Generally Accepted Gaming Facts


Professional Procrastinator
Jun 10, 2010
I got some more for ya:
In any given JRPG where an enemy will join your party, Defeat means friendship and your friendship is anti power and will cause any enemy who joins you to loose at least 2 digits of all of their stats.

Yahtzee's word is LAW
the AVGN's word is also LAW, infact pretty much every popular game reviewer/crittic's word is LAW and anyone who thinks otherwise is Betraying the LAW

If you don't like X game or have Y console, you are not a true gamer

and Nintendo never does anything new and the fact that they are the first of the 3 main console makers to take the risk of putting their focus on motion controls and and introducing touch screen gaming and 3D gaming on a hand held console means nothing.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
BlastedTheWorm said:
The Halo community don't deserve Bungie.
D:...I...I think I deserve Bungie...I'm not a little douche bag asking for achievements and I don't try to shove Halo down CoD fans throats...I...iz sad you say this ....

OT: NPCs are either the stupidest things around or they are stronger than you since they never die even when they stand there being eaten by zombies....


New member
Jan 23, 2010
If Valve Time and normal time ever converge, the world will be rewarded with cake.

Followed by death.


Dec 25, 2008
Moriarty70 said:
wildpeaks said:
k-ossuburb said:
It's a bad sign if things are "too quiet".
So true.

*notices the silence around her*

Oh sh--
You know what's worse than silence?

That sound.. it's in my head !.... *runs away shooting at shadows like a maniac until she runs out of bullet and the sound gets closer*


BlackStar42 said:
If Valve Time and normal time ever converge, the world will be rewarded with cake.

Followed by death.
Fortunately, there will also be a portal storm before this happens, so we can be prepared.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
MystryMeet said:
BlastedTheWorm said:
The Halo community don't deserve Bungie.
D:...I...I think I deserve Bungie...I'm not a little douche bag asking for achievements and I don't try to shove Halo down CoD fans throats...I...iz sad you say this ....
Most Halo fans are ungrateful little shits. It was just a generilzation. You deserve Bungie.

Professor Cubbage

New member
Aug 19, 2009
natster43 said:
Nighthief said:
Timed underwater stealth escort missions will always be the worst.
Can you tell me what game has that in it? I am curious.
OT: You will be ridiculed for what ever preference you have in weapons/items/armors/abilities by at least one person who disagrees with your choices.
It's that game where you have to escort that useless NPC through the underground water complex without being seen by the robot sharks before the nuke goes off. The name escapes me.


Dec 25, 2008
BlastedTheWorm said:
MystryMeet said:
BlastedTheWorm said:
The Halo community don't deserve Bungie.
D:...I...I think I deserve Bungie...I'm not a little douche bag asking for achievements and I don't try to shove Halo down CoD fans throats...I...iz sad you say this ....
Most Halo fans are ungrateful little shits. It was just a generilzation. You deserve Bungie.
On the other hand, no one deserves the PC version of Halo 2 o_O (ok it's not from Bungie, but still, close enough)

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Nighthief said:
Timed underwater stealth escort missions will always be the worst.

Oh fuck, I twitched a little reading that.

Whenever the music changes, shit is about to get real.


New member
May 12, 2009
Dragonforce525 said:
There will never be a good 3D pokemon game.

Nintendo fans will buy anything Nintendo makes.

Capcom will always see the need to add at least one incredibly annoying game mechanic to it's games.

Luigi is better than Mario.

Fable games will never be good.
pokemon snap

luigi is a pansy

fable 1 and 3 were not bad and 3 was the best of the set


New member
Apr 28, 2010
The average person has the ability to hold several thousand pounds of gold coins on thier person without any physical burden on their bodies.
Sep 13, 2009
Recron said:
I got some more for ya:
In any given JRPG, Defeat means friendship and your friendship is anti power and will cause any enemy who joins you to loose at least 2 digits of all of their stats.

Yahtzee's word is LAW
the AVGN's word is also LAW, infact pretty much every popular game reviewer/crittic's word is LAW and anyone who thinks otherwise is Betraying the LAW

If you don't like X game or have Y console, you are not a true gamer

and Nintendo never does anything new and the fact that they are the first of the 3 main console makers to take the risk of putting their focus on motion controls and and introducing touch screen gaming and 3D gaming on a hand held console means nothing.
I think I may have caught wind on some sarcasm there...

Oh right, I need to post something OT

-Regardless of it's quality anything that appears in a videogame (songs, artwork, story) is automatically crap to anyone who dislikes videogames
-You will NEVER catch 'em all
-That whiney, ten year old kid on XBox live will beat you


New member
Aug 28, 2010
wildpeaks said:
MystryMeet said:
OT: NPCs are either the stupidest things around[...]
Only if the game has no multiplayer, otherwise human nature gets the prize there.
wildpeaks said:
MystryMeet said:
OT: NPCs are either the stupidest things around[...]
Only if the game has no multiplayer, otherwise human nature gets the prize there.
true true got me there...curses...


New member
Aug 28, 2010
BlastedTheWorm said:
MystryMeet said:
BlastedTheWorm said:
The Halo community don't deserve Bungie.
D:...I...I think I deserve Bungie...I'm not a little douche bag asking for achievements and I don't try to shove Halo down CoD fans throats...I...iz sad you say this ....
Most Halo fans are ungrateful little shits. It was just a generilzation. You deserve Bungie.
hooooray! Yeah and its true...sadly...

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
nuba km said:
got some more according to twelve year old children the only reason you beat them is:
1. you are hax
2. he wasn't trying
3. he was afk
4. he was busy having intercourse with your parent
5. your a fag
"5. your a fag"

according to twelve year olds, the best way to be good at a game is become a homosexual. If they are half as good as they claim to really be (despite being destroyed fifteen times before that token fluke of a kill followed by five minutes tea-bagging and yelling profanity, followed by the separation of their head from their shoulders) then they, themselves must be homosexual. In a twelve year old's world, this is always bad. Hmm...

OT: there will always be the little shit on halo who, when you get the good weapon (e.g. shotgun, or sniper) they will betray you, take it, then proceed to use it in precisely the wrong way (e.g. running across the battlefield with it, trying to no-scope every living thing, or running at assault rifle toting opponents trying to close the twenty foot gap while said opponent backs away)


New member
Jun 28, 2010
StealthyNinja said:
Cutscene you is always either much stronger or weaker than normal you.

In RPGs, you are the ''chosen one''

The final boss will evolve
I swear in FFX Yuna is the chosen one and in FFXII Ashe is the chosen one. (Main character is technically Vaan but you can control her)