Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking
No wonder Microsoft is exploring bringing its games to PlayStation 5kotaku.com
What!? Oh My God, No way!
Overall, gotta hand it to Sony. They were as rock bottom as they've ever been with Playstation the first year or two of the PS3, when 360 was riding high and stuff like this video added insult to injury. Even though ~ half of their troubles were their own doing they dug deep and "sweat blood" (according to GabeN) to put out kick ass exclusives and eventually even ended up outselling the 360 at the end of 7th gen. From then on it was Microsoft making the blunders, which seemed a near improbable turn of fate. It's kinda looking to pretty much turn out like a modern tech version of the David and Goliath story for the industry.
Anyways, it's something that always made more sense to me, if Microsoft basically pulls a SEGA. They're known for software anyways.
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