Games you have given up on and why?


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Limzz said:
mushupork3mpire said:
Limzz said:
mushupork3mpire said:
Fallout 3 - perhaps if walking 5 minutes across the ruin of DC without getting my knob bitten off by a mutant crab-man-thing or being incinerated by something 4 times the size of me in every proportion then i wouldnt have walked away. Though how glad am i that i did, because afterwards i picked up Mass Effect, completed it in ten days and it now holds the number eight spot on my top 20 games of all time list.

So in a way, i'm kinda glad that Fallout 3 was crap on chips because i would never have discovered Mass Effect had it not been.
Isn't your hate of Fallout 3 based more on lack of skill than the quality of the game? Interestingly enough I just made a thread describing how the game was too easy.
Perhaps. Though i thought it could have had something to do with me putting all the points into heavy weapons, stealing and stealth; and the fact that the stealth never worked and the only heavy weapon i ever used was a miniature nuke launcher (probably a one hit kill anyway).

if it is down to my lack of skill then yes i'll admit that, but the fact of the matter is Mass Effect is so much better than fallout, which is why Mass Effect is in my top 20 list and fallout 3 is somewhere near the bottom, brushing shoulders with 50 Cent : Blood on the sand.
Sorry. I didn't realize your top 20 list was what determined the quality of games for everyone...
All I did was add MY input into a thread called "Games YOU have given up on and why?". I also thought it polite to retort to your suggestion that i lack the skill enough to finish YET ANOTHER crappy post apocalyptic set game. You know, maybe thats why Mass Effect is so good, because its set in a future where half the population of earth IS NOT part of the thing you call the floor that you are walking on now, and the other half, a mutated mess of ever spawning enemies.

To summarise, your sarcasm was not needed.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Half Life 2 EP 2...I beat the first 2 episodes and got to the third one and was like, "ok, this is just soooo boring now...I have spent 15 hours beating the first two in the past month and I'm getting tired of this annoying repetitive bullcrap."


New member
Jul 2, 2008
mushupork3mpire said:
if it is down to my lack of skill then yes i'll admit that, but the fact of the matter is Mass Effect is so much better than fallout, which is why Mass Effect is in my top 20 list and fallout 3 is somewhere near the bottom, brushing shoulders with 50 Cent : Blood on the sand.
Which is funny to me, because in my universe, both games rank almost next to each other in their respective amounts of pure, awesome, win. (which puts them probably somewhere in the top 5-7)

But OT...
Have to go with Jak and Daxter 2, myself. First game was a super-awesome platformer with style and class. The second somehow became a cartoony GTA clone with "attitude" and a learning curve that looked less like a curve and more like a cliff. Stopped playing it at about a point where I was expected to dodge/kill about 5 gazillion bad guys while running up this massively complicated maze of docks, and had to redo it about 20 times before I almost smashed the controller. Sold it an hour later, and never looked back.


New member
May 11, 2010
Kameo. you bast**d. i hate the game so much. iffy controls, boring monotonous combat, horrible voices, and a retarrrrrded a main character. what more can you ask for?
Jun 3, 2009
archvile93 said:
Too bad that ran even shitier on PC. God this thing can run Cysis on max settings and always stay beyon 60fps. Saints Row 2 I couldn't even get above 30. That's why I gave up on it. What a waste of fifty bucks.
I had the same problems. I even went out to buy a controller for it so that I could drive in the game and play other ports. For some reason, I can't map it to something that feels natural. I still haven't finished it and I got it when it was brand spanking new.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
unoleian said:
mushupork3mpire said:
if it is down to my lack of skill then yes i'll admit that, but the fact of the matter is Mass Effect is so much better than fallout, which is why Mass Effect is in my top 20 list and fallout 3 is somewhere near the bottom, brushing shoulders with 50 Cent : Blood on the sand.
Which is funny to me, because in my universe, both games rank almost next to each other in their respective amounts of pure, awesome, win. (which puts them probably somewhere in the top 5-7)

But OT...
Have to go with Jak and Daxter 2, myself. First game was a super-awesome platformer with style and class. The second somehow became a cartoony GTA clone with "attitude" and a learning curve that looked less like a curve and more like a cliff. Stopped playing it at about a point where I was expected to dodge/kill about 5 gazillion bad guys while running up this massively complicated maze of docks, and had to redo it about 20 times before I almost smashed the controller. Sold it an hour later, and never looked back.
hmm never fancied the Jak titles, i usually stuck to my crime shooters & sandbox but recently i've been an easy target for RPG developers BioWare in particular since Mass Effect left me stunned, and i'm currently eyeing up ME 2 and pre-TV era DragonAge Origins. And subsequently all the associated expansion packs once my live is renewed.

I think Beyond Good & Evil (ps2), if you've heard of that, is the closest i got to a Jak game. i bought and played A Final Fantasy game once...once...


