there's also a rich tradition of the left being deemed sore losers when its the demagogic right that keeps insisting their opponents do not represent the people whenever they're not in power.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Different standards for professionalism also apply. You can be on the left and be deemed unfit for office if you eat a sandwitch, but if you're on the right and you're Boris Johnson or Trump your lack of professionalism and class becomes ''folksy'' or ''funny''
The United States once had a Connecticut-born Harvard graduate put on a ten-gallon hat and a hokey Texan accent and become enough of "a guy I'd like to have a beer with" to get elected President. He went on to not even bother to stop reading a child's book to respond to the worst terrorist attack the country ever suffered.

On the other hand, we had a President who was attacked for wearing a tan suit.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
In Australia, a Labor Premier falling down stairs while sober is a big deal, while the leader of the National Party collapses drunk while swearing in public (more than once) and it's not biggie.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
For some time now I've grown rather annoyed about the double standards leftist politicians are held to. Talk all you want about a ''left wing bias'' but frequently its the left who gets slandered and the right which gets forgiven.

The mental health of the two presidential candidates is of course the most recent example. Biden's mental faculties are hyper focused on while Trump's obvious mental decline never got such attention. But it goes beyond that.
Huh? There was tons of stories about Trump mental capabilities. And Biden is obviously worse mentally than Trump. You have the whole covid narrative where republicans ended up being right about a lot of stuff (and peer countries were in line with what republicans were in favor of) and still no apologies or anything. The Great Barrington Declaration was smeared as anti-science and called "dangerous". You had the media and democrats pushing the narrative hardcore for like 3 years that Trump colluded with Russia to "steal" the election in 2016, yet the people that think the democrats stole the election are considered idiots and conspiracy theorists when both should be in the same boat.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Huh? There was tons of stories about Trump mental capabilities. And Biden is obviously worse mentally than Trump.
I doubt we can meaningfully assess it either way, but I don't share your confidence.

Both Biden and Trump clearly have flaky memories typical for someone their age - forgetting and mixing up names, places, etc. However, firstly I think whilst that often looks bad (especially with 24/7 news, social media etc. to exaggerate it), it's often quite superficial. Underneath, the better part of understanding and judgement that really matters may still be there.

Biden's has lapses of attention and concentration: sort of "where am I and what am I doing?" moments. Again, not unusual for his age. Trump appears not to, but Trump has other problems. He seems to talk incoherent garbage a lot: imagine an old dude raging at passing cars and muttering about pet hates. I think this causes a trick of perception: the cognitive bias that people tend to confuse confidence with competence. Trump seems confident and energetic, and so people tend to overlook that a lot of what he's saying is incoherent or rambling.

But how do you compare occasional vacant moments against disordered thought and determine which is "worst" in terms of mental competence? I don't know. But I know the USA would do better for both Biden and Trump to be permanently retired from frontline politics.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I doubt we can meaningfully assess it either way, but I don't share your confidence.

Both Biden and Trump clearly have flaky memories typical for someone their age - forgetting and mixing up names, places, etc. However, firstly I think whilst that often looks bad (especially with 24/7 news, social media etc. to exaggerate it), it's often quite superficial. Underneath, the better part of understanding and judgement that really matters may still be there.

Biden's has lapses of attention and concentration: sort of "where am I and what am I doing?" moments. Again, not unusual for his age. Trump appears not to, but Trump has other problems. He seems to talk incoherent garbage a lot: imagine an old dude raging at passing cars and muttering about pet hates. I think this causes a trick of perception: the cognitive bias that people tend to confuse confidence with competence. Trump seems confident and energetic, and so people tend to overlook that a lot of what he's saying is incoherent or rambling.

