General Gaming News.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
That Callisto Protocall game comes out tonight, still no reviews and I've seen a couple articles pointing at the studio scrambling to finish the game which all suggests that it might not be a cracking title. Just a heads up for ya'll.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That Callisto Protocall game comes out tonight, still no reviews and I've seen a couple articles pointing at the studio scrambling to finish the game which all suggests that it might not be a cracking title. Just a heads up for ya'll.
Doesn't come out until tomorrow for me. Worst to worst, I can cancel it if I want, since it's a physical edition.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Doesn't come out until tomorrow for me. Worst to worst, I can cancel it if I want, since it's a physical edition.
Im not picking it up until saturday because a friend and i make it an event to sit around and play horror games. Last game we played was The Quarry. So even if the game is bad we will laugh about it.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
So they reveal who's gonna be playing Sarah in the upcoming TLOU tv show:

She probably has more screen time here than the original game, otherwise why would why making a big announcement about a side character character that dies in the beginning?

And the comments on twitter are divisive to say the least. It's the classic creative freedom vs lore accuracy. Here's hoping she does a great job, and the casting choice had some thought process behind in and not just for the sake of representation
Wasn't that already revealed in the trailer... and like iMDB?

And honestly I'd rather a casting choice be for the sake of representation than simply looking pretty or nepotism as is usually the case (and never scrutinized by reactionaries).


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Well there wasn't any in FF13, but it was a hate crime itself.
Ff13 was filled with hate crimes. The game literally opens with the government purging a bunch of people because alien magic or whatever.

Was there a FF game that DIDN'T have hate crimes? (looks over to @CriticalGaming)
Ff1 i guess. Seems like just a clickbait dunbass article from kotaku. It kind of also depends on what you consider a hate crime, because we kill thr bad guy because we hate him. The bad guy usually kills villages and even cities because of hate, so....

Though i believe ff7 and ff14 are the only other ff games to have hookers.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Reviews are coming out and as expected it is not good news. Though gamespot is big mad because game too hard and that made me lol.

Oh holy shit. Well that is depressing. TL;dw think Order 1866 in a horror setting.
My big gripe is that there is no New Game Plus. Why? This is from the original Dead Space developers, and they thought not putting it in was a good idea. If it's a patch or something, that I might as well get the game later if they patch it in. I know GGman doesn't like it much. He claims it's just okay, but if you're listening that many fails he lists, he ain't exactly happy. Just say you don't like it. He was playing the PC Port which is a shopping in certain aspects. I'll see if my local GameStop has Evil West. I might just pick that up instead. That or Sonic Frontiers.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
My big gripe is that there is no New Game Plus. Why? This is from the original Dead Space developers, and they thought not putting it in was a good idea.
Maybe it'll be a $20 DLC like the extra death animations. The best way to make money with a shitty game is over monetize it.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I've hear some say it's pretty fun but that it runs awful on PC or something. I'll wait to see more reactions to it before giving a solid opinion on this.
You are correct about the PC port. I've already seen GG man's review.

Maybe it'll be a $20 DLC like the extra death animations. The best way to make money with a shitty game is over monetize it.
Another thing about the supposed difficulty of the game. Some reviewers don't mention this, but you can man you'll save anytime you want. The only problem is if you forget to manual save and the auto checkpoint puts you in a bad spot. Then you have to go back to an earlier save where you had the health and ammo you wanted. Setting you back to whatever progress he had in case you messed up and didn't know it was going to happen with your next encounter. So the inconsistent checkpoint con comes from that. So it boils down to the reviewers not using the manual save A lot or expecting the auto save to help them every time. Another problem I do take him to consideration is that you can't skip any of the cutscenes. So if you die at a boss or a certain phase and you have low resources I have to reload your last man you'll save or whichever and go through those cutscenes all over again. A YouTube user named FlexView happily pointed this out. He said the game is fun, but he got a review code as he mentioned. He said for $60 to $70, that's up to you, but he does state that there is no replay value once it's done.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Man, CP being mediocre hurts. Don’t think I ever felt this way since ME Andromeda
I understand your pain. I'm not exactly happy about it either, but at least that means I can focus on some other games. I was looking forward to this one the most. I I wouldn't mind picking this up, but the lack of new game plus, and unskippable cutscenes hurts. I'm glad they allow manual saves, but that's not enough until a patch comes out that irons at these flaws that shouldn't be there in the first place or easy fixes. I'm not touching the game. I might pick it up when it's over half off.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Would most of these flaws be fixable if the game had extra time? I’m not aware of any delays but I never followed the game. Seems like the publisher (who the F is KRAFTON/Blue Hole, inc.) would take most of the blame by default if that’s the case.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Would most of these flaws be fixable if the game had extra time? I’m not aware of any delays but I never followed the game. Seems like the publisher (who the F is KRAFTON/Blue Hole, inc.) would take most of the blame by default if that’s the case.
It's even crazier is that this game got announced all the way back between 2017 and 2018. What the hell were they doing? Publisher or developer problem, why did anybody think that having sporadic and bad checkpoints, no new game plus, or unskippable cutscenes are good ideas? This problem was fixed back in the 6th and 7th generation of consoles. The smaller developers and Indies know how to get this right, but it seems like a lot of big wigs can't even bother to get the most basic stuff right anymore. Yes, I'm happy you made creepy detailed graphics and animations, but make sure your game functions and doesn't waste a player's time. Respect the player's time.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Would most of these flaws be fixable if the game had extra time? I’m not aware of any delays but I never followed the game. Seems like the publisher (who the F is KRAFTON/Blue Hole, inc.) would take most of the blame by default if that’s the case.
No. The performance on PC will probably be fixed with a graphics card driver update so that's not really that bad. But the core design of the game is just bad. More time wont fix the linearity. More time wont fix the fundamentally bad combat design. More time wont make the story better. The entire game would need to be broken down and redesigned from the very start.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017

Was there a FF game that DIDN'T have hate crimes? (looks over to @CriticalGaming)
A thought occurs to me.

Remember a few weeks ago when these same people got butthurt that FF16 was going to be too white and not be diverse enough in it's cast.

Now it makes sense.

Imagine a FF game with hate crimes and black people.

Probably better to make everyone white don't you think?