Games that you mentally declare non-canon.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
NuclearShadow said:
None and it's sort of childish to do otherwise. Even if I do not like where a series is going storyline wise I have to accept it as such and nothing forces me to continue playing the series if it gets too extreme. This would be like splitting the Cinderella story into three parts. The start, the shoe loss and search, and the happy ending and deciding you don't like the shot loss and the prince searching to find whom it fits and just acknowledging the start and the end. What sense does that make?
What about when writers make a storyline where all possible facts and events point to specific conclusion and then they go with bullshit out-of-nowhere conclusion? Like in Code Geass R2. God of War series is also in that category but not on such scale.

NuclearShadow said:
Garrett said:
If Max Payne 3 wasn't cancelled, I'd probably treat it as non-canon.

Everything in Final Fantasy VII universe except for Final Fantasy VII. That extends to all media, not only games (ok, Last Order was passable but that's the only exception).

Every God of War other than the original. They are still fun to play but storywise, they are plain terrible.
What on Earth do you mean Max Payne 3 cancelled? Unless I have been severely mistaken I could swear I own it, played through it and found no real plot holes or anything to really consider it as non-canon.
You must've had played different game and mistakenly call it MP3 :p

Arqus_Zed said:
You'll have to explain what exactly the stupidass part exactly is because I don't really see it.
Note that I played CC right after its release so I don't really remember it very well (if I did, there would be probably BIG wall of text inside that spoiler).
First of all, I've got nothing against CC depicting elements relevant to FFVII (Zack meeting Aeris, fight with Sephiroth etc.) and also characters that are relevant to FFVII (though I hate Aeris and I was very happy when you know what happened in FFVII). Ok, maybe they added unnecessary melodrama to Zack's death but given it was a game about him, they couldn't really let him die without final words like in FFVII.

Now, what I see as terribad are characters and plot for sttory relevant to Crisis Core itself. How exactly did Zack manage to get into 1st Class? I mean the whole 1st Class consisted of experiments. I also really don't like the fact that Angeal and Genesis are put on the same shelf as Sephiroth. They are also not fleshed out enough. And they are unlikable (for me ofcourse). Genesis is this swag "I quote unfinished poem therefore I'm so cool." kind of guy. Then you have annoying Angeal who I swear to god is eating his morning cereal with honour using honourable spoon. I just personally think that characters are unlikable and story is stupid. If you disagree then hey, good for you. I wanted to enjoy this game but I didn't.

Oh, and let's not forget about a village that magically disappears from FFVII.

Knight Captain Kerr

New member
May 27, 2011
NuclearShadow said:
It never outright says they started it but it is implied. It isn't the existance of aliens that annoys me, it is the implication that they started the war.

"The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones." - Fallout 2

The main theme of the games is that wars are caused by humans. As long as we still have humans we will still have wars.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Arqus_Zed said:
Garrett said:
Everything in Final Fantasy VII universe except for Final Fantasy VII. That extends to all media, not only games (ok, Last Order was passable but that's the only exception).
Really? I can understand Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children (though the action was still enjoyable), but even Crisis Core? I always thought it was one of the better "prequel" games. (And it probably had the smallest amount of plot holes and distrubring/weird stuff going on of all the games in the FF VII Compilation - including the original FF VII)
Yeah crisis core was pretty good imo.

I'll admit the rest is garbage though, despite dirge of cerberus being a decided guilty pleasure for me.

Somewhere I saw kingdom hearts games on handhelds and thought "but.. Birth By Sleep was the best game in the series so far?.." Though the DS ones can fuck off and keep on not existing...


New member
Aug 13, 2011
How about every single spyro game par the original 3 on the ps1. enter the dragonfly, graphicly bland and WAY too short, it was only 12 levels long! But the legend of spyro series.......first two games are ok but the last, the flying mechanic is just bad, hunter's appearance disappointing, but the ending! They turned it into Twlight like love story!

My rage cannot be expressed.


