General Gaming News.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Normally stuff like this makes me barf in my mouth a bit, but they aren't even worth the reaction anymore.

In other news, Starfield is already a top-selling game on Steam. I am wondering who are these people pre-ordering a digital copy of a game that no doubt will launch broken?
View attachment 8991
I wonder if that include key reseller? I know you can per order it for 20% off (GMG, which is legit iirc), which makes some sense if someone is planning on buying it day one (which is a terrible idea, but if you're going to do it, might as well do it when its cheap).
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
I think we don't have any anymore. Not any on the forum at least. Egadmin left early december. JoJo last posted later that month. NewClassic been a no show since january 22, tho I think he still mods on the Discord. So yeah, pretty sure the place has been abandoned.
I was just wondering about this the other day... Hadn't heard anything from Nick in the announcements subforum, began to wonder. It's a shame, considering how hopeful everything was when we moved over. Or at least, hopeful for some, maybe not all.
Ah well. After leaving Reddit this place is the only forum I've got, so it's not like I'm going anywhere


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I was just wondering about this the other day... Hadn't heard anything from Nick in the announcements subforum, began to wonder. It's a shame, considering how hopeful everything was when we moved over. Or at least, hopeful for some, maybe not all.
Ah well. After leaving Reddit this place is the only forum I've got, so it's not like I'm going anywhere
While we've had some new people join, more regulars have stopped dropping in. So I don't really blame them for no longer investing the time and energy that could be spent on the Discord, Twitch and Youtube channels, which afaik are seeing growth, with their own larger and more active communities that have basically zero overlap with this place. I don't remember who said it, but might be the only reason the place is still around is Nick can't bring himself to close the door on us.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I was just wondering about this the other day... Hadn't heard anything from Nick in the announcements subforum, began to wonder. It's a shame, considering how hopeful everything was when we moved over. Or at least, hopeful for some, maybe not all.
Ah well. After leaving Reddit this place is the only forum I've got, so it's not like I'm going anywhere
I got the DMC forums, but that's about it. I might join Space Battles, as a lot of the people that are pretty cool from what I've seen. I am never going back to GameFAQs (haven't been there since I was 19), and Giant Bomb can screw off.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'll never understand discord as a replacement forum, I guess this is how my "old man yell at cloud" phase start.
With Discord, there's usually more control, but not all the time, to keeping things orderly. Or as close or you can get on a server called Discord.
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Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Honestly, this has me worried for Embracer in a way I really don't think I should* be. I've said it before, I'll say it again: Embracer appears to be the publisher of bargain bin games, the titles that are not the highest budgets but can still be someone's favorite. And they are evidently good at it since they've managed to grow so big, and I don't think they've been involved in any major scandal**. Crystal Dynamics is the exception since they are the developers behind the super lucrative Tomb Raider franchise. If the boat is rocked at Embracer and they chose to focus on their AAA franchise instead of their regular titles then that indicates skewed priorities away from the things that they've evidently made work.

Of course it could just be a matter of the contracts they've signed with Crystal Dynamics ensuring that Crystal Dynamics are spared in a situation like this one, so Embracer has no options with regards to them.

*they are after all just a publisher.
**there was that time they hosted an AMA on 8chan which was a severe lapse in judgment if you ask me, but otherwise I don't think there has been any. I could be wrong in the extreme here though.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
I wonder if that include key reseller? I know you can per order it for 20% off (GMG, which is legit iirc), which makes some sense if someone is planning on buying it day one (which is a terrible idea, but if you're going to do it, might as well do it when its cheap).
Speaking of, GMG has been acting really weird all morning, I keep getting error messages when trying to do anything on desktop


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Speaking of, GMG has been acting really weird all morning, I keep getting error messages when trying to do anything on desktop
Looking around they have the best deal for starfield (fanatical is at 15%) so maybe they're getting too much traffic from it?

I still don't understand how these key reseller work, presumably they're buying them from bethesda, I doubt bethasda is going to discount their big budget for preorder, so are the re seller taking a loss from it and hoping the increase in traffic will compensate?

There's a Discord?

It happened for a few game I was following where the official forum were dead/non existent until I found out that they were doing everything on discord and I had literally never heard of them. I guess the information with discord travel trough channel I don't know. Is that what old people felt like when phone were first invented?
Jun 11, 2023
United States
I was just wondering about this the other day... Hadn't heard anything from Nick in the announcements subforum, began to wonder. It's a shame, considering how hopeful everything was when we moved over. Or at least, hopeful for some, maybe not all.
Ah well. After leaving Reddit this place is the only forum I've got, so it's not like I'm going anywhere
In a way it’s a testament to the group we have here. I mean, where the hell else can all authority just say *fuck it we’re out* and the place remains civil? Well, perhaps at least everywhere outside of the more heated current events stuff.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
I don't remember who said it, but might be the only reason the place is still around is Nick can't bring himself to close the door on us.
I just realised it was my 15th anniversary of joining this forum a few days ago (and I noticed Crimson Pheonix has the same join date). I guess it'd be a bit like shooting Old Yeller at this point.

And much as Hansel said, I also reckon it's not worth them having a mod around, the few of us that are still here pretty much just get on with it on our own without creating much fuss.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008

Gross. Fyi, Gamurs owns The Escapist, as well as Destructoid and Siliconera, among others. Bet you publishers will absolutely love this tho.
So, that's basically someone to proof read all the AI produced articles to make sure there's nothing too stupid in them before publishing?
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
So, that's basically someone to proof read all the AI produced articles to make sure there's nothing too stupid in them before publishing?
250 articles a week? So around 35 to 50 articles including adding links, images and whatnot per day, depending on how many days of the week they work?

No, I don't think much proofreading would be done, or any really.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Fyi, Gamurs owns The Escapist
I found the main Escapist site down this morning. Coincidence?

250 articles a week? So around 35 to 50 articles including adding links, images and whatnot per day, depending on how many days of the week they work?

No, I don't think much proofreading would be done, or any really.
The "proofreading" will probably be to the extent of "will this AI's gibberish get us sued?".