Halo Effect (Cross Over) Main Thread

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010

"Green Team will be led by Lt. Kenshi"

"Just a quick question, other than Lt. Kenshi, who is Green team, and do we have enough warthogs to evac potential survivors?"

Minor details could make a big difference, and both of these seemed like they could be pivotal, particularly if they had to ferry people out while others held off an unknown number of foes. That wasn't an experience that he was inclined to repeat.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
"Green Team will be led by Lt. Senshi, and your objective is arguably the hardest. You will be driving warthogs into the target You and your squad will be dropped via Pelican on the shoreline, then drive to waypoint Bravo and exfil the teams."

Well hopefully, this won't be too much of an issue. Those warthogs better drive unlike a Mako tank... Kenneth thought to himself.

"The reason we're doing it this way is because we cannot land a Pelican in the main compound. Otherwise, we would."

That still doesn't help... I'd wish we still have some air-support though

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
"will the Banshee be acting as air support as well? also, do we have any Intel on the location of this rebel leader, lastly, are we bringing them in for interrogation or just termination on sight" Sarah asked as she studied the map, though truth be told she was looking forward to this being a SOEIV mission


New member
Jun 21, 2010
SSG Murphy

Murphy let the questions come in for a few moments before responding. He shifted a little uncomfortably, Murphy liked the gun far over the map and pen.

"Just a quick question, other than Lt. Kenshi, who is Green team, and do we have enough warthogs to evac potential survivors?"

"Lt. Quintus, nice to see you again, sir." Murphy looked down at his mission notes. "You will be accompanying Lt. Senshi in Green Team, and you will be aided by a detachment of Marines. They will meet you in the Engineering bay. As far as your other question, yes, we do have enough hogs to support troop extraction. To facilitate this, only half of them will be armed."

He looked over the crowd and saw Everett.

"Everett, you are tasked with Blue Team."

"Will the Banshee be acting as air support as well? Also, do we have any Intel on the location of this rebel leader, lastly, are we bringing them in for interrogation or just termination on sight?"

"The Banshees will be acting as air support, and emergency dustoff if need be. The exact location of the rebel commander is unconfirmed, but Romeo Team will provide us with his location. Orders, as they stand, are to neutralize on sight. As we all are well aware, the brass likes to change their mind so be ready for that."

Murphy scanned the room. The glowing buttons and displays flashed on the people's faces. Ships always felt a little cold to him. What he wouldn't give for snow right then.

"Now, a lot of you are probably wondering why we're not doing SOEIV insertions. The reason is twofold. Firstly, we would either have to land on in the ocean, the middle of a town, or on a wide open beach, all really good places to get killed. The second reason is that we have intelligence that OPFOR is possession of anti-aircraft weaponry and radar technology. Banshees can fly under the effective range of both, and plant us exactly where we need to be."

Murphy reviewed his mission notes again.

"The Broken Destiny will breach atmosphere in three hours, and will come to rest 40 klicks to the east of the objective. Any more questions?"


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
"The Broken Destiny will breach atmosphere in three hours, and will come to rest 40 klicks to the east of the objective. Any more questions?"
Luna had been trying to gather up courage to make the request for a tiny bit now. "Yeah..." she began.
"Well, its more of a request than a complaint. Carry a tranquilizer with blue team please. I tend to go crazy when i use my biotics heavily. I don't want to jeopardize the mission, any of the hostages or my teammates lives. So i request to use it on me if i loose myself." she asked of her teammates.

Mee just studied the map to make sure she had as many sniping positions memorized as possible.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
"The Broken Destiny will breach atmosphere in three hours, and will come to rest 40 klicks to the east of the objective. Any more questions?"

"[sub]Let's kick some ass boys and girls..[/sub]" Kenneth muttered to himself. Just like with Biotic Company, at the end of mission briefing, this was his usual words.

"Well, its more of a request than a complaint. Carry a tranquilizer with blue team please. I tend to go crazy when i use my biotics heavily. I don't want to jeopardize the mission, any of the hostages or my teammates lives. So i request to use it on me if i loose myself."

Kenneth raised an eyebrow at the Asari. Losing control? With an Asari? The hell is this?

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
"Orders, as they stand, are to neutralize on sight. As we all are well aware, the brass likes to change their mind so be ready for that."

"well, they better decide if they want this chump taken alive sooner then mid firefight is all i'm can say" Sarah said as she turned her gaze to Murphy "something about some one trying to kill me makes me rather unco-oprative...." she said in her usual 'smart' tone.

parts of this situation bothered her, they show up, and a colonie was hit almost imediately, she didn't like the timing of it "any chance this is some kinda trap?"


New member
Jun 21, 2010
SSG Murphy

When Luna spoke, Murphy's face did all the talking for him.

"Well, its more of a request than a complaint. Carry a tranquilizer with blue team please. I tend to go crazy when I use my biotics heavily. I don't want to jeopardize the mission, any of the hostages or my teammates lives. So I request to use it on me if I lose myself."

