"Games Cause Rape" Psychiatrist Defends Her Position


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I love how she treated the public and gamers for that matter like you treat a fucking preservative. Everybody interested in it knows what they want to do with it and so, it never has an instruction manual.

Back up your statements with evidence, you suffragette-wanna-be. For crying out loud, my brother has a better defense when he steals cookies from the jars!


New member
Mar 24, 2009
When the Columbine murders took place, there were national polls where people voted on what they believed caused the two young men to kill. Media violence ranked high on the list, so I, obviously mistakenly, assumed that people still knew about the studies showing this connection - and believed them to have proven the link.
This woman has the balls to evoke the Columbine killers into this farce of hers? I would slap her for even thinking this helps legitimize her position.
I hope to God I am never in a position to need a psychiatrist. If I do I will ask them first what they think of "Doctor" Lieberman and her allegations. If they showed the faintest hint of agreeing with her, I'd slap them.

We gave the woman a chance to justify her statement, which she failed to do. Time to stop feeding the troll.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Who don't parents take responsibility for not raising their own children?
I've played violent games all my life, and I'm turning out just fine..


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
So wait a minute. The only sources she sited were either ones that refuted her argument or it was just a survey of "Average Joe's" opinion? Way to back up your position thar.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
That picture doesn't do her any good. She looks so smug and self righteous. Pictures of people like that sicken me, I don't really know why,it just really does.
OT: "I'm going to go play Bulletstorm, it looks really fun and th... MURDER AND RAPE. MURDER AND RAPE EVERYTHING."
Seriously though? She seems like one of those people that just automatically assume their oppinion to be fact. The only problem is that currently, there isn't a cure for being stupid.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
To pop back in, apparently this is now known as the "Video Games Incident" by the Center of All Knowledge Ever, with an interesting (and scathing) writeup http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Carole_Lieberman


New member
Dec 16, 2009
She's a Psychiatrist.. she obviously doesn't understand her own doctorate...
Her "professional opinion" on the matter is an idiom, and her claims are unfounded.

Herp derp my evidence is that some ignorant people of the past blamed DOOM for Columbine? I'm amazed you people didn't know about this... WOW.
Congratulations, you think yourself an expert on violence in media, might be time to retire you mad old duck.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
Catalyst6 said:
To pop back in, apparently this is now known as the "Video Games Incident" by the Center of All Knowledge Ever, with an interesting (and scathing) writeup http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Carole_Lieberman
LOL at all the citations needed. According to people like her I should be worse than Joseph Stalin. I've played countless violent games, some of which with sexual content. I'm still a 21 year old virgin with no criminal record. Also that picture of her is just too smug. Does 4chan or 7chan know about her? If not I hope they find out soon, just because it would be so funny to watch Fox and her become more victims of Anon.

(this reminds me, I haven't been able to get to 4chan in a day, this worries me)


New member
Dec 16, 2009
SimuLord said:
How she passed her 100-level science classes in college with so tenuous a grip on the scientific method is beyond me. Unless instances of her wiping her chin as a freshman weren't due to lunch.

It's bad enough that there are people like this to cast a bad light on the psychiatric profession, but she might in the process have set the cause of feminism back fifty years as well.
Given what I've gleaned of the nature of the book, you're not far off.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
I can't wait to see what kind of references this quack is going to come up with to support her study. I can't imagine how someone who claims to be a professional could simply make a claim such as this and not expect to have to actually prove her theory. Even a first year student in her field would know that having references are key to being taken seriously.

A week to be able to show us proof? Please, don't insult our intelligence. If you had done any sort of research on this instead of simply spilling out whatever crap the right-winged idiots from Fox wanted to hear, you would be able to provide it to us right away. Just because you have a PhD doesn't mean that your word is law. For crying out loud, even Wikipedia has better standards than this idiot.

Guess she wasn't expecting anyone to contradict her "facts", much less us gamers. After all, we're all busy committing violent crimes, raping anything that moves, causing cancers and killing rainbows (Why not? Makes as much sense as what they're already claiming...).

