I'm going to complain about this as well, but for gaming in general. Games do NOT measure your skill in real life. I suck at most games, and that's because I rarely play them as much as some people. I suck at Call of Duty, I can't aim worth shit. But its clearly not reflective of my skill in real life, because I have a chip on my shoulder about the fact that I'm a relatively well known sharp shooter at the range, and although I don't hunt for sport (I don't believe its right to hunt for sport) I'm also a decent hunter because I think I would go mad if I went more than 4 months without elk (DEEELEESHUS) and I'm tired of people who yell "NEWWWBB" or "LOLZOR IM MORE SKILED AND SMRT TN YU BECAUSE I CN SPEL REEL ENGLIS AND AM AMERICAN AND I CAN AIM GOOD IN A VIDO GAME WICH IS REALISTIC" because they take the fun out of the game. I want to play to have fun, not have dumbass hicks say they're better than me because they're good at pointing and clicking or pulling the right trigger.