Grammar, Spelling Nazis should just get over themselves


New member
Jul 5, 2011
McMullen said:
I take it you haven't been on the internet very long if you think that looks like satire.
No. My grammatically incorrect response was the satire. Thought you'd catch it.

Before that I was just being ridiculous.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I'm sorry that people find it acceptable to sound like dumb shits because 'i r on teh Internets an y shud i here u u r not my mom."

Missing a comma using the wrong version of "There/their/they're" sometimes getting "than and then" backwards occasionally or forgetting to capitalize something now and then is fine this isn't English class but we have a language that language is a beautiful thing wn u talk lik this cuz your 2 lazy or stupid than u shit all ovr that beuty do you see the point I am trying to make with this big run-on sentence that people so love to use it makes it hard to follow because you dont know where to pause and you cant tell where one part begins and another ends this is what people sound like and it undermines every word they use AND THEN THEY GET MAD CAUSE SOMEONE CALLS THEM ON IT AND START TALKING IN ALL CAPS BUT THEY STILL USE A GIANT RUN-ON SENTENCE YELLING AND USING HORRID GRAMMAR MAKES YOU LOOK EVEN MORE LIKE A MORON AND OCCASIONALLY THEY GET REALLY MAD AND MAKE THREADS ON THE ESCAPIST COMPLAINING THAT PEOPLE WHO CAN ONLY READ WHAT THEY WRITE ARE JUDGING THEM BASED ON HOW THEY WRITE

Yes, there is some flexibility with it. For instance, some people would have my head for starting a sentence with "but" while others find it completely acceptable. but u typn like dis is than say that it r gud enuff cus their r lots of peeps who use there werds gud an than u can git yuo're point across I am going to think you're a moron because you've given me no evidence to show you have enough intelligence to walk and chew gum at the same time.

If you were too busy licking paste during English class to learn the rules of the language you claim to speak, then I am going judge you based on how you communicate with the written word. Do you know why I am going to judge you based on that and assume you were eating paste? Because that is all I have to work with at first glance. For the sake of yourself, put SOME effort into how you type. Even if you don't like it, it does reflect poorly on u wen u sound lik this

P.S. Dallas Cowboys fans are morons.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.

So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.

Well, for my part I just sent off the following on the Escapist contact page:


There's a 'to' missing on a paragraph from your submission guidelines page, between "able" and "fact":

"We expect articles to be well-written and thoroughly researched. If subjects are interviewed, we expect to be able fact check these sources."

I'm surprised it's still there considering the sheer number of mecha-critical, wannabe writer internet nerds who must have read the page already, and especially given the slight irony of the first seven words of that paragraph.

I'd also recommend dropping the hyphen from "well-written" as the word "articles" precedes it rather than follows it (and it implies a pronunciation of 'wellwritten' if you were to say it out loud), but this probably depends on which style guide you follow.

Man, I really need a girlfriend.

All the best,
Which tells you all you need to know about my opinion on the matter.

As an amateur lacanian psychoanalyst, I'd also add than this is clearly your unconscious mind trying to tell you that you care about thoughtfully presented spelling and grammar just as much as the rest of us Nazis. You wouldn't have spent so much of your time on this thread if you didn't.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
TLS14 said:
Alright, OP, I have an image for just this sort of occasion. I'll put it in a spoiler tag because it's actually quite big.

My English professor would love this image.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Sleekit said:
my line on this is much the same as the OP

if you understood what the person was trying to say well enough to be able to correct him then you are just being pedantic because, and pay attention to this bit, you already understood what he was communicating and so the language, however bad it was, had already done what it was intended to do.

you admitted that fact when you started to make "corrections".

you're basically saying "i fully understood that but now i'm going to show how it could be better said because i'm a pedantic asshat who likes displaying my superiority by correcting other people"

and with that i'll leave you with Mr Stephen Fry on the subject :
I think the problem here is that there are certain people (and these will always be with us) who view any perceived imperfection as unacceptable. Similarly, there are lots of people who don't like being wrong and will try to claim their mistakes were simply "reinterpretations" of the language. I think they're both wrong.

I've been called a grammar Nazi before, and my posts on this thread don't do much to avoid that label. But a point I've been trying to make is that even though language is fluid and changing and whatever, phrases like "so i no im had byd a 6 cor thing for my mashin but wen i looc i si 8 cors in the thin an i was lik shodnt ther be 6 or somthin so i looc on goggle an fined this vertual cpu thing that givs you more cors sumhow i donno how but hay col but it ses that it dobles yor cors so souldnt i hav 12 cors wtf wy is my mashin retarted omg can sumwon help me owt her cus i donno much abot this hol moltcor thing kthanx bye" are not a modification or evolution of language. They are simply a failure to use it effectively because the reader will have a very poor idea of what you were trying to say.

