Hacker Group Promises Doom for Sony


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Pissing off the client gets the entire user network to scream for blood of hackers, never a good move. Hell AnonOps (when it existed) said it was a poor move.

Why do I have a feeling the FBI, who is monitoring it all, is just scooping up IPs at this point, they may as well be trying to get into the FBI networks at this point and since they employ better hackers...

Pyro Paul

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Dec 7, 2007
TheAngryMonkey said:
I guess one thing we know, English isn't their first language.

That's Ingreish, they are speaking.

"All Your Base Are Belong To LULZSEC."
that is a meme...
just like how nyun cat is a meme
just like 'umadbro faic man' is a meme.

it all rings of unorginiality to me.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Alucard788 said:
I think that it's time that Sony customers united and made a statement of there own. We need to pull together and denounce this...to let people know that we are the ones that will be hurt by this.

It's our information and our pastimes that are going to be harmed. This isn't an attack on Sony the corporation, no this is a direct attack on we the gamers.

Ugh this just makes me so mad!
Any idea how we can do that?

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
And here I thought they were going to do a port. Shucks.

Don't do anything that delays my playing infamous for free there, boys.


New member
May 1, 2011
artanis_neravar said:
Alucard788 said:
I think that it's time that Sony customers united and made a statement of there own. We need to pull together and denounce this...to let people know that we are the ones that will be hurt by this.

It's our information and our pastimes that are going to be harmed. This isn't an attack on Sony the corporation, no this is a direct attack on we the gamers.

Ugh this just makes me so mad!
Any idea how we can do that?
I dunno. >_< I almost with Sony could give us some kind of form, or petition, and public bulletin board, to make statements of utmost disapproval.

It just sucks feeling so helpless...

Daffy F

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Apr 17, 2009
redmarine said:
Well, since I don't own any Sony products, go ahead.
Pretty much my feelings on the matter. Although I do know plenty of people who own Sony products, and I certainly don't wish them to be inconvinienced. Either way, Sony will at least be somewhat prepared for it, so we'll see how it goes.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
So what I'm seeing here is, Annon had a divide in ideals over whether to continue the assaults on the Sony web services. The current Annon decided the attacks had to stop, and even brought down one of their own boards recently, and those who wish to continue have formed this second Hacker group- Lulzsec?

That sounds about right.
I feel like I should be recording this. FOR HISTORY!


New member
May 27, 2010

That's the Twitter of someone who has been...bugging, LulzSec, I guess? Anyway, LulzSec just put up his name, birthdate, phone number, and address.

That's kind of...annoying.

ZombieGenesis said:
So what I'm seeing here is, Annon had a divide in ideals over whether to continue the assaults on the Sony web services. The current Annon decided the attacks had to stop, and even brought down one of their own boards recently, and those who wish to continue have formed this second Hacker group- Lulzsec?

That sounds about right.
I feel like I should be recording this. FOR HISTORY!
LulzSec is pretty against the idea that they're Anonymous.

LulzSec The Lulz Boat
@sdpdx We aren't Anonymous you unresolved cow-shart.


Elite Member
Apr 2, 2010
I sense an internet civil war on the horizon. This is going to be really interesting.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Maybe if they stopped picking targets that affected innocent consumers, then I wouldn't feel like they were betraying their support base. Most people who own a PS3 are pretty hardcore gamers or techies and would usually be receptive to their views. Doing this over and over doesn't seem to be productive, rational, or in anyone's best interest.

Maybe they should stop wasting their time and go after real criminals.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
artanis_neravar said:
Alucard788 said:
I think that it's time that Sony customers united and made a statement of there own. We need to pull together and denounce this...to let people know that we are the ones that will be hurt by this.

It's our information and our pastimes that are going to be harmed. This isn't an attack on Sony the corporation, no this is a direct attack on we the gamers.

Ugh this just makes me so mad!
Any idea how we can do that?
Nerdrage and post in caps?


New member
May 1, 2011
Kopikatsu said:

That's the Twitter of someone who has been...bugging, LulzSec, I guess? Anyway, LulzSec just put up his name, birthdate, phone number, and address.

That's kind of...annoying.
Now this is getting scary.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
windlenot said:
... I still don't even know why. Where's their motivation?
I think these guys are just doing it to be famous. If any actual damage was their real goal shouting out on twitter and alerting Sony would not be step one. I really don't think most of these Sony hackers have any real politcal goal and really wish everyone would stop thinking they did.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Kopikatsu said:
ZombieGenesis said:
So what I'm seeing here is, Annon had a divide in ideals over whether to continue the assaults on the Sony web services. The current Annon decided the attacks had to stop, and even brought down one of their own boards recently, and those who wish to continue have formed this second Hacker group- Lulzsec?

That sounds about right.
I feel like I should be recording this. FOR HISTORY!
LulzSec is pretty against the idea that they're Anonymous.
Exactly, and if Annon were to get behind the Sony attacks, fair to say LulzSec might have gotten behind them instead of creating a power divive, right?
At least that's how things seem to look. From what I've seen Annon has no (collective) intention to keep the Sony attack on their agenda.

Thus is the problem with an organisation consisting of independant cells. If one disagrees, you have two different organisations! Think of it as the 'Fight Club Paradox'.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Getting me some popcorn.
It's stuff like that encourages these anti-social losers to pull stunts like this just to get there 15 mins of internet fame. When in reality it will get them thrown in jail.


New member
May 27, 2010
Jman1236 said:
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Getting me some popcorn.
It's stuff like that encourages these anti-social losers to pull stunts like this just to get there 15 mins of internet fame thinking it will get them laid. When in reality it will get them thrown in jail.
...and if they go to jail, they'll get laid! Le gasp, it's a conspiracy!


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
it seems reasonable to assume that LulzSec's attacks on Sony are motivated by the same pro-free speech/pro-hacker sentiments as Anonymous.
I think with a name like "LulzSec" theres more chance they're motivated for the "lulz".

Its already been mentioned in another article but the recent attacks (the ones that LulzSec are claiming) were pretty poor compared to the original blasts on the PSN network. I'd be surprised if this was more than just a bunch of kids riding on the media coverage.

Meh, at least Sony will be forced into properly securing everything on their network now so some good will come of it I suppose.