New member
Dec 3, 2009
unoleian said:
mushupork3mpire said:
if it is down to my lack of skill then yes i'll admit that, but the fact of the matter is Mass Effect is so much better than fallout, which is why Mass Effect is in my top 20 list and fallout 3 is somewhere near the bottom, brushing shoulders with 50 Cent : Blood on the sand.
Which is funny to me, because in my universe, both games rank almost next to each other in their respective amounts of pure, awesome, win. (which puts them probably somewhere in the top 5-7)

But OT...
Have to go with Jak and Daxter 2, myself. First game was a super-awesome platformer with style and class. The second somehow became a cartoony GTA clone with "attitude" and a learning curve that looked less like a curve and more like a cliff. Stopped playing it at about a point where I was expected to dodge/kill about 5 gazillion bad guys while running up this massively complicated maze of docks, and had to redo it about 20 times before I almost smashed the controller. Sold it an hour later, and never looked back.
Wow I had the same problem. I remember that spot so vividly it sucked so hard too. Got rid of the game without a second though.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
F-Zero GX.

If you know how needlessly hard this game is, I think you know why.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Misterian said:
F-Zero GX.

If you know how needlessly hard this game is, I think you know why.
aha. yeah my brother had this game. i think this was the first game i ever picked up the controller, only to put it riight back down 5 enraged, epileptic minutes later.


New member
May 11, 2010
saints row 1+2+3(?) > gta series. now to get that out of the way, i thought gta 4 was ( for me ) an escape to reality.. i thot it was interesting, fun, difficult, etc. but i havent played it in

months... so yeah i guess it gets old fast.

Mr. In-between

New member
Apr 7, 2010
Sad to say, it's probably going to wind up being Metroid Prime again. There is something about that game that makes me always put it on the backburner in regard to priorities.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
I rarely just give up on games. I have a lot so sometimes I stop playing for long amounts of time regardless of quality. However, I have given up on Far Cry 2 because of the fact that every single aspect is awful repeated over and over ad nauseum. Also World of Goo with its shit-o-physics that refuse to let me weigh something down without everything bouncing all over the place until it all gets destroyed by a bunch of spikes or whatever. Oblivion and Fallout 3 deserve a shout-out for being absolutely terrible.


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Aug 6, 2009
Modern Warfare 2, though I'm usually not all that good at online FPSes I was somewhat half-decent at MW2 I suppose I mean I went positive much more frequently than in WaW. Then I took a week long break that I never bounced back from, it seemed that in the one week everyone had suddenly gone pro I got destroyed and promptly quit thinking it was probably better for my mental health.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Bioshock. I got to the final boss, found that I had to kill still more splicers, and gave up on it. That fight wasn't good enough to bother with.

Also Dragon Age: Origins. I only got a few hours into that, but I got sick of having my dialogue choices forced. I was faced with both 'disagree with this man or be stuck in this room forever' and 'agree with the healer or kill her just before this boss fight'. For the second I guess I could have killed the healer then gone back and fetched another party member, but to my mind that wouldn't have been roleplaying. If I'm going to be saying 'whoops, better pop to the shops before we go through this one final door' I might as well just let the healer live; I'd be gaming the system rather than playing a character anyway. So I'm supposed to play a role, but if the role I want to play isn't 'noble, valiant and wise' I have to break character just to progress. I got tired of it.

For reference, the way I chose to play was to agree with whatever I was told to do and not ask questions. Evil mages in the tower? You want them killed, right. I'll kill them. No, I don't need to know why they're there. Let's go.

I'm sure you can see how this was an issue with the 'disagree or the game ends with you stuck in this room' sequence. And I should probably mention that when I killed the healer, that was because she interposed herself between me and the thing I had previously agreed to do. She tried to talk me round, but my character is not a dude of initiative and does not like to think about things more than he has to. I enjoyed playing as that fellow as well. Shame.


All that is man
Oct 29, 2009
FFXIII, it was a game I was struggling with mentally for the first two discs (as it was crap), then I got to disc 3 and its HD version of the Calm Lands and had enough.

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Well there's quite a few games where I just get permanently "stalled" and end up losing interest, but I never actually decide to "give up" on them. A good example is Dark Chronicle (Dark Cloud 2 in the US) where I got to the last boss and found him really friggin' difficult- but that wasn't the issue. It was that there was a huge sequence where I had to fight 2 forms of a major story boss and a string of mini-bosses, as well as watch a long bunch of unskippable cutscenes, before I even get a single crack at this guy and I don't even have a strategy ready for when I do. That's like an hour of preparation for a fight I can lose in less than a minute. So this leaves me with nothing to do except back off and power up by grinding weapon levels (and trying to find all the secrets in the Lunar Palace because I lose access to it after beating this boss). So I eventually lost momentum and never got back to it. I still intend to beat it some day, I just need to build up the motivation.

2 games I DID actually give up on were Robot Warlords and Star Ocean: 'Til the End of Time. Robot Warlords was initially a decent distraction I attempted to enjoy between Front Mission 3 and 4, but I dropped it like a hot potato when I realised the game's mechanics were fucked beyond belief. You tend to get that impression when you fire a rocket launcher at an enemy mech and deliver a glancing hit that does 3 damage, then it returns fire with a multi-hitting chaingun, which destroys your mech's torso 3 times over with single rounds that do enough to destroy you in one shot. With Star Ocean, I was simply sick of the combat system and the absolutely RETARDED ally AI, so when I got to the Sphere Company dungeon and met the enemies who had immense HP and could basically one-shot your party with unblockable cheap-shot area attacks I simply decided "fuck this" and never played it again.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
God of War & God of War 2.

After trying 4982904898 times to beat the FIRST boss of each game, I gave up on ever doing it - the QTE just are too frustrating for me to do, even though I've tried so many times to do them right.