Funny events in anti-woke world

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The military does not want gun fetishists, because that sort of person is a risk of violating rules of engagement out of impulse.

And has anyone told that sort of yahoo that the military takes their gun back when you don't actively need it? Armories exist for a reason.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Trump and Biden are both realists. It doesn't surprise me that Shivan picked Trump as the more capable realist/pragmatist, but I argue Biden is the better realist/pragmatist.
I'm not so sure about that on either of them.

Trump probably doesn't have the intelligence to possess a concrete foreign policy ideology nor the morals to hold himself to it. Trump in particular is also a low hanging fruit to point to the flaws in realism. A key tenement of realism is that states are rational actors which history mostly rejects, and which the Trump presidency being a very good example of the state not being a rational actor. Another tenement is that these allegedly rational actors inherently strive to increase their national security and national powers at the expense of each other. Here too Trump falls flat since among his core desires was American disentanglement out of the world which would drastically reduce American power and prestige. Even supporters of ''America first'' know that an America retreat from Europe and Asia would surrender those regions to Russia and China at their expense. So in that sense Trump's policies don't seem to combine well with realism.

Not to say there aren't some overlap between Trump and realism. Realism believes geopolitics can only be a zero sum game which tracks with Trump's outlook. And Trump does seem to have a realist's contempt for smaller nations as mere pokerchips to be exchanged between the big boys. But even from a balance of power perspective Trump's beliefs on Europe and Russia don't really fit with realism because Russia(even before exposed as a paper tiger) simply wasn't an equal to the US and thus not in a position to dictate the US should share its sphere of influence with them. Russia might deeply want a modern day Berlin conference where it and the US share an unwilling world between them but Russia simply isn't in a position as America's equal.

I wonder if Trump instead wouldn't be more at home in liberalism which has among its core ideas that cooperation between countries hinges on their systems of government. That democratic countries inherently decrease conflict with other democracies, dictatorship with dictatorships and so on. After all Trump's Russiophilia isn't due to there being any credible belief that surrendering Europe to the Kremlin has any value to the US. Instead Trump seems so devoted to Putin because he's got a schoolgirl's crush on him. Trump even said the ''meaner they are the more I like them. He's always been soft on authoritarians because they are what he wants to be as president. His very open disdain towards Merkel meanwhile originated from her and Germany at that point embodying the rule based order Trump so strongly despises.

In short: I wonder if Trump might not start off from a bargaining position too far removed from the US's actual strength and national interests, and be driven too much by his personal whims and schoolyard crushes to really fit in with the realist school of thought.

Biden meanwhile is a life long advocate of the trans Atlantic alliance and is currently engaged in a clash of systems between authoritarianism and democracy. This would suggest he has overlap with liberalism.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020

Turns out Kyle Rittenhouse is too stupid for the military branch whose meme is they all eat crayons. The rest of this story is how this group polished up Kyle for his trial, got him to actually pass high school, then gave him a free ride through any college of his choice to do whatever he wanted, and he threw it all away.

Oh, but also

Gunnery Sergeant : Left shoulder, hut!

Gunnery Sergeant : Private Kyle, what are you trying to do to my beloved Corps?

Private Kyle : Sir, I don't know, sir!

Gunnery Sergeant : You are dumb, Private Kyle, but do you expect me to believe that you don't know left from right?

Private Kyle : Sir, no, sir!

Gunnery Sergeant : Then you did that on purpose! You wanna be different!

Private Kyle : Sir, no, sir!

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman : [slaps Kyle on the left side of his face] What side was that, Private Kyle?

Private Kyle : Sir, left side, sir!

Gunnery Sergeant: Are you sure, Private Kyle?

Private Pyle : Sir, yes, sir!

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman : [Slaps Kyle on the right side of his face] What side was that, Private Kyle?

Private Kyle : Sir, right side, sir!

Gunnery Sergeant : Don't fuck with me again, Kyle! Pick up your fuckin' cover!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
The military does not want gun fetishists, because that sort of person is a risk of violating rules of engagement out of impulse.

And has anyone told that sort of yahoo that the military takes their gun back when you don't actively need it? Armories exist for a reason.
From what I hear on Reddit Veteran forums the US Air Force, Navy, and Army somewhat are organizations where if you do know how to fire an AR-15 as a farmer, etc. You will perform better than most people. But obviously, you need to be mentally able to a certain extent.

But the Marines have a way of shooting where they outright just prefer someone who hasn't touched a gun vs someone who has preconceived notions on how to do so. They are the branch with the best riflemen. Now if you're open to changing your ways on how to use a gun like in the Marines they will accept but they don't like people who don't follow "code" on how to use a firearm. Their officers are also super capable.

Edit: I took the pre-ASVAB and I got scored pretty high for some reason, granted I was much smarter back then. How do you even score a 10? I mean I get it I took lots of Algeria classes, and two calculus classes, but I was generally not as smart as my peers in my high school. The problems were like what you give to 6-8 grade.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
that cooperation between countries hinges on their systems of government. That democratic countries inherently decrease conflict with other democracies, dictatorship with dictatorships and so on.
Whilst I'd say it's credible that democracies are more likely to get on peacably with other democracies, I really am not sure it holds that dictatorships are likely to have fewer conflicts with other dictatorships. This because democracies tend to work with certain values held by their populaces, which may therefore cause feelings of likemindness and affinity between populations. Dictatorships require no values which might help bind peoples together.

