Games you never finished?


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
The most recent example I can think of is Rayman. No. Not Rayman Origins, I'm talking about the original Rayman. That game is ridiculously hard. So many bullshit deaths and precision platforming. Not to mention that in order to get to the final level, you have to find all the electoons in every single level. I'm not really a completionist, so the very idea of this aggravates me.

So yeah, I gave up playing this game and went straight to playing other stuff. It's strange really. As difficult and annoying as the game is. I can't deny it's absolutely beautiful in terms of music and graphics. So I probably won't be surprised if it pulls me back in someday...
Apr 28, 2008
Do demos count?

Because if so, the Kingdoms of Amalur demo. Got to the village, talked to my first boringly standard citizen, stopped playing.

The game just had no heart of its own. It was just so... plain.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
Kingdom of Amalur (just got caught up in other games)
Catherine (cannot beat the 6th night boss I believe is the one)
Fallout NV (kinda burned on that game)
Batman Arkham City (I really just cannot find myself to play it)
Uncharted 3 (That I will continue later on after ME3)

These are some of the games I haven't completed but want to.
Jul 11, 2011
GethBall said:
Skyrim.... not because it was bad, it was because I could not stop making new characters.
I had the same bloody problem, but I'm gonna head back soon with a multitude of mods, and hopefully keep one character :).

The last game I got bored of....was Dragon Age 2. It was an incredible dissapointment to me, couldn't even bother to finish the first act because it was such a bloody drag. I just could not find myself interested in any of the characters or story, excluding Varric, and the art design/ reused dungeons didn't help.
Jul 11, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
Skyrim. I wonder what it says about a game when you save right before the final boss fight and never touch it again... Nothing good i'd wager.

Fallout New Vegas ruined Skyrim for me I think. I thought "Fallout did this better" far to many times during my playthrough. Why is there even a dialogue system whne nine times out of ten there's one one option?! It's the continue quest button!

And I have far too many games i've hardly touched. I can't decide which ones to play so I just go and play Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3... Again. I'm sitting in a lobby as I type this.

Actually doing well with Phoenix Wright today. He was getting instakilled all day yesterday.

Maybe i'll go play some of those Steam games I bought ages ago in an 85% off sale... Now I understand Valve's business stratagy, 'tis quite clever.
I usually only play Ultimate woth friends, especially if I'm gonna use Phoenix. He's my favorite character in the game, but I'll be damned to say that he's a great character to use. At least, not until tournabout mode ><


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Matthew94 said:
It would take too long, the list must be in the hundreds by now.

You aren't a gamer until your backlog is in triple figures and spans 3 generations or more. :D
LOL, or you're a parent with more money than time and under the delussion that if you buy a game it means you'll have time to play it :)

My list of games I have actually finished is much shorter than my backlog.

Just go the new Deus Ex for PC from Steam for only $7. I have, and I mean this, NO time to play it, but I couldn't resist. Dang, I just killed my very first Dragon in Skyrim. That is how far behind I am!


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Pretty much all my N64 games. I usually got to half completion before they all boggled my peanut 5 year old mind. (I'm looking at you, water temple)
I recently picked up a load of classic shooters that I'm working through. There's one mission on Doom3 that I just couldn't do. You have to run from one elevator to the next, fending off against dozens of spidery things. I end up shrieking and running from the screen at my first glimpse of them... Must find the bravery to complete that some time.
Apart from that, I have never finished an RTS or any strategy game really. I love them to bits, but I'm just rubbish at them.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Um... let me think.
Destroy All Humans - Couldn't get past the mission where you're supposed to destroy the human flying saucer.
Final Fantasy IV - Couldn't beat that stupid Dark Elf guy.
Persona 3 - Couldn't beat Nyx. Curse that fucker! Twice I got to within a hair's breath of beating him only to have victory snatched from my grasp at the last second, and considering that battle is like 2 hours long retrying it was a pretty daunting proposition.
Metroid Prime 2 - Never beat the Boss Ing.
Metroid Prime 3 - Couldn't beat that big fucking Dinosaur thing with the red orbs.
Mega Man X - Couldn't beat that stupid spider thing on the first Sigma stage.
Star Trek: Legacy - Couldn't get past the early NextGen mission where you had to stop the stellar core fragments from hitting the planets.
Star Trek: Armada II - Couldn't finish the Borg campaign. The Borg were better in the first game anyway.

There's more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I have a long list of games I've never finished. Most of them starting with "Splinter" and ending in "Cell".
Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
I love the series, but man, they're hard! Especially when they start introducing time limits. That said the later games are sooo much easier. Probably cause of the amount of gadgets.

COD 4- I'm terrible at it. The campaign has been a struggle and I put it down at the final level.
XIII- Haven't played it for ages.
Far Cry Instincts- Just couldn't finish it. I now have the 360 port (Predator) and I swear it's got more difficult. The Evolution add-on was a piece of cake though. You get all the powerful weapons.
THPS 4- Gets insanely hard during the later levels.
Batman: Arkham Asylum- The bit before the boss battle. Just got frustrated and gave up.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
GasMasksAreForChumps said:
The Wykydtron said:
Skyrim. I wonder what it says about a game when you save right before the final boss fight and never touch it again... Nothing good i'd wager.

