Gun Enthusiasts Complain About the "Call of Duty Effect"


New member
Oct 16, 2009
dmccune said:
mechanixis said:
The cultural shift of firearms into entertainment is really kind of twisted when you realize they're built for the sole purpose of killing other human beings.
No they aren't. They aren't built for the "sole purpose of killing other human beings" any more than a bow and arrow, a knife, or an explosive is built for "the sole purpose of killing other human beings". Guns are built to propel a projectile in a (reasonably) straight line for a determined distance, with a degree of force.

Certainly, they *can* be used to kill human beings, and do a very good job at that, but they can also be used for hunting or target shooting or even admired for their aesthetic purposes. Hell, the Katana was a military weapon o' death and now we romanticize them (and other swords) as art pieces.

And lets not forget, there's an olympic sport which features GUNS.

Now, none of the above to to say everyone should just be able to buy a gun from their local walmart. Their should of course be regulation given the fact that these are weapons that can kill easily, but to summarize them as existing "solely to kill human beings" is ignorant and hyperbolic.
OK, fair, I oversimplified. Certain guns are designed specifically for military use. No civilian should have a reason to own an AK. You're right, there are guns for hunting and even some guns for practical self-defense. However, the process of gun ownership of these different types is about the same in the US. Acquiring a hunting rifle is not necessarily more difficult than acquiring an assault rifle. It's still a matter of going to the mall, not scouring the black market.

But while a handful of the most informed civilian gun enthusiasts may be responsible enough to own military-grade weaponry, people who aren't adequately responsible have access to them too.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Some people are ignorant.

"Oh, that looks like a gun from the game I play so it must be that gun!'

Some people are fucking idiots!

"Yeah brah I liek got an L86 LSW fur meh b-day!" It's so gangsta strait.



New member
Apr 4, 2009
Almost all games get guns wrong anyway.

E.g. every game ive ever played has got the loading of a shotgun wrong.
Also, the medal of honour stuff having the M1 garand unable to reload without finishing the clip: bullshit.

Although i live in Britain ive been interested in guns for years and even (sadly) went to army cadets (cringe) to get to fire guns.
We went from .22 rifle to an L96 (training version of L85 which only fires semi-auto).

I dont really even think of guns in games and real life as being remotely similar, and cant even start to understand how someone would think playing a game makes you know anything about what are dangerous killing tools.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Hmmm I think there should be an addendum to Gun laws.

Any possible customers of Guns mentioning any video game or the term 'noob' are automatically banned for life from ever ever handling weaponry.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Veldt Falsetto said:
It's pretty messed up, why the hell are guns still legal in America? Kitchen knives are only sold to over 18s over here.

I remember doing this when I was 5 and with swords, "Am an ecs pert daddy, dats a brawd sord!"
That's as well and good when your 5 and weapons are illegal but at an age and place where its legal to 'headshot some noobs' that's fucking awful no matter how much experience hes had with guns he can and wants to kill people and it's all so easy to aim and pull a trigger, I did targets with a pistol in scouts, I officially know how to kill people but I don't want to.
I bet you will look pretty silly and we will look pretty awesome when the zombies come

The Austin

New member
Jul 20, 2009
Bob_F_It said:
Golden test: tell me what to do in a misfire, and I'll pass you as competant.
Uh.... Point the gun in a direction without any people, remove the magazine, and remove any stray bullets from the chamber?

Booze Zombie

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Dec 8, 2007
SimuLord said:
Can't remember where I heard this, but "Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people. Guns just make the bullets go really fast."
It just sounds like someone trying to weasel out of the fact that they killed someone and that their "tool" made it really easy.

Bob_F_It said:
Golden test: tell me what to do in a misfire, and I'll pass you as competant.

Amazing how some people blur the line between games and reality. I'm surprised that Forza hasn't turned everyone into racing pros.
Chuck it away and fire your side-arm if you're under fire, if not, pull out the mag and clear the obstruction?

I hope I got that right.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Yeah, I see a lot of people say "lol omg i luv dis gun in mw2 XD" on gun videos. It's rather annoying.

Not that I'm much better than them, but at least I don't say anything.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Veldt Falsetto said:
It's pretty messed up, why the hell are guns still legal in America? Kitchen knives are only sold to over 18s over here.

