Great musicians that died too young.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Andrew Wood.
Shannon Hoon.
Layne Staley.
Jimi Hendrix.
John Lennon.
Joey Ramone. (He was 49 but that's still pretty young)
Chuck Schuldiner.
Kurt Cobain. (Douchebag, but still a important person in rock music history)


New member
Jul 19, 2009
pigeon_of_doom said:
Nicolefranklin said:
Wait, what? The Mescaleros got pretty succesful, and for a good reason, all three albums were great. But each to their own, I guess. :)
Never heard any of the Mescaleros, never really had them down as successful. Maybe I'm being unfair towards them as they weren't anything near the Clash. I heard some of Strummers 80's stuff and thought it was terrible, so I just assumed he was on something of a decline and never bothered to listen to his newer stuff, and nobody told me it was worth listening too.

I'll have a look into a couple of their songs. Thanks for pointing that out.
Oh okay then. I could just easily understand if one wouldn't like the Mescaleros. I personally love them, but it really is very far from the Clash! And very different music, overall. :) I do agree on the solo material though, while he did release some gems, they weren't common. With Mescaleros he really got back in the game, you can hear he enjoyed it, and was proud of it, and just that alone makes it worth a listen. Their version of Redemption Song can bring tears to my eyes when I'm in the right mood, same for Silver and Gold, both from the Streetcore album, which probably would be the best album to start with. It's a new Strummer, but it's wonderful. :)


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
Freddy Mercury, Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Jonathan Hexley said:
galletea said:
I guess I'm the only one who appreciates Marc Bolan. *sigh*
Never heard of Marc Bolan or T.Rex, but I'm sure they contributed greatly...
I think. I don't usually think about bands I don't listen to.

Milkatron said:
Jharry5 said:
Milkatron said:
For the record, Kurt Cobain should have been aborted so we didn't have to put up with that shit.
He was vocalist/songwriter in arguably the most important band of the 90's. He contributed a lot to his time's music scene; just like the others you listed did for their times.
But, to each his own...
I guess I should back up my statement.

In my honest, oh so humble opinion, this country went down the shitter when it came to music, all because of him. I have yet to hear a band say they claimed influence from Cobain/Nirvana AND impress me. Without him, we wouldn't have mainstream alternative bands (which is a load of shit if you do any research on alternative msuic) and grunge. Those are probably the two worst subgenres of rock n' roll. Nirvana is the Halo 3 of music: Popular, but severely lacking in quality.
Fair point when you think about it, but c'mon. SOMEONE would've thought to express their anger through music, and then they would've created Grunge.
Thing is, even if something wasn't created, someone else would probably think of the idea and make it.
It seems like people here think that it was all because of Kurt that grunge became popular. It was MTV and its trend following douchebag fans that did that. MTV knew grunge was slowly becoming the "cool" thing and decided to go with one of the more promenant bands, Nirvana. They then replayed the shit out of "Smells like teen spirit" so that the average braindead MTV fan would get it through their thick skull that this was what was popular now. So they galdly hopped on the band wagon and acted like hardcore fans so people would think they were cool. Also, I would recommed to the person who doesn't like Kurt to hope that no hardcore Nirvana fan comes across this and absolutly flames you for it. I am a hardcore Nirvana fan but I beleive that I have some form of restraint and I tend to listen to critisizms as opinions and not insults.


Bound up the dead triumphantly!
Jan 7, 2009
Only been mentioned 4 times thus far, but Layne Staley.

Awesome vocalist, and I think that there is so much more that the band could have done for the rock genre under his guidance.

And Alice in Chains just aren't the same without him.

This is still one of my favourite tracks of all time:

How many of our great rising stars have been lost because of drugs?

Truly, the Needle and the Damage Done.