"Well, fuck. This is just great." Murphy thought to himself.

"Luna, if you would please stay after the briefing."

"Any chance this is some kinda trap?" Sarah's voice held concern.

"At this time there is no reason to believe that our approach has been detected, or that we are moving into an ambush. That being said, we are hitting a target that we don't know much about, in an enemy-controlled town, and with very little time to prepare. So be on your guard, and always remember 'Get in, Get done, Get out'."


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
"Blue Team will be led by Spartan Sarah, and contain myself, and Biotic Luna. Blue's mission is locate and neutralize the rebel commander. After that objective is complete, Blue will maneuver to waypoint Bravo and provide security for Red Team." Murphy called out as he was giving each of the various team's their orders for the forthcoming mission. He then noticed Everett.

"Everett, you are tasked with Blue Team."

"Right got you." Everett said, responding with a brief nod, before turning his head towards Lieutenant Crown.

"Don't worry ma'am, should be able to find some way to still help with your sharpshooter's training." It was then that the Asari known as Luna voiced a concern regarding herself.

"Well, its more of a request than a complaint. Carry a tranquilizer with blue team please. I tend to go crazy when I use my biotics heavily. I don't want to jeopardize the mission, any of the hostages or my teammates lives. So I request to use it on me if i lose myself."

"I'll make a note Luna to inform Francis the Quartermaster to supply me with some tranquilizer ammunition for my pistol. I take it a standard sedative will suffice, or will you be wanting something a little stronger?" Everett remarked, showing some concern for a fellow team mate.

"Any chance this is some kinda trap?" Sarah asked, her voice filled with concern.

"At this time there is no reason to believe that our approach has been detected, or that we are moving into an ambush. That being said, we are hitting a target that we don't know much about, in an enemy-controlled town, and with very little time to prepare. So be on your guard, and always remember 'Get in, Get done, Get out'." Murphy responded with, somewhat disproving the theory, but also acting cautious.

"I've had a similar feeling Sarah; this whole mission seems a little too convenient and rather sudden. I'm not saying that someone knew we were going to come through into this universe, but I get the suspicion that someone is watching us, and it ain't the Citadel Council."


New member
Feb 21, 2012
"I've had a similar feeling Sarah; this whole mission seems a little too convenient and rather sudden. I'm not saying that someone knew we were going to come through into this universe, but I get the suspicion that someone is watching us, and it ain't the Citadel Council."

"Always assume its a trap in one way or another. You'll live longer." Kenneth said.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
"Always assume its a trap in one way or another. You'll live longer."

Sarah sighed and shook her head, Everett being the only one getting it so far "true as that is LT, something still feels hinky about this"


New member
Feb 21, 2012
"true as that is LT, something still feels hinky about this"

Kenneth kept his usual cool demeanor, thinking for a moment. Exactly. A mission right from docking only alittle after these guys shown up. But then again, nothing has been straight forward with anything.

"Regardless, we will complete the task at hand. But yes, You're not the only ones thinking the same thing."

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
"Regardless, we will complete the task at hand. But yes, You're not the only ones thinking the same thing."

"I'm inclined to agree, sending an untested ship and crew to rescue hostages... negligent at best." He casually saluted, "Lt. Quintus Arctus. Looks like I'm with you for green team."


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Captain Nassa

?Alright, the briefing is over, everyone go get ready and report to the Hanger with your Squad,? she left on the holo table in case it was needed still and she left to the Bridge.

Jastis was already ready and left to the hanger; his squad would be heading down first. While he knew to not hold any sort of racism against the Sangheili as he had stated earlier, he wasn?t sure he was pleased with the idea of him going in alone with her to check on the insurgents. As a Spartan though he wouldn?t let this get in his way of doing the mission. Getting into the Hanger he already saw the workers preparing the Banshee?s, nothing else to do he leaned against the wall and began to read the Codex he had been sent.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
Luna gave Captain Nassa a nod and a quick salute before turning to Everette. "Something that'll put me out quickly, but not keep me out for long if possible." She said before moving to the back of the room. She was waiting for Murphy to come and speak to her.

Mee on the other hand, just stopped by the armory and quickly picked up remaining gear before heading down to wait with Jastis. The Sangheili took a seat next to him."So Spartan, we shall be by ourselves. Need not worry, i prefer humans compared to the other races in the galaxy. i remember my father disciplining me for even publicly hinting at despising the covenant and the prophets. It hurt him just as much as me when he did, for he shared similar feelings." The Sangheili reminisced.

