Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material


New member
Mar 23, 2009
fletch_talon said:
NeutralDrow said:
Not all molesters are paedophiles.
Not all paedophiles are molesters.

All I am suggesting is that people that are proven to be paedophiles are made to recieve help from support groups/therapy. It does them no harm, it can only do good, and it has the added bonus of being a preventative measure against paedophiles who can't control their urges.
And as I said, such support groups already exist. There's no need for psychoanalysis at all, let alone government-mandated psychoanalysis.

I honestly can't see what the issue is here. Not everyone with an uncontrolable temper is going to assault or kill someone, I should know. But when someone displays excessive amounts of aggression, is it such a bad idea to get them counselling?
The issue is that the guy in question is almost certainly not a pedophile, and all indications are that he's a normal, law-abiding citizen with a peculiar taste in artwork, and yet he's being tarred with the "potential sex offender" brush in a way that exposes not only flagrant miscarriage of justice, but also gross misunderstanding of porn consumers and pedophiles alike.

Plenty of people would sentence all paedophiles to death, molesters or not. I'm finding the middle ground here, unlike those people, I understand that its not something they can just stop being, that doesn't mean they can't be helped.
If this had been a kid, who had drawn up plans for a school shooting, would this still be an argument? They're just drawings, we don't know that he'd act on it... Its still evidence that he needs help.
That's because a child who drew up plans for a school shooting is giving off enough warning signs that he wants to commit a violent crime that precautionary measures are necessary. The equivalent would be if a pedophile decided to hang around playgrounds and openly ogle children; if he or she is sitting at home, reading a book, hell even if they're wanking off, there's no indication that they ever plan to commit any crime at all, let alone violent ones.

In fact, someone else pointed it out much better than me.

Piecewise said:
f you actually look at the psychology of it the ones most likely to "evolve" into pedophiles are abused and are often into more violent or sadistic porn. The act of child molestation is almost always about control not about sexual release. Why do you think children who are abused are more likely to become abusers themselves? Its so that they can control others to make up for their own feelings of being controlled.

If you really care about catching child molesters early you should recommend keeping a watch on sexually abused children, not on lolicons. Unless you can show that a significant % of people who enjoy lolicon eventually move on to the real thing.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Piecewise said:
lyfeindeyth said:
Yawwy said:
Piecewise said:
Yawwy said:
Piecewise said:
That and the greeks and romans sure did love the butt sex. A guy who did another guy in the butt was considered very manly. Not to mention all the fairy tales. Snow white was like 12 when she got knocked up (seriously, look up the original text)
Wait wait wait...snow white gets knocked up?o_O Is it by the dwarves?I need to know more!
The prince finds her while she's dead/asleep and basically date rapes her. It's very hard to find the original text because the Grimm brothers never published it and the version that did finally get out was already edited because all the incest and rape conflicted with christian morals.
...My childhood!D:
WHERE CAN I FIND THIS VERSION?! Uh... for research and artsy purposes of course.
It's hard to since it's been heavily edited over the years. This

Is the edited one that appeared in the Grimm tales but it's still not the original. It does include them torturing someone to death though. Like I said, it's very hard to find the original text. I only saw it once many years ago in some book about the evolution and censorship of myths. If you look hard enough you can probably find it.
I don't know if this is original version but I happened to find even older version here: http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/type0709.html#snowwhite from year 1812.

Hope it helps (and sorry if doesn't).


New member
Mar 23, 2009
jboking said:
Laws are based on cultural norms, shame I know, but it's simply how it is. That's why the same hentai is completely legal in Japan, cultural norms are different there. If you find yourself identifying with the Japanese culture in such a way that it prevents you from living a life following the few basic rules your current society imposes, then it may be time to move to Japan.
You seem to be under the assumption that he wouldn't be regarded as a weirdo in Japan. It's not that there's no cultural bias there against odd pornography; it's that they don't care to do anything to you as long as you keep your oddness to yourself.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
The whole reason that Child Pornography and Beastiality are illegal are because they have victims. That's ignoring a decent amount of other factors, but is one of the main reasons. Child Pornography exists only when a child has been victimized, same goes for Beastiality. That's is one of the primary reasons why the act is considered wrong, and so are the photographs. It supports this victimization.

Now drawings are a completely different story. Drawing a fake child on a piece of paper, again while being disgusting, victimizes absolutely no one. It may actually help. It allows people an outlet, instead of leaving them so desperate that they go out and do something reprehensible. It hurts NO ONE for the possession of these magazines. Again, like I've said, I find the subject matter reprehensible, but since it hurts no one, I'll fight for the guy's freedom to have it.

Yay for caffeine fueled rants at 11 PM.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Krythe said:
How much do you wanna bet there's gonna be at least one person who shuffles through their manga collection and/or destroys some of it after reading this thread?
I should show this to three of my friends and see if they start sweatin'.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Ah yes, the government is out there protecting the public from horrific crimes such as questionable erotic cartoons and piracy. Tax-payer money well spent.


