Susan Arendt post=7.72320.760481 said:
kutuup post=7.72320.760359 said:
If a gay couple want to commit to each other, that's great, I wish them all the best. But I believe that gay couples should have to accept that because of the choice they have made, they can never have kids. Why? well firstly, they obviously cannot physically produce a child, and secondly, it would be extremely unhealthy for a child to have two dads or two mums. A child needs to have both a strong male influence and a strong female influence by nature.
So, by that token, if I can't have children for physical reasons, I shouldn't be allowed to adopt, and anyone who grows up in a single-parent househould is screwed.
Um...sorry, no.
Children need loving, caring, attentive parents, period. Actually, could be a grandparent or uncle, really, doesn't matter, so long as the adult cares about and wants to do right by the child. I certainly do agree that it is very beneficial for a child to grow up with positive role models from both genders, but those role models don't necessarily have to be the child's parents. Two mums, two dads, three uncles, twelve need love and structure, and there are many, many ways to give that to them other than just man and wife.
Um... Sorry, yes. To be frank.
Children do need to have both a mother and a father, hence the issues that are statistically likely to arise in single parent families. The difference is that in a situation where a child grows up with just one parent, the other parent has usually either died or left home, therefore the parents did not conscienciously decide to place the child in a situation with a single gender influence. However gay couples who adopt children ARE consciously choosing this situation for a their child. They are forcing their child into a situation that is potential damaging for them, that's known as being irresponsible.
Can you honestly tell me that they have the child's best interests in mind and do not simply want a child just to please themselves?
I'm just this second realising I don't agree with what I'm saying lol, maybe you've convinced me otherwise. To an extent.
I would say that the couple should be assessed for their suitability as parents based upon how they can provide strong role models from both genders. They also should be assessed on their general demeanour just as heterosexual couples are to ensure that the child will be in a balanced and responsible environment. The thing that puts me off the idea is, to be honest, worry that some gay or lesbian couples may want a child solely to please themselves almost as a protest of some kind, I've seen that happen, but maybe it was wrong of me to generalise, each case does deserve it's own assessment and merits. If the couple are genuinely going to be good parents and can provide role models from both genders, I think that's all good. Wow, in the words of Moss from the IT Crowd; "Every value I've ever held is being challenged, and I'm loving it!"
Ha ha
I never thought of it how you put it, and I think you're right.