Have you ever gone "wow" at the stupidity of other people?


New member
Mar 29, 2009
thenumberthirteen said:
All the time. My hobby is debunking creationism so I do this on a regular basis.

Youtube seems to be the worst for this crap. People there take any, and all opportunity to ***** about Jews, or conspiracies with the worst grammar, and spelling possible (seriously do they write like that all the time?!). One weird one was when I downloaded the NASA app for my iPhone, and one of the reviews was just some guy saying we didn't go to the Moon. I was a bit taken aback.
The moon thing actually has a tad bit of superficial backing, though; if the people you're addressing don't know about some of the physical manifestations of moon conditions, it actually is possible to convince them that it was all staged somewhere in Nevada.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
a ***** i hated (the usual blonde gossip hoe) asked one of my friends these questions over a period of a week:

"does pizza make you fat?"
"does there live people on Mars?"
"do they have good beaches on Venus?"

when he told me this, i fell over in laughter.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Oh, here's a good story - France day.

Friend of mine was in IB History in...I think 11th grade, and there's a guy named Frank in his class. They were about 3 days into studying the French Revolution and just reached the storming of the Bastille, with the lecture terminating with "And that's why Bastille Day is one of the most significant French holidays."

Someone asks how significant. "Probably on par with Canada Day or Independence Day."

Frank asks "...so what about France Day?"

Teacher says, of course, "Bastille Day is basically France Day."

Frank replies "You already told us about Bastille Day. I want to know about FRANCE Day."

This goes on for about twenty minutes before Frank storms out. IIRC, the phrase "There is no France Day" was said at least once during the discussion.
I've got a fair number of stories myself, but I can't remember most of them. It seems I repress memories of being in the most advanced classes at a private high school and still finding myself wondering how the human race lasted this long.



New member
Jan 13, 2009
Just Joe said:
Alright. Ninth grade, Modern World History class. All of us aged about fifteen, sixteen. We were about to begin on the First World War. The guy next to me asked me, I swear to God:
"That was the one WITHOUT Hitler, right?"

And yes, he was being serious.
the worst part is that Hitler actually was a soldier in World War 1, and if memory serves, a brave one.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
A resounding YES!

I'd encounter the typical stupidity day in day out when I was back home in Canada.

But now I'm living in China... "WOW"

My face never leaves my palm anymore.

Robby Foxfur

New member
Sep 1, 2009
yes, Oh god yes, Jesus god in heaven yes, to the point that its so useless to even say anything yes. *sighs* i think we are all doom ...


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
jonnosferatu said:
thenumberthirteen said:
All the time. My hobby is debunking creationism so I do this on a regular basis.

Youtube seems to be the worst for this crap. People there take any, and all opportunity to ***** about Jews, or conspiracies with the worst grammar, and spelling possible (seriously do they write like that all the time?!). One weird one was when I downloaded the NASA app for my iPhone, and one of the reviews was just some guy saying we didn't go to the Moon. I was a bit taken aback.
The moon thing actually has a tad bit of superficial backing, though; if the people you're addressing don't know about some of the physical manifestations of moon conditions, it actually is possible to convince them that it was all staged somewhere in Nevada.
I know. There are some questions that, at first blush, seem very odd (like why are there no stars), but have perfectly reasonable explanations. What caught me off guard that this was in an iTunes review for an App.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Bright_Raven said:
From yahoo answers...

My 17 year old son has been very secretive with me lately, recently he has started to refuse to go to church with the family and tonight when I was going through his room I found a magazine with naked men in it. He obviously has a girlfriend that he is hiding from me that brought that magazine into my home and I am afraid they are having intercourse and I am greatly concerned that he is going to get her pregnant.

What should I do about this?
11 months ago
Additional Details
He is not a homosexual, we have taught him from the bible and he has learned though our church that this is not in God's plan. I will not teach him about condoms, that is unacceptable, we have always taught him about abstinence and that is what God and his future wife expects from him.

