Embz said:
Misho- said:
Are debit cards at risk? I mean it's a silly question but I used a Debit Card, not a Credit card to purchase stuff. Well at any rate this made me feel real bad... I feel nausea now.
I believe so, if you used a debit card any money you loose through fraud may not be covered by insurance so contact your bank asap!
That's not necessarily true. I got $500 stolen from my bank account a few years ago from using my debit card at my university cafeteria ( I ONLY pay cash now fyi ;o) and the bank completely reimbursed it and also froze my account until I went in and got my account number changed and everything.
Granted I'm Canadian so it might be different here.
OT: This is pretty serious stuff, and even if its not completely true I'd be wary to make sure your information is secure.