Give Nintnendo a chance!


New member
Jun 3, 2013
Zenn3k said:
Limited distribution doesn't mean anything. They are rotting on store shelfs, at least for now.

Not much of an improvement? Okay, I'm going to assume you know nothing about gaming or the industry after that statement.
It really isn't. Not in any practical sense anyway. The only real improvement I can think of (discounting the obvious graphics)is that Gakai (or however it's spelled) streaming thing and the controllers for some reason.

They are losing to 7-8 year old consoles. They might be "next gen" in their own eyes, but when it comes to hardware, they JUST now caught up...8 years later to their competition. As far as I'm concerned, there aren't ANY next gen consoles on the market, and Nintendo was 8 years later on getting in on last gen.
I don't know if we can assume that console sales for next gen will increase for ANY of the big 3, considering that PS3's sales were well below PS2's. And anyway, console generations are not a matter of hardware. If it was, the PS2 would be a generation behind as well.

Catching up with what, by the way? Financial losses?

Nothing available on the PS4 or Xbone will be available on the WiiU, not without major porting and reduction in graphics and/or features, thats a fact, the system simply isn't powerful enough to run say, the next Battlefield (not that I play that, but you get the point). They'll continue to flounder until they either pull the plug entirely, or something radically changes in their game lineup to push out consoles.
Well, not nothing. Ubisoft and Activision are still supporting the thing, as well as Platinum games, Atlus and Namco Bandai who are also showing some support with collaborative projects. Still, you do have a point. Ninty has, and will likely continue to lose out on quite a few 3rd party titles.

But let's be honest, of the big 3, Ninty is likely to be the last to ever pull the plug. They don't lose as much per console as Sony or MS will, they made the most money from the last generation and they continue to make money off their handhelds. I will say that Ninty should've probably held off on releasing their console until they could offer more titles, but lacking launch titles seems to be a popular complaint with all the HD consoles.

Not that I'm saying Nintendo's gonna win. I love the guys, but that's probably not gonna happen. Just that I doubt the others' sales will be far above that of the Wii U's. And let's face it, even if Nintendo never 'beats' their opponents, they sure as hell outlast them.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Zenn3k said:
I never played a Pikman game, hell, I don't even know what its even about...some alien space dude with little critter dudes that do shit for him like lemmings? I dunno, thats my guess, I really have no idea, the entire concept seemed odd to me and I never got into it, so Pikman 3 doesn't interest me in the slightest. Bayonetta...alright, never played that one either, looked like a bad knock off of the original Devil May Cry games, except with "sexy womenz", so the sequel makes me "meh". I don't even know what W101 is...or what "X" is or what RPG its succeeding, I might have played the RPG its succeeding, but due to the fact I didn't even watch Nintendo's press conference, cause frankly I'm not paying the price of a WiiU for last gen hardware, I really don't know.

So I'd say I'll be okay missing out. :) As I said, I'd love to play their new games, but I'm not buying another console that'll end up rotting in a box for years to play them, which is what happened to my Wii, because after the 1st party titles, there was nothing left to play on the system. Maybe when the console drops a ton in price I'll pick it up. If Nintendo really wanted to sell me on their console, they'd make a GOOD new Metroid game, not that "Other M" garbage. Metroid is one of my favorite series of all time, and there hasn't been a really good one since the first Prime, which was outstanding, but that was a Gamecube game.
Ugh, you know what? Just humor me for a second. Go look up Nintendo's youtube channel. Don't watch the Nintendo Direct if you don't want to, but look at any of the trailers or the Developer Directs. You'll notice a few things. First off, notice the HD graphics playing at 60 FPS. Also notice that they are going for stylized HD instead of the same "realistic" tripe that has infested this past generation. Second off, notice the wide variety of games shown. There's Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 (RTS), Bayonetta (Action), Mario (Platformer), X (JRPG), Mario Kart 8 (Racing), etc. Now notice the third party and indie support. So, can we please, please, Please, PLEASE FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY STOP WITH THE STUPID NINTENDO "PROBLEMS" EVERYONE KEEPS SCREAMING ON THE WEBSITE!

You know why you don't want a WiiU? It's because you don't like the games. That's fine. Everyone likes different stuff. But at least admit that this is your reason. This bullcrap of betrayal, of inferior graphics, of inferior games is just absolute tripe to the real reason.
Sep 14, 2009
there is next to nothing on the wiiU that I want, or want in the foreseeable future, unless nintendo massively changes something up and surprises me. (which i'll have to get one of those wiiU pro controllers if i even want to play games how i want to play them.)

