Gun Enthusiasts Complain About the "Call of Duty Effect"


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Haha that punk in the story is not any better than a 10yr old, I mean sure playing games that feature rl guns doesn't mean it makes us experts, but man was that retarded.

I'm amazed he could walk out of his house, probably took him a while to realise there was no X button.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I'm going to complain about this as well, but for gaming in general. Games do NOT measure your skill in real life. I suck at most games, and that's because I rarely play them as much as some people. I suck at Call of Duty, I can't aim worth shit. But its clearly not reflective of my skill in real life, because I have a chip on my shoulder about the fact that I'm a relatively well known sharp shooter at the range, and although I don't hunt for sport (I don't believe its right to hunt for sport) I'm also a decent hunter because I think I would go mad if I went more than 4 months without elk (DEEELEESHUS) and I'm tired of people who yell "NEWWWBB" or "LOLZOR IM MORE SKILED AND SMRT TN YU BECAUSE I CN SPEL REEL ENGLIS AND AM AMERICAN AND I CAN AIM GOOD IN A VIDO GAME WICH IS REALISTIC" because they take the fun out of the game. I want to play to have fun, not have dumbass hicks say they're better than me because they're good at pointing and clicking or pulling the right trigger.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
due to connections with the army I have had several chances to fire various pistols and even a few rifles at ranges but I wouldnt say that I am "Combat ready". Perhaps survive firefight with one or two other guys IF IM LUCKY (and by "Lucky" I mean "The army comes in and saves my sorry beez-hind)

My other pet peeve as a humble amateur in firearms Is that shot guns loose efficiency over range and that trying to hit a target further than 30 yards is impossible. I was raised in hunting country and have more experience with hunting shotguns (12 and 20 gauge) than with any other type of gun.I have shot at coyotes and wolverines while working on a sheep farm and cleared a flock of Magpies (dumbest, ugliest birds to walk Gods green earth for those of you who may not know). While hunting and shooting skeet and at a range, I found out that shotguns only loose a fraction of any factor of combat efficiency at long range.The norm in video games is too portray shotguns as practically unpredictable at anything over 30 yards. While its true that shot becomes less destructive at some point, it still hacks me off.

Oh and the "shooting the lock" norm. most locks that somebody might need to shoot are actually made of stronger material than the bullets. In reality the impact might even mold the lock and make it un-openable, which is highly counter productive....


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I snickered. Especially the part about the halo guy trying to buy a sniper rifle.

Although hell, I just learned something. I didn't know you could zoom in and out with a scope. I always thought they were fixed at a set distance o_O the more you know....


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
ShadowKatt said:
I snickered. Especially the part about the halo guy trying to buy a sniper rifle.

Although hell, I just learned something. I didn't know you could zoom in and out with a scope. I always thought they were fixed at a set distance o_O the more you know....
Well that's why the autozooming of the "Far future super science weapons" is supposed to be impressive. I actually thought most games sort of pointed that out at some point if you read/listen to what is going on.

At any rate, this does suddenly make me want to walk into a gun store and recite Arnold's weapon list from the first Terminator Movie... including the bit at the end. :p


New member
Apr 9, 2008
There's an interesting opposite here. I have a few friends who are honest to god gun nuts. And playing MW2 gave them a bit of perspective and basic knowledge of a few guns, like the Vector. It was that much easier to internalize what these guns were when we were watching an episode of Future Weapons because they had used them in the game. Basically, if you're not an idiot, and you don't think that a FPS could replace legit research, such a game could be a very useful educational tool for gun enthusiasts. And for people like that Halo kid, well, this is why buying a gun requires jumping through a few hoops.

The Youth Counselor

New member
Sep 20, 2008
Tomster595 said:
The Youth Counselor said:
I watch Future Weapons clips on Youtube, and in every video you have some COD player chiming in with their expert opinion.

"AA12 isn't good shotgun. 1887's are better."

"FN F2000 sucks. M4 with red dot sights are the best!"
Epic lol at the shotgun comment
Sad part is that isn't even an exaggeration. Every video is full of them!

For example, look at the comments to this video:


New member
Aug 1, 2009
The Youth Counselor said:
Tomster595 said:
The Youth Counselor said:
I watch Future Weapons clips on Youtube, and in every video you have some COD player chiming in with their expert opinion.

"AA12 isn't good shotgun. 1887's are better."

"FN F2000 sucks. M4 with red dot sights are the best!"
Epic lol at the shotgun comment
Sad part is that isn't even an exaggeration. Every video is full of them!

For example, look at the comments to this video:
You're not kidding.. found this on a related video regarding the Barret .50 caliber (

"intervention is better (IRL)"


New member
Jun 24, 2009
I remember when AK-47's used to be used by teenagers attacking malls and postal workers. Now every little snot-nosed kid who thinks he knows which end goes boom and thinks he's the sauce for it.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Oh dear. I can't get over how surreal the idea of a gun shop seems to me... 90% of people on this side of the pond will never see a gun in their lives...


New member
Jul 23, 2009
LOL no way in history does COD have enough gun info for people learn that would classify the person as an expert. Some of the stuff about guns in that game is half truth i guess. You need to actually own a few guns and use them to understand it a little. Plus all the parts that make the gun and such... so on and so on.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
this must be to us how an old lady who plays the Wii some how knows everything about gaming is to them.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Woodsey said:
Because I don't want anyone within a 100-mile radius of me to be enthusiastic about guns.

My main problem is that gun enthusiasm is born from the public (in the States, not sure where else) en masse having the right to own a firearm.
And video game enthusiasm was born from the public having the right to play video games. You have a problem with that?

And I don't want anyone within 100 miles of me to be enthusiastic about Twilight, but they are. Just because you don't get it, that doesn't mean they are someone to look down on, or that they are somehow lesser people than you. You'd think someone posting on a forum focused on a media which is constantly derided as childish would understand that.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Char-Nobyl said:
Char-Nobyl said:
Oh, gasp. The occasional retard thinks a form of artificial media qualifies them to operate a complex death-machine in real life. Batten down the hatches, because it's not like we've been going through this storm since the dawn of *any* fiction.
I wouldn't be too concerned. Zero skill is required to kill in Halo and CoD (prove me wrong) with a sniper rifle, or anything really. They probably couldn't figure out how to LOAD the rifle to begin with! xD
Obvious troll is obvious, but I'll humor your iron-clad argument. I take it you've never played either of them?
what the fuck is your point? and im the troll?
I don't know how much clearer I could have been. You claim both games require zero skill. I asked if you'd played either of them. Maybe I should print the question in attention-grabbing colors, too.

And yes. I don't know how you expected *not* to be called a troll when you've gone on a website predominantly composed of gamers and declared that two of the most popular games of all time require zero skill to be good at.
I have played both games very much, and after logging days of time online, and watching how some people play, as long as you know the controls, and can shoot an enemy, all skill/planning/stradegy goes out the window, especially MW2, as it has been made noob friendly, and has more corners than a coloring book maze, which, since I'm retarded, enjoy very much. You don't even need 2 hands to play the games.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Ugh. The ACR one wasn't TOO bad, but the Halo one makes me want to puke. I happen to actually be into real life firearms as well as gaming; god these people piss me off. Spoiler is my expression after reading this.