I agree with Mr. Fry that it's fun to play with language (I sometimes get raised eyebrows from people hearing me use the word "awesomeness", among many others), and that people who get really picky about the finer points of English mostly succeed at embarrassing themselves. Even so, many people who claim to be using language creatively are really just poor communicators trying to cover up their mistakes, the way other people (or maybe the same ones) will say something hideously stupid or vile and try to claim it was a joke or satire when they realize everyone is glaring at them.

I don't get riled up about affect vs. effect, I merely shrug at people who use apostrophes on plurals. A part of me facepalms inwardly at "should of"s, but I don't actually bring them up. Well, I don't anymore anyway. However, <---(See? Not a Nazi or an obsessive, howevers just feel natural at the beginning of sentences sometimes!) an incomprehensible sentence like the one I wrote above will drain my patience after the first few words and I'll simply move on, whether I know the answer to the writer's question or not.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea, if someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand it is it really necessary to nit pick the little things?
Yes, yes it is, if you can't even write in your own language, then you have a problem

QtheMuse said:
People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.
No it isn't, you don't choose your skin colour or religion(your culture) nor probably your team preference(again, it's cultural). On the other hand, if you have an education you will probably write correctly, whereas if you write like a drunk monkey, it probably means you haven't had a decent education or you don't pay attention(meaning that if you are not idiot you are still an ignorant fuckhead)

QtheMuse said:
So if your a grammar or spelling nazi just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
Nope, I think I'll keep on nit picking. I mean, seriously, I find it ridiculous that someone can't be bothered to write TWO more words with his keyboard. It's not that hard to write correctly.

Also, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes I could have done, english is not my mother tongue


New member
Sep 11, 2009
QtheMuse said:
People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.
I'm not trying to be mean here, but this is an atrocious analogy to use in this situation.

People getting things mildly wrong is not problem, because some people actually have problems with typing correctly, and I understand this perfectly. Typing "lyk dis", on the other hand, is utterly retarded, and is something you choose to do. It requires me to put more effort into reading due to its asininity, and it really does make people come across like utter retards, whereas someone's colour of skin/religion are not their choice, and therefore your argument is moot.

Seriously, think about it. In the back of your mind, who will you consider to be more intelligent, the person with nigh-perfect grammar and punctuation, or the one "hu cnt typ propr bcuz dey r a tool"?


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Fayathon said:
Blue_vision said:
gize, OP has a good point. it doesnt matter if u write not well, all it matters is what u say n thats the only thing tht shuld matter when ur reading someone's else's work. I mean, if ur gnna critisize somone on there spelling then thats just being dumb and mean to everyone that dosen't want to take the time to learn the english langage in proper. Are we going to be zenophobic towards english people because they speak differently? no. So why does it matter if we butcher a standard form of english? OP, your right i think that every1 needs to losen up.
Are you trying to give me an aneurysm? Even in jest that hurts my head.
I second that.... >_<

More on topic:

QtheMuse said:
People use spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing, using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a persons intelligence is just as prejudice as using someones color of skin, religion or sports team preference.
Using proper language which has rules and you learned in school is an entirely different thing than a preference, choice, or physical trait. The former is something everyone who has an elementary school education should have in common and is education related and thus it is not petty or bigoted to assume someone is either (a) uneducated or (b) lazy, irresponsible, or apathetic towards how they comport themselves in public when they make egregious spelling and punctuation errors, word substitutions, and generally fail at speaking with any modicum of structure.

Someone's religious choice, favorite sports team, or skin color have nothing to do with education. It's like saying I'll magically turn Asian if I learn to play my violin better or if I change my favorite sports team I'll turn black. It's a logical fallacy. Those are either choices or physical traits, not learned sets of rules that govern verbal expression.

This isn't to say that every spelling mistake on the internet needs correction, or that all texts and tweets should be Shakespearean in nature, but rather that there is a difference to be made with proper spelling and grammar. Yes, mistakes happen. No, not every one should be corrected, especially not violently with words of hatred. Just, for the love of God, try to act like you care when you write something... It only takes a few more seconds to correct even just the underlined words or use Google to check that word you don't use very often.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Contrary to what you said, spelling and grammar can almost always be used to judge a person's intelligence. Go to any school and I guarantee you that the pupils with the best spelling and grammar will also be getting the best grades.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
It's supposed to be Grammer SLASH!!! / spelling nazis.


I agree, Why I don't like reading complete disregards where people didn't give the slightest care, I find people who type like me fine.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I wouldn't class myself as a spelling/grammar nazi at all, though I certainly notice when things aren't done correctly. I have no idea where the posted is located now, but Ms. Arendt wrote a quality post on exactly this subject some time ago. It basically said that the spelling and grammar in posts are not just the delivery of your message, but that they're actually an integral part of the message itself. If you can't be bothered to state your point in a careful manner, with respect to the reader shown through the extra couple of seconds it may take to write correctly, it actually diminishes what you're trying to say.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Dr.Panties said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea. If someone doesn't use proper grammar, english, or spelling, yet communicates their idea clearly enough for someone else to understand, is it really necessary to nitpick the little things?