I took the liberty of doing some research of my own on a few websites that publish research Journals, specifically related to psychology, to see if I could find any of her so called proof. I found the usual suspects about violent media and its effect on people, but when it came to finding a study that actually looked at the relation specifically between video games and rape, I couldn't find anything (if anyone is interested or you have nothing better to do, you are free to take a look for yourselves: http://www.socialpsychology.org/journals.htm ).

Here's my "professional" opinion: Dr Carole Lieberman is a sad old woman with no social life and zero credit when it comes to her expertise on video games, who feels the need to validate her miserable existence with whatever attention she can grab, even if that means feeding rubbish to gullible people without any founded proof to back her delusional claims. I'll give you my references in a week...


New member
Nov 27, 2009
weeelllll, have you ever met my friend Kyle's mum.........

This song pop up in anybody else's head when they seen this?


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
She's clearly an idiot, and very much *not* a health care professional. It's so easy to type in key words (or even MeSH) into the search engines of Nature, Science, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet or PubMed. If she can't take 5 minutes of her type to use scientific articles to back up her claim, then she clearly has no definitive basis for her accusations. Her medical license (is she even has one, as I'm seriously beginning to doubt) should be revoked. Keeping an open mind is an important part of being a health care professional, and she obviously does not.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Why is it every time I see an article like this there's almost inevitably an "I have lost faith in humanity" comment? Are the people on this site human or have I been talking to sentient robots this whole time? Are you not humanity? Also, this ***** is not likely to be listened to beyond morons with no political power. Stop thinking this ***** will make a difference, she won't. She most likely represents a very small, stupid minority.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Maybe if she actually played some of these games she'd have the slightest clue of what she's prattling on about.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
She can go "defend" herself off a cliff for all I care. That picture makes me want to punch her teeth out.


New member
Oct 28, 2010
Dr.Liberman said:
When the Columbine murders took place, there were national polls where people voted on what they believed caused the two young men to kill. Media violence ranked high on the list
Ok a couple of things about this...

1. it ranked high on the list not at number one
2. Who cares what other people think about what caused it, only those who did the crime know the true cause
3. I did a research paper for an English class last year on video games and violence and found a recourse that had personal journal entries from one of the shooters at Columbine where he specifically said that violent video games were not to blame, nor were violent movies and music for that matter

if i saved the paper i'd post the source but i think i might of deleted it...

edit: needed to fix some gamer...

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
Racecarlock said:
Also, this ***** is not likely to be listened to beyond morons with no political power. Stop thinking this ***** will make a difference, she won't. She most likely represents a very small, stupid minority.
Ah, but that's the scary part. It tends to go that the most vocal group, minority or not, gets the most reaction. If you cry wolf loud enough and point at trampled grass, surely some people will believe it was a wolf and it will spread out from there. It doesn't matter how stupid or unfounded the claims are... Someone in the right place is bound to believe there really was a wolf and put everything they can into getting something done about it.

I know there are some professional studies about that phenomenon somewhere around here. Let me check the old file cabinet and get back to you on it.

Cap'n Moe

New member
Apr 14, 2009
It's true that this "Media professional", whatever, has little to no experience or knowlege with our interactive media. For those of us that Amazonbombed her book...Yeah, I have read it, and after looking at reviews already there, no one needed to Amazonbomb it, enough people think it's enough of a piece of crap anyway. Honestly, I was thinking the whole time I was reading the book...

"She really needs to be in the kitchen, making me a sammich."

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ah, the danger of ignorant intellectuals unwilling to admit their mistakes.

And the sad solution will be as it always was, wait for the ignorant old people to die off, trouble is by that time we will be riding the same ignorance train and calling out the next generation of Satanism in games, a vicious cycle that.


New member
Nov 15, 2009

It seems to me that someone needs to get laid, or hit over the head with a 2 x 4, or crushed under a car, or smacked in the face with a sledge hammer, or.... maybe she has a point.

I don't even think a rapist would touch that with a 10 foot pole.

I tried looking for the video where Meg wants the burglars to have their way with her, but I can't find it.

So here's a picture of a kitty.