Where it could be true is that dictatorships and democracies may fundamentally see each other as threats. A dictator will look at a democracy and see it provides an example that his people may try to emulate by deposing him. Democracies may similarly see dictatorships as threatening, or they may simply find them morally odious.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
From what I hear on Reddit Veteran forums the US Air Force, Navy, and Army somewhat are organizations where if you do know how to fire an AR-15 as a farmer, etc. You will perform better than most people. But obviously, you need to be mentally able to a certain extent.

But the Marines have a way of shooting where they outright just prefer someone who hasn't touched a gun vs someone who has preconceived notions on how to do so. They are the branch with the best riflemen. Now if you're open to changing your ways on how to use a gun like in the Marines they will accept but they don't like people who don't follow "code" on how to use a firearm. Their officers are also super capable.
Yeah, often best to not have things to unlearn. I heard that's one reason the Gurkhas are so good, they don't grow up watching bad actions movies and getting ideas that need to be drummed out of them.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

The Mormons are what the Catholics pretend to be open, but still religious. They are as dynamic as the protestants of old. They believe in people but still have a tech industry. Their urban planning/design is as good as it gets for a city the size of Salt Lake Utah. I love drinking hot water too much to join them, and I don't believe in the one-god theory. Mitt Romney, and current Utah Senator Mike Lee are what Rand Paul pretends to be.

The cons are that dirty soda is still full of sugar.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
A quick Google tells me that the Empire State Building weighs 365,000 tons. The average weight of a North American is 80kg (obesity rates are quite high), which is about ~12 people per ton, therefore the Empire State Building weighs more than 4 million people.

So I'm going to take a guess that immigrants don't put that much on the strain on the Earth's crust in the NJ/NY area.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014

What the ancient Assyrians could not have possibly predicted, however, was the singular stupidity of the current incarnation of the American right. Unconvinced by thousands of years of scientific inquiry, as well as driven by a general sense of apocalyptic bloodlust, many on the right are trading conspiracy theories about the upcoming eclipse, ranging from the belief that it signals the End Times to the idea that the Biden administration is using it as an opportunity to shut down cellphone service or bring in the National Guard in an effort to make beautiful blond children who play sports transgender.

This latest onslaught of misinformation began, as it often does, with InfoWars host Alex Jones, who has spent the past few weeks ranting on X about the upcoming eclipse. Last week, he posted a clip with the caption: “Major Events Surrounding The April 8th Solar Eclipse[.] Masonic rituals planned worldwide to usher in New World Order.”

The post, which has more than 3,000 retweets and 1 million views, illustrates how the trajectory of the most recent solar eclipse viewable in the United States, as well as the trajectory of the upcoming eclipse, form an “Aleph” and “Tav,” which (as anyone who was forced to go to Hebrew school instead of staying home and using cheat codes to make your Sims woo-hoo naked knows) are the first and last letters in the Hebrew language, signaling the beginning and end times.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
was easier before then to feel caught off balance from what appeared weird intersections of parody and constant thirst for violence. was always there though

twitter preview looks unhelpful for non users, non user friendly version I hope here;
View attachment 10939

Reagan, still so much kuntery we gotta die with today leads back to him. multitudinous cataclismic kuntery!

Of course they use The Punisher logo.

Turns out Kyle Rittenhouse is too stupid for the military branch whose meme is they all eat crayons. The rest of this story is how this group polished up Kyle for his trial, got him to actually pass high school, then gave him a free ride through any college of his choice to do whatever he wanted, and he threw it all away.

Oh, but also

Glad the military don't want him, and consider him too fucked up to legally join. I don't want him in any military nor police, and for him to continue to live in the hell he created for himself. Suffer you shit bag.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America


~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
If no one's had the misfortune of knowing who fresh n fit are, well what better time to learn than the precipice of their public implosion and mental breakdown towards their own audience cos they couldn't handle the very simple predictable repercussions of having unprotected sex with multiple women (maybe girls at time I can't tell) they convinced they were in love and wanted family with simultaneously. (Summary: they're known redpillers with one regularly in claiming to be ex Fed with minimal to no evidence kinda like Tim Ballard but less CIA)

This one's time-stamped to relevent part, so don't let the length intimidate unless the stamp fails to work i suppose lol.

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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No, what you have done for most of your time here is complain about woke. The corporate stuff is accidental
So you admit I have objected to corporate stuff, before you were saying I hadn't lol.

Sorry, I misspoke. They bullied Nex until she committed suicide. Is that better?
Only marginally as there's also no real evidence they did bully Nex, Nex's own words were they thought they were saying stuff about them. No-one not even Nex's friends had corroborated any accounts of actual bullying taking place.

Also please leave the bigotry at home what you wrote is pretty disrespectful to Nex there.
Sorry couldn't resist that, just an FYI Nex is a they not a he or she.

Why you do think I've been trying to get your head out of your own ass since before COVID. So we can actually do something about it. Things have been stupidly bad since at least 2015
And do what I'm the proverbial forum Voldermort lol "He who shall not be acknowledge".

I'm pretty sure I've stated to you that a few of MovieBob's comments are bad. There was one that was very genoicidy from probably over ten years ago now
I'm not disagreeing with you, so... there is no uproar about it
You know that a lot of drama on the internet happens when people defend the opposing sides?
Yes, I get yeeted under another proverbial bus like last time. Near 300 bits of writing for a website erased from the internet because people decided I was some existential threat and I'm getting fed up of having to explain to drivers why I'm under their bus.

What happened when Mr Beast slightly defended a transperson? Death threats?

This is now the norm

That is separate from the fact that Rowling is fabricating evidence and unintentionally (possibly) helping others violently target transpeople
I mean Blaire White gets death threats all the time and she's Trans.