lets face it, in 3rd person you have to stare at a lot of bobbing arse as you control your hero. if you want to play as a man you just failed the "gay test" by actually wanting to spend days watching a dudes butt.
seriously tho, games are about escapism, and feisty kick-ass female protaganists are more fun if not in any way real. is that sexist? No, just realist. name one female explorer, arceologist, martial arts champion, assassin, soldier, thief, racing driver etc. in real life....
can't think of one?
that's cos there aren't any. Sadly, in an attempt not to be sexist we've objectiifed and imagined this uber-female and created a whole imaginary sterotype. are the male charcters any better not really, but at least the girl one's have cute butts to watch running round endless mazes and so on