But how do you compare occasional vacant moments against disordered thought and determine which is "worst" in terms of mental competence? I don't know. But I know the USA would do better for both Biden and Trump to be permanently retired from frontline politics.
I don't think either are fit to hold office. The statement that Trump's mental ability hasn't gotten the same attention as Biden is rather odd if you at all remember how much attention that got during Trump's presidency.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
I don't think either are fit to hold office. The statement that Trump's mental ability hasn't gotten the same attention as Biden is rather odd if you at all remember how much attention that got during Trump's presidency.
Sure - they've certainly both been well remarked-upon. It would probably be more accurate to say that doubts about Trump's cognitive capabilities haven't gained the same traction as doubts about Biden's.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Sure - they've certainly both been well remarked-upon. It would probably be more accurate to say that doubts about Trump's cognitive capabilities haven't gained the same traction as doubts about Biden's.
I'd say the story on Trump's merely ended at some point whereas we are still in the midst of Biden's because people don't really want him to run again. Questioning Trump mental cognitive ability was rather lengthy and during his presidency. Don't you remember the whole "Person Woman Man Camera TV" thing? Bringing it back up again would just be a retread at this point.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Its funny migration rhetoric seems to be a bit like substance abuse for right wing parties. They know its bad for them and that it keeps trapping them in situations they don't want to be in, but they just can't help themselves.

The right wing parties are tactically against migrants, not ideologically. They spread anti migrant rhetoric because they want votes, not because they actually want to deprive their donors of the cheap labor that migration brings. Which makes it funny that it keeps backfiring.

The evident example is Brexit. The Tories absolutely didn't want to oversee the financial debacle but it was convenient for them to organise the referendum anyway. The end result for cashing in on anti migrant sentiment was that the party of big business had to nuke the economy and its been chaos ever since.

But in the Netherlands the VVD(the Dutch Tories) fell into the same trap. They opportunistically blew up the coalition and pretended there was some big migrant crisis that justified this. They did this to run on anti migration policies and assure a more right wing coalition through that. But the end result is that the VVD is now trapped with Geert Wilders as their senior partner who's populist ''free beer economics'' are a horror for the Dutch tories.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
In Australia, a Labor Premier falling down stairs while sober is a big deal, while the leader of the National Party collapses drunk while swearing in public (more than once) and it's not biggie.
I really dislike how Lydia keeps banging on about double standards (which is accurate) when this is the worse comparison


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I couldn't find the old thread but here is a deeper dive into that Korean culture war Dwarvenhobble kept going on about that gave me more cultural insight that was only vaguely aware

There is a second part as well so its very long. Also, Korea made China the good guy in this war. Well, Korean men


Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
We could have nuclear fusion and a moon landing for a fraction of that.
To be fair, building one piece of advanced experimental machinery (an experimental fusion reactor or a moon rocket) is very, very different in scale from trying to reshape an entire economic sector of the planet. It's still an extremely silly number given that the current semiconductor industry is apparently worth about $1 trillion, but you could still buy a lot of lunar landers for that.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Maybe this has always been the case, but on a whim I sorted the comments on a Banished: Ghosts of New Eden review by newest. Good Lord, there is an insane amount of "go woke get broke" shit.

Two highlights:
1. Some guy blaming Sweet Baby Inc for this game being woke, despite the former having nothing to do with this game (as far as I can tell).
2. Some racist complaining that the black lady is the white guy's mentor. Oh, and that not only was she "forced" into the game, but she isn't even sexy so what's the point!

I love criticizing games. I enjoy piling shit on games that are bad. But for fuck's sake, use your own Goddamn brain to come up with criticism's instead of just labelling everything "woke".


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I love criticizing games. I enjoy piling shit on games that are bad. But for fuck's sake, use your own Goddamn brain to come up with criticism's instead of just labelling everything "woke".
People who don't just yell woke at everything are brainwashed sheeple, not freethinking mavericks like me.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Some racist complaining that the black lady is the white guy's mentor. Oh, and that not only was she "forced" into the game, but she isn't even sexy so what's the point!
Don't you just love the "forced" and "made [insert something conservatives hate] on purpose" accusation? Because as we all know white people and sexy women just spontaneously pop into existence in games. Afterall, it's not like character design is always done with express purpose, right? White characters just manifest out of thin air during a game's production without a team of artists working for months locking down a design.
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