Have you ever gone "wow" at the stupidity of other people?


New member
Nov 2, 2008
cuddly kit said:
Aby_Z said:
More than "wow", I find myself Facepalming more and more every day. My teachers making horrible attempts at jokes, people just not getting what they really should understand, etc.

I used to think facepalm was just something you SAID you did, like LOL, but truly it is something I find I must do just about every day now.
ok i have had this happen to me seriously this is what he said: one day all the equations where at a party and e^x was in a corner, one of the quadrativcs went over and said come on e^x integrate yourself, why said e^x makes no difference.

Ok that was a joke that made sense but a math joke! Come seriously
I feel your pain. It's so much worse when they laugh at their own jokes, too. Ugh...

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
I used to, not anymore. I've realiesed that humanity is doomed, so it doesn't suprise me.
What does suprise me anyhow is intelligent disscusions, more of those please!


New member
Oct 21, 2008
That was a stupid question...
Everyone has.
Even the idiot that I would go "wow" at experience that.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
CouchCommando said:
tharwen said:
"Such a beautiful animal is proof of God's existence"


They weren't talking about a platypus were they? reminds me of an argument I had once lol.
The lyre bird, actually.

Joachim Aachen

New member
Nov 17, 2009
hiks89 said:
my teacher is kinda stupid i mean once the was talkin aboot how she got kaned in school and the sound you hear when you fling a stick is "the stick breaking the sound barrier"

oh yea and she belives in all the crystal feng sue bollocks and she said"if you put your hand slightly above someones head and feel a breez they are spiritual".... i face palmed at both i mean the breeze is just the fekin wind christ

sorry aboot the bad typin
Feng Sui isn't really bollocks if you believe in it and know what it's about. Then again, there are different kinds and I simply believe in basic Feng Sui. :/


New member
Apr 29, 2009
One girl I went to school with didn't realise that world war 2 actually existed. Not only that, but we had a lot of trouble actually explaining the concept. The cogs started turning when I told her that Saving Private Ryan was based on an actual war!

Nowerdays it's more of a supprise that some isn't depressingly stupid.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
I saw the thread that the OP was talking about, it was fucking retarded.

i dunno some people are pretty retarded in that if you mention CoD in a halo forum they start calling troll, flag you for flame baiting n shit


Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger
Nov 9, 2009
Well, apparently 1 in 20 British children think Hitler coaches the German football team.

*sigh* I do worry for the future of our country.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
ShredHead said:
canadamus_prime said:
Yes, I was marveling at it just a minute ago over this:
seriously people why waste you energy on this stuff? If you don't like it, DON'T LISTEN TO IT!!
Not a difficult concept.
Many people here one The Escapist like to brag that Escapists are more intelligent and whatever then other forum sites; but, as much as I hate to say it, it's been my experience that many of my fellow Escapists are just as ignorant and stupid as anywhere else on the Internet. It had to be said. Suspend or ban me if you must, but I had to get that off my chest.
Ok, you trying to act as if you're high above all the other forum users is just as stupid as all of the people you're trying to insult because you know what?

Generalisations don't work, you cannot make any statement about such a large group of people without coming off like a huge twat which you have done excellently here so thank you for proving my point.
To which I'd like to point out to you that I wasn't holding myself as the exception, nor was I making any generalizations; hence the word "many" which signifies the acknowledgement of the exceptions.
I was merely pointing out to the elitists on here who view this site through rose coloured glasses, that I've encountered an alarming number of stupid & ignorant people during my time here.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
ejb626 said:
GrinningManiac said:
On a thread here someone showed that video of the Australian presenter/thing guy interviewing and questioning the American public on some basic trivia.

They knew nothing

They couldn't even name a country beginning with U

They live in the United states of America
Yeah those people really annoy me because they just give those retard misinformed Europeon teenagers more ammunition to use against us. Seriously its like a fad in Europe among the younger people to hate America for no discernable reason oh yeah because American Football is homosexual somehow yeah thats a good reason.

I'm American and I can named Uzbekistan and Uganda of the top of my head right now.
Then I shall shake you by the hand

I, too, go against the stereotype designated to me. I am one of those European Teenagers, and I stand that America is a country with an average spread of intellegence, the problem being that it has a larger population that is near-constantly watched by the world, and the morons are often piked out easily.

However, this video nearly shattered that belief

You have strengthened it. Uganda was the first U country I thought of, after USA.

*Shakes hand warmly*
Jul 5, 2009
In maths class we were doing some algebra and this blonde guy in my class was asked a question, he didin't know and the teacher moved on. But just before she did, he said with complete seriousness, that blue was the answer.
What the fuck?


New member
Mar 19, 2008
When you search long enough you will always find a stupid person.

Example from a TV show in Germany (translated of course):
Question 1: From what country is Bush? (Was some years ago when he was president)
Answer: Well... he speaks English. So from England?
Question 2: Ok, and from what country is Bin Laden?
Answer: Uhm. He speaks English, too. So he's also from England.

I still believe that this was staged. People can't be that dumb.