Hacker Group Promises Doom for Sony


New member
Mar 8, 2010
I just have one question. Why why why why WHY?! WHY???!!! It's getting ridicules WHAT DO THEY GAIN from hacking Sony anymore? Please, someone tell me WHY?!!!



New member
Nov 3, 2010
windlenot said:
Jamboxdotcom said:
windlenot said:
... I still don't even know why. Where's their motivation?
I've been suspecting for several weeks now that we're living in a cyberpunk future. This seriously seems like something out of Shadowrun or a William Gibson story. There's no way in hell these hackers are motivated, patient, and focused enough to sustain this campaign. This has to be funded by some other corporate entity.
That's... Kinda weird to think of. So, you're proposing the idea of a Microsoft funded campaign to destroy Sony through hired hacking mercenaries? Or at least that's how I see it. Could work, I guess. And maybe Microsoft is a little too obvious of the bad guy here, but that's just for the idea's sake.
Yeah, that's the only thing that makes sense to me. I mean, i don't know if it was Microsoft, per se, but someone has to be driving these guys. Hackers aren't exactly known for their attention spans.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
Just sad. I hope they fail miserably, get found and locked up, lest other idiots begin to think its a good idea to assault any company they don't like. Its unfortunate anyone can come to the conclusion that this is a good idea.


Mar 27, 2011
Jamboxdotcom said:
windlenot said:
That's... Kinda weird to think of. So, you're proposing the idea of a Microsoft funded campaign to destroy Sony through hired hacking mercenaries? Or at least that's how I see it. Could work, I guess. And maybe Microsoft is a little too obvious of the bad guy here, but that's just for the idea's sake.
Yeah, that's the only thing that makes sense to me. I mean, i don't know if it was Microsoft, per se, but someone has to be driving these guys. Hackers aren't exactly known for their attention spans.
Yeah, I can't imagine them sticking around for too long... But then again, I'm just speculating all of this from my point of view here. I haven't had too much experience with hackers.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
i hate to say this but why are they announcing this before they meet there objective, isn't that somewhat counterproductive?


New member
Apr 30, 2008
smudgey said:
The former US president started two wars, killing hundreds of thousands of people. BP leaked countless barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Dictators in the middle east fire on their own people..... and these guys attack an entertainment company. Way to unleash some social justice.
BP didnt. The guys who they contracted to build the rigs did. Its like blaming you if a contractor installed a new boiler, which blew up.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
I guess it's that time of year again, once summer starts the little bastards have nothing to do so the best they can come up with is "dude lets hack sony for the lulz" it could be something else but this is the best I can come up with.

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
Sadly there isn't much to do here. These sound like the little twerp we all knew that liked trouble for trouble's own sake that took any action against them (even ignoring them) as encouragement.

Jacob Haggarty

New member
Sep 1, 2010
For gods sake... these people are fucking idiots.

Why would they want to do that? WHY!? What is the over-all purpose of anything they do?

And LULZSEC? SOWNAGE? They dont even sound proffessional. If Sony gets hacked, i'd much rather see that it was an attack by, i dont know, "the system ghosts", in what they called "Retribution". Not that they were attacked by LULZSEC, in what they call SOWNAGE.

At least then i get the image of some sort of shadowy group who specialise in stealing information, not just a bunch a skinny nerds, working in some sort of basement "headquarters" with what i imagine would be a near limitless supply of monster energy drink or mountain dew, stopping every so often to hack a match in call of duty.

E-theft, because taking stuff in person might hurt...


You know what? I'M NOT DONE RANTING!

What is it that they intend to take from sony? Money? I really dont think they are gunna need it. I'm just going to assume theyre nerds, because who else is going to know how, or WANT to hack sony? What the hell does a nerd even need money for? If they're up for hacking a billion dollar company, i really doubt that they've never heard of "torrenting" before.

...ok, i think i'm alright now... phew.

Johnson McGee

New member
Nov 16, 2009
Kopikatsu said:

Interview with the hacking group. Where have I heard this before? Oh yes, Westboro and Anonymous.
What other group of people flatly reject and attack dissenting opinions? Dictators, that's who. A bit anti-message for a group supposedly dedicated to freedom of information.

I think that hackers in general need to take a step back and think about the distinction between 'can' and 'should.'

With regard to Sony, if you can't win the online arms race then there is a simple way to protect valuable data; simply put it on a server that is only accessible by physically being there.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
I hope Sony's latest security update keeps them from doing this crap this is idiotic I don't even own a PS3 and I'm considering getting a Sony product just to help the poor people out


New member
Apr 9, 2008
v3nge said:
Truly-A-Lie said:
But right now, I'm really liking that whole "press a key on your keyboard and you blow up" idea it had going on.
That just made my life.

OT; starting to feel sorry for Sony now.
As a ps3 owner and former customer of LikSang. It's going to take a lot more than that to make me feel sorry for Sony. They did kind of throw down the gauntlet and I don't see how they thought it would prompt anything other than this.
On the other hand, I'm glad I haven't signed back in to PSN yet. I'll wait and see how this plays out.
Actually they pissed me off more by hacking PBS; Newshour is my main news feed on twitter. However, AP is proving to be okay... not too trashy.

The hackers could easily get everyone on their side by just giving everybody 3 free games from a bigger list of titles or by just making the store think that everyone has paid for everything making all dlc free for everybody. But these guys seem more Boiler Room than Fight Club. More Jack the Ripper than Robin Hood.

Detective Prince

New member
Feb 6, 2011
-.- Don't even think you can use Nyan Cat and it'll get me to like hackers.

Seriously though this whole hacking thing is starting to annoy me though and I'm a pretty patient person.


From high atop the treehouse
May 3, 2011
PBS? Really? The one network built around free speech? Really?

Sony- I can understand that target. Twisted logic but it's there. But, PBS? Shit don't make no sense.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
...It might just be me, but the attack on PBS comes off as rather hypocritical for a pro free-speech group.