Grammar, Spelling Nazis should just get over themselves


New member
Apr 16, 2011
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea<color=red>. <color=red>If someone doesn't use proper grammar, <color=red>English, or spelling<color=red>, yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand<color=red>, <color=red>it is it really necessary to <color=red>nit pick nitpick the little things? <color=red>This is an awkward sentence. It needs revising

People use spelling and grammar to judge a person<color=red>'s intelligence<color=red>, yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing<color=red>: using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a person<color=red>'s intelligence is just as prejudice as using someone<color=red>'s color of skin, religion<color=red>, or sports team preference <color=red>to do so?.

So<color=red>, if <color=red>you're a grammar or spelling <color=red>Nazi<color=red>, just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
F-. See me after class. We need to discuss your run-on sentences, failure to use commas, and failure to understand possessives... among other issues.

The Human Torch

New member
Sep 12, 2010
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
*You are

You also missed several comma's and capital letters.
I appreciate proper spelling, and would recommend that you look up what a Nazi is, since I don't particularly fancy being compared to one, when all I want is for you to stop butchering the English language.


New member
Jun 18, 2011
Criticizing somebody for their spelling without responding to the message they were communicating just shows what lengths people will go to to find an excuse to argue for the sake of arguing.


Big Stupid Jellyfish
Jun 7, 2010
What I don't understand is why are people so reluctant to learn. If I correct someone, I do it because I truly believe that it will benefit the person whom I corrected. And when I make a mistake, I demand correction because I want to learn things properly. English is not my first language and I don't want to learn it wrong, so when I make a mistake that I don't recognize on my own, I'd like someone to correct my grammar. It's not that difficult to learn, really. I simply can't wrap my head around people who have English as a native language and can't make a difference between "your" and "you're". Until I came to the Internet, I never even realized that people struggle with it as it was so easy and obvious when I learned it (when I was 6 years old and it wasn't the language I heard everywhere every day since birth). Damn right I'll assume that the person lacks basic knowledge (but not that they're stupid). Seriously, if you go to school on a regular basis and actually try to learn something, you'll know the difference between "your" and "you're" and between "than" and "then" and between "their" and "they're" and whatever else people don't seem to understand. And to refuse to learn it properly; it baffles me. I'd be ashamed to speak any language (my native or any foreign) improperly and to refuse to be taught how to do it correctly. So, call us grammar Nazis, but that term just shows how much people just don't want to be educated; it implies that we torture with grammar and attack your personal freedoms, while we only want to help people learn things they understand poorly, because, why the hell wouldn't you want to understand something you don't? Of course, some people are being bitchy about it, but I wouldn't view them as "our" representatives, but as the necessary "Douches are the loudest" group of people that's not exclusive solely to "grammar Nazis" (not that I was never bitchy about it, especially after three hours of arguing and facepalming at "your an idiot").

QtheMuse said:
People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.
I wouldn't call it prejudice that's comparable to racism, but it is bad. I don't judge a person's intelligence, but only their lack of interest for proper communication skills. I find it sad, really. In this day and age, you can learn anything you want within five minutes and three clicks. Even if you didn't learn it in school, you can learn it somewhere else. And the argument "It's faster" is really just that; an excuse. Because the nanosecond that you'll gain by not typing the apostrophe is negligible. Honestly, when someone is trying to write a serious post about an serious issue and doesn't seem to understand the difference between "your" and "you're", it looks silly. I don't think it looks stupid, but I certainly do have a prejudice and consider the person to be very young or lacking in education. In both cases, I feel obligated to tell them that they made a mistake and that they can learn to be better at it. Grammar is not something we're born with, we all learn it at one point and you can learn it at any point in your life. Why someone would absolutely refuse to do so is beyond me.

Oh, and language is flexible, but things like "their" and "they're" are not. Those are rules in grammar and syntax that are necessary for proper understanding. Yeah, sure, I'll understand that they meant "they're" instead of "their", but why shouldn't they learn how to write it properly once and for all? Is it going to harm them? Is it wrong to educate other people? Are they somehow physically or mentally incapable of understanding the difference? If not, then they should learn correct grammar. If they do not learn it, I'll struggle to think of them seriously, just as any scientific paper would refuse your poorly worded work that screams "I don't know basic grammar", and I will offer them help. Sieg heil, I guess?

P.S. Correct my mistakes, please. I long for some good Nazi grammar torture.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Takumashii said:
I think the mistake many so-called grammar Nazis make is they assume everyone received the same education they did and learned grammar usage as easily as they did. Because of that mistake, they think they are actually helping when they correct someone's grammar, instead of insulting them. Someone who did not do so well in school (or can't type/write quickly) does not need their mistakes rubbed in, particularly if you understand what they said enough to correct them.