New member
Dec 24, 2009
NeutralDrow said:
jboking said:
Laws are based on cultural norms, shame I know, but it's simply how it is. That's why the same hentai is completely legal in Japan, cultural norms are different there. If you find yourself identifying with the Japanese culture in such a way that it prevents you from living a life following the few basic rules your current society imposes, then it may be time to move to Japan.
You seem to be under the assumption that he wouldn't be regarded as a weirdo in Japan. It's not that there's no cultural bias there against odd pornography; it's that they don't care to do anything to you as long as you keep your oddness to yourself.
Which is how it should be IMO. I mean who's business is it of anyone's what someone does in their own home as long as he/she aren't hurting anyone (themselves included.)


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Apr 15, 2009


New member
Dec 7, 2007
If we all went to jail for having fucked up thoughts, we'd be in hell

I call Slippery Slope, you can't arrest someone on a hunch


New member
Nov 22, 2009
I do find any Child Pornography wrong, but this sentence is too extreme to what the real punishment should be.
I don't agree with what he looks at but you can't really blame someone for these urges most of the time, it is always caused by something that happened in childhood. At least it wasn't any real stuff.


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Feb 18, 2009
CoverYourHead said:
How can you have a crime this damaging without a victim? Sure, it's sick and perverted, but seriously, it's just some drawings. This is stupid. But still, that hentai is messed up.

EDIT: Isn't this like getting arrested for murder after shooting someone in a game?
Actually it seems more like being arrested for watching Sylvester Stalone shoot a guy in a movie. But It seems no one minds as long those actual land-mine victims they hired get paid their $50.


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Nov 20, 2008
geldonyetich said:
Ah, this comment thread is fun to read. All these Internet denizens brought up on 4Chan morality, who probably have equivocally profane stuff on their hard drive right now, suddenly put face-to-face with the stark reality that even the possession of that shit can get you in trouble IRL.

So they express outrage instead. Good luck with that stance - it won't help much if you end up as a defendant.
I've never been to 4chan or a porn site, but I'm still outraged by the assault on free speech that American anti-obscenity law represents.

geldonyetich said:
Handley will also be required to serve three years of supervised release and undergo a "treatment program" that will include psychological testing and polygraph examinations to "reveal possible new criminal behavior," which he will have to help pay for, and five years of probation.
I wouldn't say his life is ruined, per se. He will, however, be taking up a new hobby.

It's probably a pretty good call, really. If you have enthusiasm for cartoon child porn, it doesn't mean that you're planning on molesting children... but it's good sign you're vulnerable to such ideas. Having him undergo treatment that will include psychological testing assure he's not actually going to go that far is a good idea. I've never approved of the idea that we need to wait for the crime to be committed and the damage done before we take measures.
He had a collection of over 1200 manga, 7 of which were found objectionable. As far as I know, there's no evidence that this man was actually a pedophile. What you're suggesting is along the lines of arresting people for owning guns, since it's a good sign they're going to commit a crime.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
runedeadthA said:
CoverYourHead said:
How can you have a crime this damaging without a victim? Sure, it's sick and perverted, but seriously, it's just some drawings. This is stupid. But still, that hentai is messed up.

EDIT: Isn't this like getting arrested for murder after shooting someone in a game?
Actually it seems more like being arrested for watching Sylvester Stalone shoot a guy in a movie. But It seems no one minds as long those actual land-mine victims they hired get paid their $50.
Its more about the american ideal that violence is hunky dory but sexuality is something to be ashamed of. Its a hold over from our rather violent and sexually repressed puritan past. Eg a movie about violent murder and nothing else is alright but questionable sexuality and fetishism is horrific. This is why the classic book "lolita" keeps getting banned while insanely violent books and programs go pretty much unmolested.

Ian Caronia

New member
Jan 5, 2010
Japan: Censors pornography
America (idiotic states only): Sends people to jail for possession of pornography

-Okay, that little stab aside, this is fucking retarded. What is it with places like this? Yes, it's gross, and yes, maybe he SHOULD undergo some therapy or counceling, but in regards to this particular kind of case:


--Fuck, man... Is Iowa trying to catch up with Australia?


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Seriously, I think the sentence was a bit harsh. Not that I support child pornography at all, but if he honestly didn't know that he wasn't supposed to have it, then why slap him with jail time on his first offense? That's just nasty. Not to mention that the whole episode is on his permanent record for the rest of his days. It's hard enough getting a job in this economy without something like that following you around.

Also, why are inked lines on paper considered child pornography? I mean, it's not as if he had actual photos of the crap- it's just an illustration. So does freedom of artistic expression go out the window when the drawing *appears* to be of a person under a certain age?

Suffice to say, a warning would have done a better job of disciplining the guy. If he did it again, then sure, throw him in the clink. But not for the first offense...geez....


New member
Oct 27, 2009
While I personally hate tentacle erotica, futanari, lolicon, shotacon and whatever-the-fuck-else-is-in-a-hentai-film-acon, this is kinda much. for watching a movie. and reading a book. About a girls being raped by demons and aliens. Or about small children being sold as sex slaves.

It just makes me want to write more and more offensive material, just to piss these idiots off.