plus, ps4 will be more powerful and do more things and there are already 4-5 different games i for sure want for it, and that'll be IF I even get a console this generation.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I have given Nintendo a chance. In fact, I've given them years of chances. The problem is, I don't really feel like buying a new Nintendo system just to play another slightly altered version of a game I've been playing for 20+ years already. That's not to say that the games aren't fun or entertaining, it's that Nintendo keeps giving trying to sell me the exact same thrills they've already been selling me for years. As good an experience as some of them may be, they're just repetitive and boring at this point.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
xaszatm said:
Zenn3k said:
I never played a Pikman game, hell, I don't even know what its even about...some alien space dude with little critter dudes that do shit for him like lemmings? I dunno, thats my guess, I really have no idea, the entire concept seemed odd to me and I never got into it, so Pikman 3 doesn't interest me in the slightest. Bayonetta...alright, never played that one either, looked like a bad knock off of the original Devil May Cry games, except with "sexy womenz", so the sequel makes me "meh". I don't even know what W101 is...or what "X" is or what RPG its succeeding, I might have played the RPG its succeeding, but due to the fact I didn't even watch Nintendo's press conference, cause frankly I'm not paying the price of a WiiU for last gen hardware, I really don't know.

So I'd say I'll be okay missing out. :) As I said, I'd love to play their new games, but I'm not buying another console that'll end up rotting in a box for years to play them, which is what happened to my Wii, because after the 1st party titles, there was nothing left to play on the system. Maybe when the console drops a ton in price I'll pick it up. If Nintendo really wanted to sell me on their console, they'd make a GOOD new Metroid game, not that "Other M" garbage. Metroid is one of my favorite series of all time, and there hasn't been a really good one since the first Prime, which was outstanding, but that was a Gamecube game.
Ugh, you know what? Just humor me for a second. Go look up Nintendo's youtube channel. Don't watch the Nintendo Direct if you don't want to, but look at any of the trailers or the Developer Directs. You'll notice a few things. First off, notice the HD graphics playing at 60 FPS. Also notice that they are going for stylized HD instead of the same "realistic" tripe that has infested this past generation. Second off, notice the wide variety of games shown. There's Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 (RTS), Bayonetta (Action), Mario (Platformer), X (JRPG), Mario Kart 8 (Racing), etc. Now notice the third party and indie support. So, can we please, please, Please, PLEASE FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY STOP WITH THE STUPID NINTENDO "PROBLEMS" EVERYONE KEEPS SCREAMING ON THE WEBSITE!

You know why you don't want a WiiU? It's because you don't like the games. That's fine. Everyone likes different stuff. But at least admit that this is your reason. This bullcrap of betrayal, of inferior graphics, of inferior games is just absolute tripe to the real reason.
Honestly, that's what I've seen as of late.

If it's not the WiiU has no games, it's "I don't like those games enough to buy a WiiU"

Like okay, you don't like those games fine. However your tastes in genre is not indicitive of a consoles failure.
Also a lot of this betrayal thing is getting ridiculous. Like it seems that more than half the people who claimed they were "betrayed" never even got a Wii. Let alone a WiiU. If you haven't touched a Nintendo console in the past 6 years how can you claim Ninty betrayed you? Did you move to another system? Sure. But it's not like they swindled your money. When you go to Nintendo you know what to expect.
Consumer friendliness being one of them. (something we applauded Sony for doing at E3 with used games, but conveniently ignored Nintendo for never straying off the path when it comes to consumer rights.)

As for the PS4 announcement, lets be honest here. Square Enix already mentioned that the KH3 game was still in early stages of development. Fucking called it. You won't be seeing that game release for a while. We also don't really know when that next Final Fantasy game will be coming out.

So at this point it seems that PS4, and Xbone are going to have the same amount of games and around the same genre of games when they release. Just like the WiiU.
However we are once again going to convieniently ignore that. Meanwhile the WiiU will finally be getting releasing the titles most people have been waiting for.
I cannot wait for the hypocrisy to drip from the mouths of third party devs when they whine like children about how competing with Mario and Zelda is hard when they had a full fucking year to put their games on the WiiU with no competition and chose not to.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
StriderShinryu said:
I have given Nintendo a chance. In fact, I've given them years of chances. The problem is, I don't really feel like buying a new Nintendo system just to play another slightly altered version of a game I've been playing for 20+ years already. That's not to say that the games aren't fun or entertaining, it's that Nintendo keeps giving trying to sell me the exact same thrills they've already been selling me for years. As good an experience as some of them may be, they're just repetitive and boring at this point.
So have the other three.

Last time I checked last generation was the era of shooters, and every genre imaginable with shooters in it. All coming form Sony and Microsoft.
Nintendo, a few studios, and a bazillion indie developers were the only gaming groups doing something not a shooter.

Miss G.

New member
Jun 18, 2013
I love Nintendo. I especially love their handhelds, but I haven't owned one of their consoles since my grandpa got me a SNES in '93. The Art Studio, and X look really good to me so I'll just ask daddy to get me a WiiU for my birthday/Christmas since they're so close. After all, I've got SMT IV and Pokemon X & Y to occupy my time until the games I want come out for it.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Miss G. said:
I've got SMT IV and Pokemon X & Y to occupy my time until the games I want come out for it.
Pokemon X and Y didn't even come out yet.