People use spelling and grammar to judge a person's intelligence, yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing. Using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a person's intelligence is just as prejudiced as using someone's skin colour, religion or sporting team preference.

So, if you're a grammar or spelling nazi, just get over it and find something else to obsess over.
Here, let me show you what nitpicking is through correcting this guy's grammar:

Language is a way to communicate an idea. If someone doesn't use proper grammar, English, or spelling yet communicates his/her idea clearly enough for someone else to understand, is it really necessary to nitpick the little things?

People use spelling an grammar to judge a person's intelligence, yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing. Using something as petty as spelling an grammar to judge a person's intelligence is just as prejudiced as using someone's skin color(I'm American, so I prefer color rather than colour.), religion or sporting team preference.

So, if you're a grammar or spelling Nazi, just get over it and find something else to obsess over.

Now, to the OP: (not the person I quoted, you're fine - I was just being nit picky to show them what nit picky is.)
In all seriousness, literacy does matter at least in the business/science world. Having literacy means that there won't be ambiguity in what one has said, which could be very important in legal documents. But in everyday conversation and typing, a sturdy grasp of the language isn't necessarily required. However, one needs to know how to correct write and speak, for the sake of formal matters. Formality is important, and the way we show this in English (since we have a lack for words that imply formality) is by speaking and typing in standard English.

For example, if you want to get a job at the Escapist right now, you must be able to write on the college level and you must be able to type standard English. But this isn't needed everywhere, but is needed. And besides, English grammar isn't that hard. Seriously. Go learn German. I dare you. There, their, and they're are different words and then and than are different words. Yes, these simple words MATTER in context. Overuse and under-use of a comma can make your paragraph sound horrible. And if you want to persuade someone, use correct grammar and spelling. You will never persuade anyone if you can't get these simple things correct. (Yes, you're right, it discredits your authority on a matter because you can't accomplish something so simple as English grammar. Oh, and yes, it is a logical fallacy but sadly enough no one knows their fallacies. So there.)


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
I'm not gonna say but so much that hasn't been said already, so let me simply say that I apologize for actually having some fucking standards.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I can't help it. I'm a writer in my free time so I automatically get annoyed if I see an obvious grammatical error.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
A post becomes nigh-unreadable to me when there are enough spelling mistakes, run-on sentences, or omissions of punctuation. At least once on this forum, I've taken a good five minutes to decode such a post... and it turns out the user in question made the same point three times in said post.
Small mistakes such as were in the OP don't really bother me (you'll notice I made a number of small grammar mistakes in this post, and I don't care. I type the way I talk: only mostly correct), although I can't help but think of someone who can't tell the difference between your and you're(you are) as a small child.


New member
Jan 29, 2011
Stall said:
QtheMuse said:
Language is a way to communicate an idea<color=red>. <color=red>If someone doesn't use proper grammar, <color=red>English, or spelling<color=red>, yet they communicate their idea clearly enough for someone to understand<color=red>, <color=red>it is it really necessary to <color=red>nit pick nitpick the little things? <color=red>This is an awkward sentence. It needs revising

People use spelling and grammar to judge a person<color=red>'s intelligence<color=red>, yet language is a very flexible and fluid thing<color=red>: using something as petty as spelling and grammar to judge a person<color=red>'s intelligence is just as prejudice as using someone<color=red>'s color of skin, religion<color=red>, or sports team preference <color=red>to do so?.

So<color=red>, if <color=red>you're a grammar or spelling <color=red>Nazi<color=red>, just get over it and find something else to be OCD about.
F-. See me after class. We need to discuss your run-on sentences, failure to use commas, and failure to understand possessives... among other issues.
Ha, I was just about to do the same :D
English is not even my first language but maybe because of that I'm inclined to think it's rather important for it to be written correctly!

So here is a little something to mull over @QtheMuse, courtesy of the Oatmeal:

And let's not forget:

See learning can be fun... sort of :p


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Well I know I'm not the greatest speller of all time, but if some one goes on saying stuff like "omgz iu gramar nasis needz to gett ovar iurselfs, yo!?" I do feel I have the right to tell them to go back to school.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
ninjastovall0 said:
Scrubiii said:
Contrary to what you said, spelling and grammar can almost always be used to judge a person's intelligence. Go to any school and I guarantee you that the pupils with the best spelling and grammar will also be getting the best grades.
I think vocabulary and understanding of the meaning of the words is more important.
So do I. I also think you will find that people who use correct spelling and grammar will tend to have larger vocabularies than people who do not.