I heard someone mention(it might have been on the Breakout Podcast) that SE was selling off studios that Sony already has equilvents to already, thus not only lowering the price, but also they can say "Hey Sony, here's some studios to complement yours and not ones that are redundant to yours".
Honestly, SE feels like such a trash fire lately I can only imagine being owned by Sony would improve their upcoming games(in a couple years, obviously). Maybe not letting Nomura fuck up any more FF games, first off.
Yeah, the idea of the industry getting even more consolidated doesn't thrill me, but I guess if it's a choice between SE continuing to make really shitty decisions under their own inept leadership(with a few exceptions) and the possibility of new management stanching the bleeding and getting the whole thing back on track, I guess I'd take the latter. And yes, I realize there's no gurentee Sony is gonna fix things if they do end up buying SE, but at this point SE sure as hell isn't. They've shown they can salvage FF14 after the intial disaster, but that's the exception, not the rule.