Funny events in anti-woke world

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
So these people just need to *pull up their bootstraps*, ie no external factors in their lives are playing a part there? Or *who gives a fuck* because they’re men, or maybe by extension they’re clearly full of shit? Idk…reading some of the comments it doesn’t seem so black and white. The cynical attitude prevalent in the U.S. is part of what exacerbates peoples’ emotional/mental health and social issues.
No, I said Peterson is full of shit and making money off of selling these men easy/fake answers. The men who are struggling "being men" in a modern society are doing so, because being a traditional man is hard for a lot of men, and isn't doing it for a lot of women anymore either (it probably never did, but now they have more of a voice to speak out about it). So now a lot of men are lost at what to do - women don't really want 'those kind of men', but most of their lives these men were told that's exactly what women wanted, and it's still being reinforced by a lot of what we see in the media. And men like Jordan Peterson have made a very lucrative career from telling these men it's actually feminism that has ruined modern society and made men hate themselves. Well, he started out saying they should clean their room and take care of themselves, but we all know what this has spiraled into over the years.

There are external factors, but they aren't feminism and hypergamy - The go-to target for manosphere celebs like Peterson.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I’m aware JP has questionable views on some things but can’t say this is one of them. Not sure how showing some compassion for people he once called “useless men” himself is a bad thing. Yes I’m aware of how vicious these people can apparently sound on message boards and I guess one of them even drove a van into a bunch of people killing them, but OTOH, they didn’t turn out this way on their own. Our fucked up society played a big part in that, like any other social injustice.
I would be concerned that Peterson has merely realised that he gets more money from sympathising with them than he does for damning them.

So these people just need to *pull up their bootstraps*, ie no external factors in their lives are playing a part there? Or *who gives a fuck* because they’re men, or maybe by extension they’re clearly full of shit? Idk…reading some of the comments it doesn’t seem so black and white. The cynical attitude prevalent in the U.S. is part of what exacerbates peoples’ emotional/mental health and social issues.
A certain problem with incels is that they often come across as... just quite unpleasant people.

As they spew a lot of stuff that's very disrespectful, annoying and offensive to others, so it tends to drive other people to hate them in return.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Peterson has about as much compassion for these men as fucking Andrew Tate has. Which is to say, no, no he does not. They're just a gullible crowd for him to exploit and squeeze money from. It's manosphere bullshit; an ecosystem in which he has set himself up in nicely, and an extension of his already homophobic, transphobic, sexist, and covid-conspiratorial views.

If your first instinct when being a lonely man who can't get a woman is to blame women and feminism, then you're doing it wrong, and you need to be told you're doing it wrong. What you don't, REALLY DON'T need is someone supporting those thoughts.
For Peterson, I think he just wants to be told he is right. It literally doesn't matter if he us actually right. That's never been what this has been about.

Not being a psychologist and all, but if I had a guess, he's has unresolved attention seeking issues... Perhaps worse than Trump


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
So these people just need to *pull up their bootstraps*, ie no external factors in their lives are playing a part there? Or *who gives a fuck* because they’re men, or maybe by extension they’re clearly full of shit? Idk…reading some of the comments it doesn’t seem so black and white. The cynical attitude prevalent in the U.S. is part of what exacerbates peoples’ emotional/mental health and social issues.
He's being a conservative. Laws that apply to other people do not apply to the demographic he likes

Have you ever wondered why conservatives are against Affirmative Action? Just look at their rhetoric. It's mostly about how it gives minorities unfair advantages. That's got nothing to do with stats and all to do with projecting their own ideology onto liberals or progressives. Yes, conservatives, unfair advantages are a bad thing. That's why Affirmative Action exists


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Yeah, I know. You are using the widest possible usage of hoax. AND you pretended that Dems only did it

Here's something more akin to a hoax that happened about the same time as the Jizz Cups

A landlord blamed an immigrant gang for the shoddiness of their properties. They even got a PR firm to make it national news on Fox

This is far more of a hoax than Jizz cups. Many people are getting physically hurt by this hoax.