New member
Sep 6, 2008

To anyone that read the novels/comics, Reach's story was a travesty. The additional media created a detailed and intriguing set of interactions which the game proceeded to stomp all over. It'll be interesting to see if 343 Industries continues the trend or pays homage to the ending of The Ghosts of Onyx.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
TerribleAssassin said:

Heroes, Shadow, Riders, 06, Zero Gravity (but the Hero theme was so badass enough I considered keeping it canon, Unleashed, the Kinect Riders one and Generations.
Most of this. Though I enjoyed Heroes it has a crap story and Shadow should have stayed dead.
Generations was also fun but crap story, too short, too little desire to play stuff again, too many "Green Hill" type levels and city levels.

Colours can stay canon though, Colours is great.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Unless there's official word from the publishers or developers about certain games, they remain in canon no matter how I feel about them.

That's just the way it is.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
None, because I don't do that. And anyone who does has their head stuck so far up their own ass it's a wonder they don't choke on it. The only games I can't account for as far as canon goes are ones I haven't played. Enjoying something to the point of devotion (or being what most would call a "fan") means taking the good with the bad and not picking and choosing which parts you're going to accept and which you're not.

malestrithe said:
Unless there's official word from the publishers or developers about certain games, they remain in canon no matter how I feel about them.

That's just the way it is.
Yes, exactly what I was saying.
Same goes for TV shows, movies, comic books, and any other media. Unless those in creative control deem it non-canon, it's canon!


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Halo Wars. I mean, it was a decent RTS, and all of the major contradictions to Halo lore have been explained by now in some way or other... but still, it just makes one's head hurt to think about them.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Final Fantasy 10-2. It was fun I guess in a very campy way but the story? I'd have to be held upside down over a vat of bleach to think of that as good.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
somerandomguy76 said:

To anyone that read the novels/comics, Reach's story was a travesty. The additional media created a detailed and intriguing set of interactions which the game proceeded to stomp all over. It'll be interesting to see if 343 Industries continues the trend or pays homage to the ending of The Ghosts of Onyx.
Actually, Reach never technically contradicts the books. I haven't read any comics, so I can't say about them, but most of what happens in Reach occurs during an empty spot in the Fall of Reach, without many communications leaving the planet.

I will admit that trying to figure out the chronology of events in Reach vs. Fall of Reach makes one's head hurt, but I don't think there are technically any contradictions.

Tommeh Brownleh

New member
May 26, 2011
I don't consider Skyward Sword to be canon based on the fact that I can't see anything but Ocarina of Time being the first game, and LINK IS LEFT HANDED. No exceptions.

I don't consider Bioshock 2 to be canon... because Bioshock 2 sucked. Plain and simple.

I consider Dead Rising 2 not canon, and replace it with Off the Record. Why? Because Frank West is awesome, and the Chuck Greene you fight in OtR is just plain awesome.

Lastly, I don't consider Saints Row 3 to be canon. The second game ended right where it needed to. Why ruin a good thing?


New member
Jul 21, 2010
somerandomguy76 said:
From one massive fan to another, I didn't care that much (I loved the novels too come first in my book).

Besides, I'm one of those people who say, "The Halo: Reach story was amazing". I blame the fact that my knowledge of the universe allows me to absorb it well. Also the ending was a masterpiece of art that people overlook.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
I am probably going to get a lot of crap for saying this, but...

God of War II and God of War III

Let's just say my opinion on this mirrors what the Extra Credits guys say and leave it at that. I've seen the storyline of all three games, and it should have stayed with what they had for the first instead of struggling to come up with something to extend it into unnecessary sequels. That's how The Matrix ended up sucking.

Wolf In A Bear Suit

New member
Jun 2, 2012
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I just felt it was pointless and a mistake. The story moved nowhere and although it was nice that they wrapped up Ezio and Altiair's storylines I felt they didn't need an entire game for it. The only thing I liked about it was the badass trailer


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
somerandomguy76 said:

To anyone that read the novels/comics, Reach's story was a travesty. The additional media created a detailed and intriguing set of interactions which the game proceeded to stomp all over. It'll be interesting to see if 343 Industries continues the trend or pays homage to the ending of The Ghosts of Onyx.
They actually already did pay homage to the ending of GoO in Glasslands where it shows what happens to Halsey and co.

OT: Suprised it took so long for Halo Reach to appear. XD