"Of course he'd comfort me in private when he had to discipline me. In the great schism, my father was in charge of one of the first ships that broke off. I was happy yet worried that day. Though he came home and kept training me like the males. He even passed on his dual energy swords to me. These baby's pulled me out of many a tough situation." she said, taking the two swords out of their holsters and looking at their handles ad the craftsmanship on them.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
SSG Murphy

As the briefing was adjourned, Murphy saw Luna move to the back of the room. He took a deep breath and collected himself. This was not the type of conversation he wanted to be having, but it was necessary. Murphy's typical smile was replaced with a somber expression. The fact that he was still in his PT gear and flip flops gave sharp contrast to what was at hand, the sandals slapping against his feet as he approached the Asari. The walk felt like it took forever, and when he finally reached her, Murphy leaned against the wall, looking out across the briefing room.

"Luna, you understand that your..." Murphy struggled to find the right words, "tendency to go apeshit is not exactly the thing we really need on this mission. It's a big, complicated op, and a lot of things can go wrong as it is." He looked at her, his eyes showing his concern for both Luna and the operation. "Now, you're still green to go, because we need you out there. But I need to know just how bad it gets, and what sets it off."


New member
Feb 21, 2012
"I'm inclined to agree, sending an untested ship and crew to rescue hostages... negligent at best." He casually saluted, "Lt. Quintus Arctus. Looks like I'm with you for green team."

Kenneth got himself up and returned to the salute. "Pleased to meet you Lieutenant. Now let us be off." He walked out of the Briefing Room and started heading down towards the Hanger to meet the rest of Green Team.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
After the Captain left Sarah joined the rest of her squad, she to was interested in hear about what caused Luna to go berserk.


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
"Something that'll put me out quickly, but not keep me out for long if possible." Luna said in response to Everett's query, before she began talking to Murphy about the problems requiring tranquilizers in the first place.

"Right, will page Francis to get some of those delivered before we make the drop. It will be good working with you Miss Luna." Everett said with a smile under his helmet, as he gave a quick salute before leaving the meeting room. As he walked towards the hanger, he contacted Francis via headset communicator.

"Ah Everett, what seems to be the problem, I trust your armour is working well after your period in cryo-sleep?"

"Indeed it is Francis, movement between the pieces seems a lot smoother."

"That would be my doing. Since I still owed you for that poker game a while back, figured I would repay you by making some minor improvements to your armour. The power cell that allows your active camouflage to function properly, I was able to improve efficiency, granting it a 10% increased recharge rate, and a 20% increase in run time. After all, a few extra seconds can make the difference."

"Why thank you Francis, never expected you to do this. Anyway, my armour isn't the reason I called. One of the teammates that I will be working with for this mission, an Asari by the name of Luna, has requested some tranquilizer darts in case she gets a little out of hand."

"I see, well I'll see what I can find for you; I've also been ordered to resupply the ammunition of everyone taking part, so I'll include them as well."

"Thank you Francis." Everett said quickly as he disengaged the comm link, having arrived at the hangar.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

He listened to the Sangheili reminisced, he remembered the Great Schism during the battle of Earth. Jastis even remembered how he fought alongside some Elites in Voi just before the Flood arrived. Back then it was hard to wrap his head around having to fight alongside those whom he literally was killing just days before. Even for a Spartan, they were the enemy and changing his mind wasn?t that easy.

NOVEMBER 15, 2552 ? SOL SYSTEM - EARTH - KENYA ? VOI (Part 1 of Flashback)

The Spartan moved through the industrial cities streets, behind him a squad of Marines and even two Sangheili, one a minor and the other a Fleet Security Commando. From there he could see Mt. Kilimanjaro in the distance it towering in the skyline. They stopped at a destroyed building and moved up to the second floor, where they got the high ground on some brutes, grunts, and a couple of jackal?s. There were some snipers perched up in some of the buildings above.

Tagging them on his HUD, they appeared on everyone?s HUD, before they could kill the Brutes down below, it would be in their best interest to take out the Jackal snipers. ?Lt. Duns, and Sergeant Gunths, take them out. Once they?re down, everyone rain down on the Brutes and grunts below.?

Everyone acknowledged, he wondered if the Elites were happy listening to his orders but he couldn?t read their expressions. Either way they needed to reach the squadron of ODSTs that were stuck in a building surrounded. Duns and Gunths moved and got into position with their sniper rifles, there was silence until the sound of the snipers bullets ripped through the air and the Jackal Snipers heads exploded. In seconds the Spartan, the two Elites, and the rest of the squad overarched themselves over the buildings window slot and shot at the Brutes.

Lucky for them there was no Brute Chieftains in the group so they didn?t have to deal with any with shields. Their mix of bullets and plasma tore through the group and the Brutes and Grunts laid dead. The Fleet Security Commando or Kos ?Kaisam formerly Kos ?Kaisamee, jumped through the window slot and landed on the ground, he moved at one of the brutes who still was breathing, a small energy sword appeared from the Elites arm and he stabbed the Brute in the neck, the Spartan and the rest of the squad arrived on ground level shortly after. Jastis simply looked at the Elite who nodded at him and Jastis nodded back.

They continued down to the ODST squad.


?Let?s just hope they?re useful when we get into a tough situation,? he stated simply to Mee.