Then they are the

kings and queens of fools for believing in such a lie for that long.
$50 for Early Access is paying to be an Alpha Tester.
It's unfortunate that some companies looked at NMS and said "Oh, we can launch in a broken state because if we fix it 2-10 years down the line all is forgiven". And in general gamers will reward such practices by pre-ordering and buying into EA.
I can forgive some instances. The Original KSP was EA forever but it was also a very small dev team(like 3 people at an Ad agency on their spare time) and even in alpha was playable if buggy. It was also quite cheap to buy pre-release and it got slack because there wasn't really anything else like it at the time.
KSP2, being the follow on, doesn't get the same slack, because KSP as it stands now, should be the baseline of what's expected, especially for $50 and backed by a large publisher. If KSP was the prototype and test model, KSP2 should be ready for full production right out of the gate.