I want to speak to our pastor about this but I am very afraid of what he would think we are teaching our son if he things we are allowing him to sneak a girl into his bedroom. That is clearly inappropriate and we are good parents, I am very afraid what he will think of us.
11 months ago
I just gotta ask did anybody tell her the obvious answer?

And as to my answer for the board question I work on checkout's so obviously Im not allowed to really voice my wow's there and then but my lord the number of the customers who treat us like we are complete bleeding retards. I mean how stupid do you have to be to actually tell a checkout operator not to put the hot chicken in with the Ice cream? or the can's on top of the egg's any checkout operator who has done their job for over 2 week's know's these basic things yet they treat us as if we've had the common sense part's of our brain's cleaved out upon attaining the job, am I oversensitive or does this kind of behaviour really tick anybody else off to?

Disaster Button

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2009
I "wow" a lot at my classmates and friends if they're being dumb. I get it done to me too, but usually when I say sometihng utterly retarded.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
I was at work yesterday and some bloody woman came in, picked up a £5 preowned PS2 game and then said,
"Now if it's not the right one, I can bring it back right?"
"Oh yeah, we have extended our policy until after Christmas so you have about 50 days to bring it back as long as the sticker seal on the side of the case isn't broken."
"... oh... well, it looks a little bit scuffed, you won't think I was trying to pick it off will you?"
"If the seal isn't broken, then we'll take it back and refund you or swap it."
"But what if you think i've tried to open it?"
(My manager) "Nicole, why don't you put another seal over it just to be sure..."
*puts another seal over the first one*
"There you go, 2 seals!"
"But what if you think I put that on there?"
"... pardon?"
"What if you think I broke the original seal and put that one on to cover it up?"
"... Do you have seals at home?"
"Then you won't."
"But what if someone thinks I did?!"
"Alright then! *sticks another 5 seals all over the box* How's that?"
"How about I sign your reciept so they know I put the seals on?"
"Oh that sounds good!"

... fricking woman.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
wow only ever used it once as I'm more partial to "whacky", back when I was in high school and a guy tried to make fun of me for reading, yes that's right he was amused that I wasted time reading...reading books that is. That was a serious eye opener to me about people.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
someone called Amy from my old work... well...
somehow 'the capital of china' cxame up in a discussion... and she comes in with "In't tha' Japan" ...yeah, she thinks the capital of china... is japan...

she then proceeded to argue that she was correct... until she decided to try prove it to us, using the internet xD

she also said she thought that polar bears came from poland... but she might have been joking about that one :S i hope so...

i also experiencesd this 'wow' emotion, when i heard the sales figures of halo 3:ODST and COD:MW2...
people will buy ANYTHING if it says Halo (or call of duty, i guess) on the box... proof of which, Halo Wars did well... xD


New member
Apr 21, 2009
All the time. I can't think of a person that hasn't at some point or another.

For example: I took a ceramics class in high school for one of my required art electives. Most of what I learned was basic...I was basically getting credit for playing with clay for an hour a day. There were a few students doing more advanced work in the same classroom, though. One of the advanced students was learning how to cast plaster in molds and I'll never forget the following conversation:

Dumbass: "What's that white stuff you're mixing?"
Potter: "Plaster of Paris. It's used to make wall decorations and stuff. It's kind of like concrete."
Dumbass: "Is it edible?"

The potter just went back to work and refused to talk to the moron after that.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
Yes, I was marveling at it just a minute ago over this:
seriously people why waste you energy on this stuff? If you don't like it, DON'T LISTEN TO IT!!
Not a difficult concept.
Many people here one The Escapist like to brag that Escapists are more intelligent and whatever then other forum sites; but, as much as I hate to say it, it's been my experience that many of my fellow Escapists are just as ignorant and stupid as anywhere else on the Internet. It had to be said. Suspend or ban me if you must, but I had to get that off my chest.
Ok, you trying to act as if you're high above all the other forum users is just as stupid as all of the people you're trying to insult because you know what?

Generalisations don't work, you cannot make any statement about such a large group of people without coming off like a huge twat which you have done excellently here so thank you for proving my point.