And this used Fox News to get the GOP riled up to target immigrants so they didn't have to have to pay for locks or cleaning mould

But.... I still wouldn't call this a hoax because the word hoax is used for more serious crimes

And lastly, if you still want to call the Jizz Cups a hoax, just note that you personally spend much of your time here stating false information and accusations that maliciously damages others. Far more than this Jizz Cups story. If this is your standard of what is a hoax, I will be applying to you to
The harm or seriousness doesn't matter to whether something is a hoax.

And, the liberal media does the same shit. I don't know why you guys only point out the lies of the right and act like you're (your team) any better.

What falsehoods have I stated that you have any evidence that are falsehoods?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
The harm or seriousness doesn't matter to whether something is a hoax.

And, the liberal media does the same shit. I don't know why you guys only point out the lies of the right and act like you're (your team) any better.
I have done so here. I just don't get any fights about the media lying when I say it about the Dems. When I say Trump is lying, that's when I get pushback

What falsehoods have I stated that you have any evidence that are falsehoods?
Vitamin D, Affirmative Action, Ventilation, Lockdown, Roe, Chevron, Immunity, BLM, Jan 6, Vaccines, currently the word hoax and pretending that Snopes thinks there was one, transgender, including athletes, whatever you doing with gay marriage at the moment....

I can go on if you like. A better question is when have you not said a falsehood


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
There's a slowed down clip where it's pretty clear what he said.....

Rich Lowry, editor-in-chief of the conservative magazine the National Review, denies saying the N-word during his Sunday appearance on The Megyn Kelly Show. Lowry was discussing baseless claims about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, when he seemed to stumble over his words.

In the clip, which began trending across social media on Monday, Lowry said, “They’ve only found two Springfield residents calling to complain about Haitian migrants taking geese from ponds.” However, a number of users on social media are saying that, before he corrected himself, it sounded like Lowry used the N-word instead of “migrants.”

Host Megyn Kelly did not seem to react to Lowry’s stumble.

X user @peltzmadeline posted the clip and wrote, “Having a hard time coming to any conclusion besides the obvious one about what Rich Lowry catches himself blurting out here.”

In a reply to the post, Andrew McCarthy, a colleague of Lowry’s at the National Review, came to his defense. “Ridiculous,” he wrote, “@richlowry (not tagged here, natch) obviously got crossed up between ‘immigrants’ (short i) and migrants (long i) -- started mispronouncing ‘migrants’ with short i; instantly corrected himself with no embarrassment because it was patently a mispronunciation. Geez.”

Lowry himself soon after agreed with McCarthy’s characterization of what happened. He replied on X, “I began to mispronounce the word ‘migrants’ and caught myself halfway through.”


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I have done so here. I just don't get any fights about the media lying when I say it about the Dems. When I say Trump is lying, that's when I get pushback

Vitamin D, Affirmative Action, Ventilation, Lockdown, Roe, Chevron, Immunity, BLM, Jan 6, Vaccines, currently the word hoax and pretending that Snopes thinks there was one, transgender, including athletes, whatever you doing with gay marriage at the moment....

I can go on if you like. A better question is when have you not said a falsehood
The vast majority of posts here (about hating on a side) is anti-republican, you included.

Ever since I upped my vitamin d (to 60,000-80,000 IUs a week from 15,000-20,000 IUs), I haven't had even had a sore throat in over 16 months. What did I say about affirmative action other than it's racist? What did I say about ventilation other than it works (I believe there's still not a confirmed case of covid that spread outside)? What did I say about Roe other than it being legal nonsense? I don't think I said anything about Chevron. What have I said about immunity that you can prove wrong? I said natural immunity is as good or stronger than the vaccine (CDC's own data confirms that), what was I wrong about? You're the one claiming that without BLM all these riots would have happened IIRC. What have I said about Jan 6th other than a very small amount of people actually did anything? Which you could literally say about BLM as well. All I said that it was spun to be like the worst thing ever and BLM was spun to be some "peaceful" movement when you can spin either in both directions. What did I say about vaccines that you actually have proof that I'm wrong? I simply challenged the fact that there's literally no evidence that vaccines slow transmission (literally not 1 study on that) and that natural immunity is as good or better (again, CDC data says that). Where's your proof that "Boston marriages" were in any way official and gave gay people any kind of benefits that you claimed?