Apologize if anyone has already posted this.
I haven't played Shemue but I get the gist of why people like it and I understand what drew people to the first two games even if I missed out on them at the time(and at this point it probably wouldn't be worth it to go play through them). But man, listening to the poor guy talking about how the game broke his heart was just sad. Also the whole bit about the 2000 Yuan wine, which just strikes me as a form of torture that no sane game developer should entertain in this day and age. That's before he reveals the whole thing is repeated later on with a 5000 Yuan item. I feel the pain and frustration just listening to him talking about it and I didn't spend 20 fucking hours dealing with that BS(if I had I imagine I'd be in Japanese prison right now for attempted/actual murder).
I mean, if there's a fan of the series here who can tell me I'll listen, I guess but it just comes across as deliberately fucking with your fanbase for no reason at all to win over no new fans in the process, satisfying absolutely no one.