Fallout New Vegas ruined Skyrim for me I think. I thought "Fallout did this better" far to many times during my playthrough. Why is there even a dialogue system whne nine times out of ten there's one one option?! It's the continue quest button!

And I have far too many games i've hardly touched. I can't decide which ones to play so I just go and play Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3... Again. I'm sitting in a lobby as I type this.

Actually doing well with Phoenix Wright today. He was getting instakilled all day yesterday.

Maybe i'll go play some of those Steam games I bought ages ago in an 85% off sale... Now I understand Valve's business stratagy, 'tis quite clever.
I usually only play Ultimate woth friends, especially if I'm gonna use Phoenix. He's my favorite character in the game, but I'll be damned to say that he's a great character to use. At least, not until tournabout mode ><
Yeah i've been playing PW since launch. PROTIP: Spam the shield, it's basically having two assists on the field at the same time.

During this one set today, I was either instakilling his Wolverine with just Investigation Mode PW (attack through the shield baby!) or he was instakilling my PW with two combos. We had like 10 games with this same start.

Zoning in Trial Mode is really effective as well. Some people just want to get in recklessly and they take a suprise Objection! to the face as a result.

And god Turnabout Mode is amazing, the chip damage is just insane with any type of X-Factor. Plus his lvl 3 is awesome. Press a button last character. I dare you. *Doom throws out the Finga Laserz on incoming* LOL no! Ace Attorney activate!

1.2 million damage (with lvl 3 X-Factor)... You were on full health? Pfft get out of here!

Even without his invincible assist (Hsien-Ko still keeps her Hyper Armour assist though, dafaq Capcom?!) I still damn love him.


New member
Jul 25, 2008

Really got fed up with that game, it just got so annoying how little suit power I had and how slow it recharged and how unnesessay so many of the suit modes.

Crysis 2 fixed this perfectly.

Like for example having "Maximum speed" but a hold-down-to-sprint button. How the "Maximum Strength" was split up into each feature being the particular button held down, like hold jump for super jump, hold melee for super melee, hold throw for super-throw. You essentially had only two active suit modes that were opposite in approach: stealth or armour.

Also, you have enough energy and it recharged quick enough to give you the flexibly. All the suit powers were there, but accessed in a much more ergonomic way.

Also, I loved the assault rifle in semi-auto... as fast as I spammed the trigger it would be ACR accurate. Also in the single-player having hitmarkers. Perfect. I cannot go back to crysis now, not unless I find a mod that makes it control like Crysis 2.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
I make a point to finish all games I play. I went back to games from my childhood to beat them, finding out how hard some of them were, even as an adult.

So that said, the games I never finished are very, very hard (or I'm too scared).

Battletoads (I just wanted a sampling, I'm probably not going to try)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (don't have the guts right now)
3D World Runner (THIS [] and THIS [] is why I gave up on the game!)
Mr. Gimmick (I'm still going to try)

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
Metro 2033, Crysis 2, Far Cry 2, Prototype.

The first one I regret not finishing. The others...not so much.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Weird I've only ever put one game down and that was Fable Three - Game was far too boring.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
The first three that pop into my head are Shadow of Rome, Titan Quest and Spartan: Total Warrior.

Shadow of Rome: I got up to the last stage of the game. The large arena in Rome. I just could not get past the early gladiator matches there. So fucking hard, man.

Titan Quest: I never even got out of Greece :/. While I enjoyed what I played, I guess it was too repetitive and dragged on too long for me to maintain my interest. I liked the game world and enemies though (the turtles on that coast were a god damn nightmare).

Spartan: Total War: Same as Shadow of Rome. It just got so frustratingly difficult later on in the game to the point that I just gave up eventually. If I remember correctly, I got as far as Rome itself somewhere. Eh, I don't know.


New member
Sep 17, 2008
Many many games over the years, although most I do plan to finish the real world has other ideas, so most I settle for "get my money's worth in game time" these days

But cant pass up a thread like this without mentioning the first witcher, lord knows ive tried so so sooo much, on many occasions but I just cant get past the outskirts of vizema before I get bored and give up, I just cant do it, which is sad because I know theres probably a great game behind that zone but I just cant do it

Also theres some like Monster Hunter Tri, the monster hunter series in general, but they dont really have an end point so to speak.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I've not finished tons of games, but the most recent/memorable ones would be:

Metal Gear Solid 3: I just didn't like the setting. I probably got burnt out on MGS at that time because I was doing all 3(at the time) games in a row.

Dead Island: It's repetitive as hell.

Bulletstorm: Again, repetitive.

Borderlands: Got boring.

I'll likely be adding Kingdoms of Amalur to that list soon. It just can't hold my attention.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
skyrim. i did so many side quests i just never got round to finishing the story, then i had coursework and now ME3...

also red dead redemption. love the game, really want to finish, but not enough hours in the day and, ME3...

damn you bioware -_-


New member
Mar 9, 2012
Amnesia... Safe explanatory.. and Half Life. Dont execute me. Idk why, maybe I got stuck somewhere and couldn't figure it out. Still a good game though,don't get me wrong. Can't think of any more for now.. but there's probably a bunch more.