Posh Villainess
Jun 17, 2013
Quite a few people have captured my sentiments here.

It just doesn't have enough games that pique my interest. I really, really wish I could play Smash Bros and Mario Party with my friends, or even Nintendo Land, but the last time I invested in a console for just one particular game was Gamecube, and I personally found that it wasn't worth it for me, particularly with the escalating costs of all things.

The cavalcade of first party games really don't appeal to me anymore either. I'm honestly not a die-hard fan of Nintendo's IPs. I'm not a huge fan of Nintendo's pioneer attitude toward peripherals either.


New member
Dec 3, 2011
If Nintendo makes another Metroid game that isn't a pile of sexist drivel, I might.

Until then, nope.

Has the internet just made everyone so bloody impatient that even the prospect of games being released in a few months enough for them to abandon a console who's life cycle is suppose to be 5-6 YEARS?
Fanboi. Why would people buy a console that has no games? It's nice that in some years, it gets a rerelease of a game I can play on my wii right now, but why would I need a Wii U for it?

Nintendo, a few studios, and a bazillion indie developers were the only gaming groups doing something not a shooter.
I played a ton of not-shooters on my Ps3.

Amount of shooters played this decade: 0


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I am really not into the wii U or wii controller.

And as nitpicky as that sounds, I will only settle for a recreation of the gamecube controller, wireless and able to move the Wii cursor about along with it, complete with weight and feel. The plastic 'classic controller' is just too small and light even for my midget hands! And that remote control attachment just feels wrong.

That really is ALL that's making me steer off the Wii U. No really, I'd heartily endorse it to my parents otherwise. (I'm an adult with a fairly decent gaming PC, I do however have a really young little brother and I am often asked opinions on gaming consoles each time a new generation comes out since I've been gaming all my life)

It's petty, it's what made me adverse to the Wii. It's just something I can't get over. I like a nice weighty, comfortable controller. And sadly, Microsoft and Sony provide.

And before you start yelling '3rd party!' or 'Get an old gamecube controller!' No, those are not so easy to come across in the UK. And ordering them online they nearly always come from the US and charge obnoxious shipping fees. So no. It's not worth the hassle.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Dragonbums said:
So at this point it seems that PS4, and Xbone are going to have the same amount of games and around the same genre of games when they release. Just like the WiiU.
However we are once again going to convieniently ignore that. Meanwhile the WiiU will finally be getting releasing the titles most people have been waiting for.
I cannot wait for the hypocrisy to drip from the mouths of third party devs when they whine like children about how competing with Mario and Zelda is hard when they had a full fucking year to put their games on the WiiU with no competition and chose not to.
Ehh, Let's be fair here. The PS4 does have its JRPG library for its non-shooter titles and has Japanese support for other games that Nintendo doesn't.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Considering I bought a Wii U on day one, and got the 3DS the day Ocarina of Time 3D came out, it's safe to say I give Nintendo a chance the second they announce a new console. Although I agree that people need to remember that most consoles take awhile to get going, PS3 struggled, then it picked up steam, 3DS was doing badly, now it's very successful, and Wii U will probably be fine too, not as big a success as the Wii, but it will still do fairly well.


New member
Jun 3, 2013
Charli said:
It's petty, it's what made me adverse to the Wii. It's just something I can't get over. I like a nice weighty, comfortable controller. And sadly, Microsoft and Sony provide.
Why not just get the Pro Controller? It's basically PS3's controller with the analog sticks and button placements swapped.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
suntt123 said:
Charli said:
It's petty, it's what made me adverse to the Wii. It's just something I can't get over. I like a nice weighty, comfortable controller. And sadly, Microsoft and Sony provide.
Why not just get the Pro Controller? It's basically PS3's controller with the analog sticks and button placements swapped.
Its still too light and doesn't feel right. And I haven't seen one EVER stocked in a single gameshop within 50 miles of where I live.

Miss G.

New member
Jun 18, 2013
Dragonbums said:
Miss G. said:
I've got SMT IV and Pokemon X & Y to occupy my time until the games I want come out for it.
Pokemon X and Y didn't even come out yet.
I meant that they'll be out next month and Oct. respectively amongst more 3DS games and more than enough to tide me over until the WiiU's 2014 releases. I was the girl that bought a Vita just for P4G and had to wait more than half a year till the game came out and I was fine with that.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Nintendo could turn me.
Though the titles I'm really looking forwards for are 3DS titles, Monster Hunter 4 and the new Shin Megami Tensei or PC titles, Battlefield 4 and NFS Rivals (Likely to be a PC release as well).

I'm interested in LoZ and Monster Hunter, but the WiiU doesn't have that woooow factor.