I remember doing this when I was 5 and with swords, "Am an ecs pert daddy, dats a brawd sord!"
That's as well and good when your 5 and weapons are illegal but at an age and place where its legal to 'headshot some noobs' that's fucking awful no matter how much experience hes had with guns he can and wants to kill people and it's all so easy to aim and pull a trigger, I did targets with a pistol in scouts, I officially know how to kill people but I don't want to.
Because we're not yet convinced that the individual is so completely worthless and irresponsible as to be unable to bear arms (you know, use them... not 'bear' arms) in his own defense.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
LordCuthberton said:
Well the same people think Desert Eagles are "good weapons".

I laugh.
Not so much good as completely badass. If I was breaking into someone's house and the owner pulled out a deagle on me, I would put my hands up, apologize, and walk away.

But seriously, some people just shouldn't be allowed to play video games.

pilot inspektor

New member
May 11, 2008
I think the gun knowledge gained from games cannot go far past a general understanding of how to load/cock a weapon. The best knowledge I have of firearms comes from Airsoft guns and internet research, and i would never presume i knew more or just as much as a person who owns a gun store.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Well, The Darkness was a complicated shotgun loading simulator.

Its kinda funny how with our military, one of the first things they do when they occupy an area is build a Halo room. Not a kitchen, not a barracks; a game room. They can literally be sitting down playing MW2, get up go outside, and be MW2.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I know enough about guns to know that changing the ironsights on guns after a friend or relative uses it is too bloody fussy, so I'll slap a scope on any rifle.
Bammo, scoped rifle. With which I am an excellent shot.

pilot inspektor

New member
May 11, 2008
Miles Tormani said:
I know that you can't hold two Model 1887s and expect to not break your own arms. Or that you shouldn't fire a .50cal rifle from anything but a prone position, preferably with a bipod.

As for some actual details, the gun I know the most about is the AK-47, though mostly bare basics. Even then I may have most of my "facts" wrong. Made in 1947, right? :p

(How to handle most guns is a different story, though I have used a bolt-action rifle before. Way back in Boy Scouts. We were too cool for archery.)
I have once seen a You-tube video of a Marine firing a Barret .50 from a standing position, the guy almost fell over but he still hit the target. I also saw a video of a soldier with two M249 SAW's firing at once, just for kicks. I'm not trying to say this is practical, just relating an anecdote.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I want to see a MW2 expert join the military, fire two shots, then reload, discarding all the other bullets in that first magazine thinking they'll magically still be in his ammo count.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
uppitycracker said:
ya it's pretty hilarious how gaming in general drives people to think they're experts about this or that... it's not just limited to guns and CoD, although it's a lot more dangerous with this particular thing.
Ditto. My cousin of mine was yappin his head off about some gun from some movie, I think he called it the Bloodsplatter dart gun or something, and he kept thinking it was real. He's a bit of a fucking mook.

Miles Tormani

New member
Jul 30, 2008
pilot inspektor said:
Miles Tormani said:
I know that you can't hold two Model 1887s and expect to not break your own arms. Or that you shouldn't fire a .50cal rifle from anything but a prone position, preferably with a bipod.

As for some actual details, the gun I know the most about is the AK-47, though mostly bare basics. Even then I may have most of my "facts" wrong. Made in 1947, right? :p

(How to handle most guns is a different story, though I have used a bolt-action rifle before. Way back in Boy Scouts. We were too cool for archery.)
I have once seen a You-tube video of a Marine firing a Barret .50 from a standing position, the guy almost fell over but he still hit the target. I also saw a video of a soldier with two M249 SAW's firing at once, just for kicks. I'm not trying to say this is practical, just relating an anecdote.
I never said you couldn't fire a Barret .50cal from a standing position. I just said that you shouldn't. :p While the akimbo M249 thing is impressive, I still have my doubts about it with a shotgun. Then again, I don't know how much more (or less) kickback an LMG has. I do know how much recoil a shotgun has, though. (Another thing I learned from Boy Scouts; my arm hurt so much, either because of how young I was, or I was holding it wrong.)


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Being a gun nut myself, I was honestly surprised that a friend of mine asked me about the ACR - especially considering that he's more of a car guy.

It shouldn't have surprised me, though. His knowledge in cars almost entirely comes from video games, YouTube and secondhand opinions...