To say that it is the fault of the one who misspells or uses grammar improperly is just blaming the victim. Would you also feel that someone who was murdered was asking for it by being alive? I'm repeating myself here, but if you can understand them enough to correct them, there is no need to correct them. If you're feeling anger because someone does not communicate in the same way that you do, you should look within to correct the thing that is lacking in yourself.
Correcting somebody with poor grammar is not "blaming the victim" in any way, shape or form. It speaks entirely to character, not education. A person who is not as well educated and is not offended by being corrected recognizes that they still have room to grow and better themselves. A person who is offended by it is too concerned with image and resistant to education.

I look at it this way. If I had a wrong idea that I expressed frequently to people who know more than me on the subject, I would be grateful to be corrected. Better being told the one time that I'm wrong so I don't make the mistake again, then to look like a dumbass every single time I talk about it.

For instance, what if I got the titles of Starcraft and Minecraft confused and I kept talking about how I don't want to play Minecraft because RTS games bore me? I'd much rather have somebody tell me to my face how I'm mistaken, then have everybody on this forum ignore me because they think I'm an idiot.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
Edit: For some reason I got you confused with the people you're defending, even though your grammar isn't that bad. Sorry.

I've known people with disabilities and non-native speakers who work to overcome their linguistic challenges. It's really kind of disgusting to see someone without those handicaps not even try. Besides, not having good grammar and spelling is a huge handicap when looking for work. I've heard from a few employers that they screen large applicant pools by throwing out the resumes and cover letters with mistakes in them.

Sure, a given person won't be constantly applying for a job (well, once the economy recovers they won't), but good or bad grammar and spelling is habit-forming. May as well get into it while writing online.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
McMullen said:
Shorter version: I'm lazy and instead of putting effort into communication, would rather have my audience do so instead. Why do you meanies keep calling me out on it?
I feel this is the crux of the debate. It;s not so much getting perfect accuracy, but rather

"Posters should make a decent attempt to communicate clearly" - (Grammar-nazi website for discussing WoW, they're transparent about this, look at the domain name.) make this a rule. I think they take it much too far, but as long as the guy is at least trying to be understood, I have no issue

For example, I recently made a post and coincidentally someone made just about the same post. Never mind the jargon if you don't play the game, look at the language.
"pvp tanking on a druid tank
i know in wolk i could tank in pvp gear because of the stamina and stack agiligy is why i did it but i am wondering in cata is it the same or has it changed.... and know just post know because od beening a noob i have looked everywhere and i can not find any posts saying my way for tanking is back lots of people saying no because resilince is just for pvp. but i have hear rumors that to much pvp gear in cata can make u under crit cap for tanking"

^This poster was warned, because it doesn't matter if you're not native, there's no reason you can't bother to capitalise and prevent run-on sentences. It's really hard to read, and honestly, why make the effort to when he did not?

My question was coincidentally identical, I got a great answer from it because I tried to make it as clear as I could (Since I was asking them for help, least I could do.
"Given the recent threat changes, how viable is a set-up of nearly full PvP gear for bear tanking in Firelands Normal? The main concern over PvP gear was the heavy loss of secondary threat stats, but given that the threat is buffed so much could it be considered a non-issue? The gear would be PvP in every slot, gemmed, enchanted and reforged properly for bear tanking, minus the trinkets which would be PvE e.g Alchemist Stone + Tia's Grace. 4 pieces of Ruthless + Ruthless weapon, 371 vicious in the other slots.

Is there a rough estimate on the effective value of running PvP gear like this in relation to PvE gear? Provided one can maintain aggro it seems to be viable given the stat priorities for bear tanking (Agility, Stamina, Dodge all increase with higher item levels).

Note the post above me was made at the same time(While I was typing my own); I am asking essentially the same question.

Also note that I am fully aware it has been done in moderation in the past, my question is regarding going the full way with PvP items in nearly every slot."

BTW: Source

The point I'm making is the benefit is significant when you at least try to make it clear. If a non-native speaker screws up the you/your/you're he won't really be warned, the guys there might make the point to show it but never backlashed.


New member
May 23, 2010
Language constantly is evolving and the speakers are what makes it evolve. In the past people did not speak or write the same way they did 500 years ago. 500 years in the future people will speak some sort of English that we would never understand without a dictionary or proper translation.

It takes a more open minded person to get past spelling mistakes and grammar errors without getting caught up in the rigidity of grammar and spelling. Language is what the current time frame makes of it, and despite the rules you have they will change and they will be ignored.

