Did someone hack you or did you just piss off FROM really badly?
Was co-oping with buddies, got frustrated with a certian boss, and used cheat engine to change my stats. It's so weird, because I messed around with the number of souls I had before, and no one cared. But adding a single point to dex? Perma-ban
Yeah, I deserved it and I do wish I haven't done it. But the silver lining is that I don't have to deal with cheaters joining my lobby (the irony, lol).
Before you say "but don't you get matched with other people who's been permabanned?", let me tell you that from my base game run that I did a few months back, I can certainly say you'll rarely encounter another player. As for the inability to do co-ops and therefore no awards from doing them... I come to realize I cared way too much than necessary