Before I start, never say this ever again "alot of the gay people I know in real life say "Oh my god oh my god oh my god" on a daily basis." Because you've clearly been watching too much Will and Grace.redFaction post=7.72320.761240 said:Text, text, text.
Text, text.
Text, text, text, text.
To start, gay and ****** weren't ceated as offensive terms to homosexuals. The point was that they have been adopted as nicknames, and that these nicknames are meant to be offensive, much like calling a black man a ****** (although I've never understood why it's ok when these "gangster" types call each other it and that's fine). Using the word gay to describe something shows how society has made being gay a negative thing, ie noone want be gay so it's used as an insult.
I was planning on doing a counter to some of your points but reading again you've made so many blind generalisations of homosexuals that it's probably not worth the effort. Rest assured that 12 year olds yelling "DIE FAG" is not the worst that happens. Not by a long shot.