As for the first example, if someone wrote it or spelled it why would you think they really would want to eat their grandpa.

Common sense trumps spelling and grammar every time.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
grammer An speeling Naisies are fun to play with,

tHay take a luk at somefing like dis and thro a coniption fit?


New member
Mar 9, 2010
QtheMuse said:
Language constantly is evolving and the speakers are what makes it evolve. In the past people did not speak or write the same way they did 500 years ago. 500 years in the future people will speak some sort of English that we would never understand without a dictionary or proper translation.

It takes a more open minded person to get past spelling mistakes and grammar errors without getting caught up in the rigidity of grammar and spelling. Language is what the current time frame makes of it, and despite the rules you have they will change and they will be ignored.

As for the first example, if someone wrote it or spelled it why would you think they really would want to eat their grandpa.

Common sense trumps spelling and grammar every time.
Poor spelling and grammar is to the evolution of language what birth defects are to the evolution of animals. Rather than changing the language or animal in some way, they are simply detrimental to the task at hand, namely communicating for language and thriving well enough to reproduce for animals. This is why the apostrophe is still around, despite decades, probably centuries, of misuse. It's there because it has a purpose.

Also, chiding people to be more open-minded about incorrect practices is one of trashier sorts of pseudo-academic evasion. So is using a straw man (that, admittedly, someone else set up) to discredit an argument, like you did with the "eating grandpa" example.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Nit-picking the little things? No. I'm fine with my friend who types things like "it's" instead of "its". But when it's so horrible that it takes me twice as long to read as it should, then I skip it.

I tell people to learn how to type for their own benefit, not for mine. I couldn't care less if their text isn't ever read.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
GigaHz said:
grammer An speeling Naisies are fun to play with,

tHay take a luk at somefing like dis and thro a coniption fit?
Not really. When it's that obvious, it's more likely to be a sign to the readers that the comment and the opinions held by the person who made it are meaningless and pointless enough that they can be ignored from now on without a second thought.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
McMullen said:
Not really. When it's that obvious, it's more likely to be a sign to the readers that the comment and the opinions held by the person who made it are meaningless and pointless enough that they can be ignored from now on without a second thought.
I take it you're not a fan of satire are you.

Sniper Team 4

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Apr 28, 2010
HumpinHop said:
It doesn't matter what you're trying to say. If you don't know the difference between they're, their, and there, that casts a shadow of doubt over your entire argument.
Shazzam! This person summed up my entire three-page argument. Okay, not really three pages, but still.
You can write the best speech in the entire world, but if you make a common elementary school mistake, THAT is what people are going to remember.
Punctuation can make the difference between coherent thought and rambling. Between eating grandpa and having lunch with grandpa as someone pointed out at the very beginning.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Boris Goodenough said:
Lending a hand with the first one would be polite. I think I will pass on the second.

I am not overly picky, and certainly not perfect, but if your post is hard to read because you have failed to grasp the fundamentals, I will quit reading. There is one person on here that posts often and is absolutely horrible with paragraph and sentence structure. I skip them. I have no interest in wasting time deciphering what they are trying to communicate.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
QtheMuse said:
So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
So should I use your lack of understanding of what OCD is to judge your intelligence? I would only judge a person on intelligence (strictly on a judge a book by its cover basis) by their grammar online. Of course there will be the highly intelligent person who defies all grammar, but for the most part the people who do not use proper grammar are those of lower intelligence.
Wow, that sounds awful.
Do you deny that use of proper grammar enforces the efficiency of communication? The very first reply in this thread provides a perfect, if basic, example. The same three words are used, but the meaning taken from them is completely different.
Grammar exists for a purpose. That purpose is to prevent miscommunication. If someone writes in such a way as to almost enforce miscommunication (ie. By using improper grammar) then I feel justified in judging them in terms of intelligence, to an extent.

A post note to your prejudicing comment, of course judging grammar and race are totally different things. To even suggest that they are the same is simply ridiculous. Grammar is taught and learned, therefore it is controllable. Race is not.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
I'm sorry, but it's REALLY bothering when people misspell that.

BlackWidower said:
Nothing has ever improved without coming to terms with it's flaws.

Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

Look, the thing is, I am a writer, and I want to be the best damn writer I can be, and the only way I can do that is if people point out where I screw up. Basically I'm saying I wish more people were grammar Nazis.
That apostrophe shouldn't be there.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
GigaHz said:
McMullen said:
Not really. When it's that obvious, it's more likely to be a sign to the readers that the comment and the opinions held by the person who made it are meaningless and pointless enough that they can be ignored from now on without a second thought.
I take it you're not a fan of satire are you.
I take it you haven't been on the internet very long if you think that looks like satire.