No kidding; David Cage is the most pretentious, thin-skinned, egotistical, self-hating, pseudo-wannabe-intellectual in the ENTIRE industry. This prick is like M. Night Shyamalan after The Village had a mixed reception; blaming everyone for his failures and using strawman arguments so he wouldn't have to admit that he might have some weaknesses that he needs to work on. Doesn't help that WAAAAAY too many journalists let him get away with crap like this. Seriously, if I want a game that tackles mature subject matter in an adult way I'll play the Parasite Eve series, Vagrant Story, Catherine, Tactics Ogre, Persona, or any of the many, many, MANY games I have that had far better narratives than this ass' half-baked direct-to-dvd Seven ripoff ever did.Soviet Heavy said:No, the United States does not have problems with your games.
No the problem they have is that you are an insufferable asshole who bitches and complains every time someone criticizes your work.
lol this threadMurderousToaster said:I think the title would be more apt if it said
"The World Has A Problem With Heavy Rain Creator."
Seriously. Every time this guy opens his mouth, he seems even more like a pretentious prick.
I don't think it's lack of promotion I think it's more lack of the fact it's a big pile of QTEs (and if i remember right Indigo Prophecy is on the PC, so do some bloody research before making a claim like that). Heavy Rain didn't look bad but from what I played it wasn't a game that was compelling not like Phoenix Wright or Etrian Odyssey, which didn't get much of any promotion's from Capcom. But I agree on the no promoting thing, Sega released Phantasy Star Portable 2 on the PSP and it did not sell well at all and I blame poor promoting, I could only find ONE trailer and it was introducing the story people and no gameplay at all. And when it didn't sell well it was because of piracy as they say.exobook said:While I have not play Cage's games (I'm a PC gamer)I do feel that this article does have a point; with the concentration on FPS's and the like, game publishers are not promoting hard to classify and indie games are far as they can. There is of course reasons for this, thesekind of games are unlikely to make the massive returns that publishers desire even if they were heavily promoted, so they aren't promoted.
This can be seen as good both on consoles and on things like steam are ignored and forgotten because either publishers are unwilling to promoted them or like on steam the publishers are doing it direct and therefore are too small to afford a promotional campagin of any scale.
I bought it, a special edition version too. Wasn't really disappointed with it because I didn't set my hopes high. I do believe he has a point about marketing without guns though I'd replace "guns" with "standard game features". They're interactive movies at heart rather than games.Lord Beautiful said:They didn't sell well in America? Shocker.
Guys, I'm curious. Did those games sell well anywhere?
Oh yea, that too.thefreeman0001 said:theres a typo in the article
David Cage doesn't make "normal" games.
it should be David Cage doesn't make "good" games.
I remember some DBZ action in there too.Gnoupi said:And when you have holes in your plot, please don't fill them with a combination of conspiracy/ancient Mayan curse/sentient AI/army secrets/Matrix fights/Hadouken. Really. Especially when you started with a relatively intriguing premise.Shameless said:Here is how to make your games sell in the US Mr.Cage, make them into actual games rather than a QTE fest with a plot with more holes than a sponge.