Have you ever gone "wow" at the stupidity of other people?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Right after seeing a Borderlands commercial one of my friends said "I bet that game will just be another WoW clone."
I am no longer friends with him.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Pingieking said:
I thought that /double_facepalm wouldn't have done this situation justice. What's worse than /double_facepalm?
Double facepalms from two people. i.e: A quadruple facepalm.

Code Monkey

New member
Mar 21, 2009
Thaius said:
Yahoo Answers.
Here are some "Questions" I once saw:
"Should I kill my sister?"
"How to become mermaid?"

On topic:
I once had a discussion with a hardcore christian about a bunch of questions one could answer with "42". It got ugly.

But the stupidity was how he outright denied evrything from evolution to the big bang. He said I was "Confused and misguided" and when I talked about how some of this stuff was proven, he just shook his head and said "No" over and over(I think I broke him). He didn't even believe in photosinthesys, for fucks sake.

Also: "Most of our imports come from overseas"
"I think we can all agree, the past is behind us"
"I'm a vegetarian, but I still eat chicken. Cuz like, Chickens are birds, but cows are animals.

I'm not sure where all those quotes come from, but I love them.

Just Joe

New member
Jun 5, 2009
GrinningManiac said:
On a thread here someone showed that video of the Australian presenter/thing guy interviewing and questioning the American public on some basic trivia.

They knew nothing

They couldn't even name a country beginning with U

They live in the United states of America
I don't know if this has been said yet (still on the first page), but they're a satire group called The Chaser. In 2007, they broke into an OPEC summit with a fake Canadian motorcade, and fake security passes... and one of them disguised as bin Laden.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
At this moment. We are argueing with a US Soldier (E-3/PFC Trucker) about photosinthesys and how life can live under water 6 miles deep. The year the Army was formed. And America never faught the Nazi's during WW2. Only Japanese who were also fighting the Germans. Canadian currency also comes from America. We also argued with this guy about how all modern homosapiens (humans) migrated from Africa and that Jesus was either Arab or black (Appearently God had the forsight to put a blond haired, blue eyed, white skinned Anglo in the middle of the desert)......... Worse part, he's in my squad and I'm his Specialist.

Just Joe

New member
Jun 5, 2009
Alright. Ninth grade, Modern World History class. All of us aged about fifteen, sixteen. We were about to begin on the First World War. The guy next to me asked me, I swear to God:
"That was the one WITHOUT Hitler, right?"

And yes, he was being serious.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
my teacher is kinda stupid i mean once the was talkin aboot how she got kaned in school and the sound you hear when you fling a stick is "the stick breaking the sound barrier"

oh yea and she belives in all the crystal feng sue bollocks and she said"if you put your hand slightly above someones head and feel a breez they are spiritual".... i face palmed at both i mean the breeze is just the fekin wind christ

sorry aboot the bad typin


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I once watched the scene in Ghostbusters on Youtube where the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man was trashing New York City.

I commented saying "New York, what a town." I was quoting Ernie Hudson's line from Ghostbusters 2.

A few days later I see a reply and a thumbs down from this kid in my inbox. He tells me, "It's a city retard." I actually went "Wow," and I had the urge to ask God to send two she bears to maul him at his house (Read 2 Kings). Now this example is one of MANY stupid things I have heard on Youtube. It's literally troll central.

It's where the 15-yr old losers on XBOX Live reside who have just learned about the F-word and want to see how they can sneek it into what we must assume to have some semblance of human language or the closest thing thereof every 5 seconds.

If only Youtube had the same Forum rules of "Probation" for pure idiocy that is the Youtube comments section.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Oh I recently got into an argument with this man called SuperAlwaysRight (ironic), who told me that not only did King Solomon, King David, Moses, or Jesus never exist. His reason was; I wanted a mature debate from a grown man whose only knowledge of Egyptology consisted of quoting professors in Chicago.

His argument (your gonna love this):
"Thutmose is a compound name comprised of Thut (from Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom) and mose (an Egyptian title or suffix indicating son or rightful heir). In the ancient Egyptian language, words were written without vowels. Thut was, therefore, written as Twt. The ancient Hebrew language, although very different from Egyptian, originally derived its written structure from the Egyptian language.(2) As with Egyptian, the consonants were written and the vowels were vocalized only. Transliterating the Egyptian word twt into Hebrew, because of their similar alphabets, leads to dvd. Reinserting the vowels for pronunciation in Hebrew leads directly to David!"

.....................Read that again until you understand what he just did.

He took two different languages, removed the vowels from David, replaced the Dvd, and concluded because the Egyptian language had no vowels; this led to Twt and vowels "were vocalized only" and consonants "were written", he then came to the conclusion that TWT and DVD were similar in the two DIFFERENT ALPHABETS, reinserting the vowels he says leads to "DAVID."

THAT'S his argument. Would you believe our argument started off as "Were there really slaves in Egypt?" I said there was and I used historical documents, scripture, and secular sources to provide scientifically proven evidence. He replied telling me that his Davinci Code-style theory of his about how every biblical historical figure never existed (despite accounts in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Persia whom all attest to the existence of these characters in real life). His theory is laughable and shameful in credibility that would make any conspiracy theorist proud of his argument. He then concluded his argument with a personal attack towards me and said my sources were racist (not why, but they just were apparently). A few F-words here and there as well.

Despite him having graduating from college a decade ago he believes a stupid History major student couldn't possibly know more than himself because he's had 3 more years of 4-yr college than the student. This is a grown man, people there is no excuse for boasting an irrational joke of illogical knowledge. This man is a dashiki-wearing idiot, who is in fact a hypocritical racist. This is the shame Dr.King despised about militant black attitude. It never proved a logical stance.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
In a battle of words, it is not who is right who wins, but who is loudest.
-Sun Tzu
The Art of War


New member
Jul 30, 2009
Yes, youtube is a breeding ground for idiots who views are as developed as a half baked cake. Oh and browsing around Yahoo answers someones comment to a question in the health section was.."eww". Well what do you expect if your in the health section of an anoymous forum place.
But, alas we're not all perfect and i've come out with a few brilliant moments of stupidity.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Ciarang said:
This [http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/9279/1237933078055.jpg].

But IRL I say wow a lot at my classmate's stupidity.

Feb 13, 2008
The real thing to remember is that at least one person will be quoting you in one of their "Stupidest Person's".

Even Stephen Hawking has said something way stupid once.

But yes, the overall world has made the transition from "I don't know about this" to "I don't know about this BUT LET ME TELL YOU THIS!"

(sad face)

Sick boy

New member
Feb 23, 2009
Yes this girl at my high school basically I told her that she was dads (dumb as dog shit.) But she didn't realize that and when she asked what it stood for I said, definiently a dawsome sock, I convinced her that dawesome was 10 times awesome. Then she was a bit sketchy as to whether it was true or not, so she went to the dictionary and looked up 'dads' and when she read the definition she says "Everyone! Stop calling your dad's dad. It means dies, when the dictionary actually ment that dad -dies is the plural, we all had a good laugh at her stupidty and she never mentioned it again.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
All the time. My hobby is debunking creationism so I do this on a regular basis.

Youtube seems to be the worst for this crap. People there take any, and all opportunity to ***** about Jews, or conspiracies with the worst grammar, and spelling possible (seriously do they write like that all the time?!). One weird one was when I downloaded the NASA app for my iPhone, and one of the reviews was just some guy saying we didn't go to the Moon. I was a bit taken aback.