Gamers OK With CoD DLC Prices, Says Treyarch


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
Woodsey said:
Ephraim J. Witchwood said:
He's right, it is a fair price. In this day and age, the price point for FPS map packs is about $3 per map (unless you play TF2, then it's free because Valve wouldn't do anything to piss off the whiny PC fanboys).
Hilarious; company does something decidedly better, and you still berate them for it. All their DLC is free by the way, not just TF2's.
I know that. TF2 is the closest thing Valve has to Call of Duty, so that's where I made my comparison.

Is it better? Yes. But Valve has other sources of income and can therefore afford to make a shit-ton of maps and such.

Does Activision have enough? Undoubtedly, yes. They just haven't gotten it through their thick skulls that it's better to do it free or really low priced.

I'm not berating Valve at all. I'm berating the PC fanboys, who will ***** and moan at the slightest provocation. Valve's customer base includes PC fanboys, therefore they don't want to piss them off.
Why would you expect people to not moan if they started charging for things unnecessarily?

360 "fanboys" spend their time bitching and moaning that they don't get the Valve DLC for free (half of whom blame Valve).


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Trezu said:
they shud let you pay for selected maps

I only want the Map Packs For the Zombies but not the Multiplayer Maps
This. 15 bucks for a non-multiplayer-playing player is total bullshit. I play SPLIT-SCREEN multiplayer. Anybody remember that shit? And how fun it was? They'd make SO much more money lowering the price to 10 bucks or, hell, even 5.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Ah, I miss the times when companies released their tools for free so that people could make their own maps. I miss the times when there was no DLC, infact, I miss the times when there was no COD :)


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
I bought Black Ops for £40

For that I got:

1. A great single player campaign (in my opinion), which I have replayed many times.
2. 14 multi-player maps.
3. 4 Zombie maps.

Both of the DLC: £20

For that I got (will get)

1. 8 new multiplayer maps
2. 2 new zombie maps.

As much as I hate to say it, looking at that now it does seem fair, if you like to play multiplayer and zombies (although if you don't why would you buy the DLC anyway)

Believe me I don't like the price rise as well, but lets be honest, you are getting your moneys worth.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
$15 for a few maps, with a $60 price on the original game? I'm sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with those people? Whoopteedoo, zip lines and destructible bridges. I don't think many people give a damn about zip lines, and I would go download a gmod map if I want to see a bridge get destroyed. It's a shame that those COD drones will shovel out as much money as they have for anything COD related... Seriously, guys, COME ON! Take a look at Valve, they release all their DLC for free, and the only reason people pay on the Xbox is because Microsoft is greedy!


I fucking hate all those money grabbers. -_-


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Personally, I think Brotherhood is currently the winner in terms of value.

Animus 1.0:
Contents: 1 new multiplayer game mode, 1 new map.
Price: Free.

Animus 2.0:
Contents: 1 new multiplayer game mode, 1 new map.
Price: Free.

Dusk / Night Maps:
Contents: two reskins of existing maps - Rome and Venice.
Price: Free (earned by the community for racking up an obsurd number of games played and/or kills made).

Animus 3.0:
Contents: 2 new multiplayer modes, 1 new map, four new characters, unlocks for both Limited Edition characters (if you didn't already have them), patch to allow all multiplayer modes to work on all maps (including the ones in the previous DLC packs), a new single-player story arc, two Limited Edition mission unlocks (if you didn't already have them), Limited Edition armour unlock (if you didn't already have it).
Price: £7.99

Yeah... I am going to go ahead and say that is good value from Ubisoft! In particular, I really, really respect them for what they did. The Dusk / Night Map thing was cool, the Animus expansions were great, and then when they finally make us pay for our expansion they not only throw in a big dollop of single-player content, they go back and patch the old stuff AND produce the most awesome game mode I've ever seen.

That is how DLC should be done.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I mustn't be a gamer then, I find that thought pretty amusing considering I blatantly am.

Here I am thinking that I don't have much better things to spend my money on, and yet you will never catch me buying this overpriced junk.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
As my mother always said, something is only worth what you're willing to pay for it. I guess if people want to shell out this much for a few new maps, then more power to them.

Personally, I wouldn't waste my money on the actual game itself, even if it was only costing me AU$10. Still, that's just me...


Mar 27, 2011
I honestly hated a lot of the Black Ops maps. As the multiplayer grew thin, I just stopped with it completely. 15 bucks is money I'm using for a good arcade game. I never liked the idea of paying for more maps. It's not at all a game changer. Just hardly a game "extender."


New member
Oct 22, 2010
It's just testing the market, you put your prices up high and see if people still buy them. If they do then that's fine, if they don't then you lower your price.

Lots of people are still buying them so I don't see the problem - I haven't but then I personally resent paying that amount for what I consider very little.


New member
Dec 3, 2009
I'm a gamer and i'm notok with COD DLC prices

However he is right as long as the fan base who buys this stuff i guess the prices are ok for those who love the game, but guys like me who see it as a mediocre pile of toe nail polish, i'm not happy.