Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material


New member
Nov 20, 2009
And once again the anime and manga fanbase gets decimated by the media. Though this event is fitting, because it's part of the dark underworld of the fanbase that really shouldn't belong in America.


New member
May 25, 2008
Crap, I was hoping with the backing of the Comic Book Defense Fund and everything behind him that he wouldn't go to prison. So much for the first amendment. Shit. As for the guy's level of "pervertness" he didn't strike me as a pedophile; just a rabid otaku of all things anime manga, including the hentai stuff. I saw a picture of his bookcase on some site- he collected EVERYTHING. This poor guy was just enjoying his hobby, imported some books, the post office circumvented it, and were freaked out by what they saw. The people who reported this do not know the culture behind lolita and hentai, etc. etc. This guy was the whipping boy for a Christian Fundamentalist Conservative knee-jerk reaction and I'm disappointed. Heck, I even bought some stuff from the Comic Defense fund to help fund his case (good stuff in their store btw, got a signed copy of Sin City and everything for cheap!)


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
This thread got 12 pages in less than a day. Bloody hell.

DreamoftheEndless said:
And once again the anime and manga fanbase gets decimated by the media. Though this event is fitting, because it's part of the dark underworld of the fanbase that really shouldn't belong in America.
America: Land of the free (unless you jerk off to cartoons, then you're a pervert and should GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY).


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Krythe said:
Religious idiot parents refuse to take their daughter to doctor after her kidneys fail and she dies: 18 months.
Guy orders comic books: 6 months.

(So, by this logic: 3 Otakus = 1 murderer)

Me hauling my ass outta this country since I'm now unsure if my medical textbooks could qualify as obscene material: Priceless.

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's America.

P.S. Any Finns looking for a roommate?
That's sooooo true, man.

Emphraim said:
I find it sickening that the justice system gives a guy six months time for a bunch of drawings, while a rapist can get several years time. Seriously, don't the police have better things to do than to harass a guy because he has different fetishes than other people?
Right! Had he been involved in serious crimes, by all means, toss him into the prison showers and make him pick up the soap! Otherwise, there are millions of crackheads and junkies on the streets that are thousands of times more dangerous than a guy with child hentai fetishes...


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Rednog said:
Krythe said:
How much do you wanna bet there's gonna be at least one person who shuffles through their manga collection and/or destroys some of it after reading this thread?
On a completely unrelated topic...
My friend wants to know how do you completely destroy all the data on a hard drive?
Write over the hard drive 37 times with random zeros and ones, and then crush the iron oxide making up the hard drive into a fine powder to be mixed into cement that's about to be used to build the foundations of a large building.
You can't fault the FBI's method for thoroughness, even if it is a little extreme.

Alternatively have some thermite on your HDD ready to be triggered when the FBI bust down the door.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
While certainly disgusting, I don't think possessing any visual depictions of illegal acts which are clearly fictional (i.e. not depictions of an event that has actually taken place, which is obviously the case with animé) should be made illegal, regardless of the content.

In a liberal civil rights democracy, only that which violates the harm principle should be punishable, and such animations/cartoons etc., sick and twisted as they may be, have not been proven likely to inflict harm of anyone.

"Obscenity" is also far to loose a term to use in the criminal law of a just state: Anything not the majority norm can be punished under it. It's very interesting to see that the lawyers argument was the the (layman) jury would certainly find him guilty upon viewing the pictures, which just shows that it's not what legal definitions are in the law, but what (perhaps narrow and oppressive) morality is prevalent in the majority of the area which determine not only what is clearly socially unacceptable (as this should be), but also what is punishable.

Thus it's a "torch and pitchfork" application of justice, which leave it up to the masses to dish out convictions, thereby eliminating the very core of the "justice state", in which one answers to clearly defined law, not the dictatorship of the many.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
Bebopcola2021 said:
Crap, I was hoping with the backing of the Comic Book Defense Fund and everything behind him that he wouldn't go to prison. So much for the first amendment. Shit. As for the guy's level of "pervertness" he didn't strike me as a pedophile; just a rabid otaku of all things anime manga, including the hentai stuff. I saw a picture of his bookcase on some site- he collected EVERYTHING. This poor guy was just enjoying his hobby, imported some books, the post office circumvented it, and were freaked out by what they saw. The people who reported this do not know the culture behind lolita and hentai, etc. etc. This guy was the whipping boy for a Christian Fundamentalist Conservative knee-jerk reaction and I'm disappointed. Heck, I even bought some stuff from the Comic Defense fund to help fund his case (good stuff in their store btw, got a signed copy of Sin City and everything for cheap!)
The guy pleaded guilty so there's nothing much the CBDF could do.


New member
Oct 6, 2008
I agree. It's wrong to screw with this guy's life like this. Just because he has some weird fetishes doesn't mean he's going to act them out in real life. The authorities only should have stepped in if he was harming children. Otherwise, fuck off Big Brother!


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Krythe said:
Religious idiot parents refuse to take their daughter to doctor after her kidneys fail and she dies: 18 months.
Guy orders comic books: 6 months.

(So, by this logic: 3 Otakus = 1 murderer)
Neglect isn't murder. At least that's not how we charge it in this state. Nor in Iowa, the neighboring state where this man was charged.

scotth266 said:
ace_of_something said:
I totally made a post about this [a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.114485-Poll-Is-this-fair-a-question-of-creepy-porn#2091200] back in may[/a]. The post was locked because of the arguments. I'm just saying.
I still think this law is unconstitutional.
Huh. Well, apparently it takes a while for verdicts to get handed down, huh? And you sure that thing was locked? Looks plenty open to me.

At the very least his situation lightened considerably: in your post you linked a story that said he was facing 5 years jail time, whereas he is now only paying several fines and has five years probation. Which is still bullshit (especially since the story seems to indicate that he also lost his job over this), but it's better than what he was facing before.
I swear to many pegan gods that was locked a couple hours ago....

I'm familiar with some of Iowa's laws. See there is a big Iowegian city across the river from here and sometimes our criminals and their criminals go back and forth for funsies so we have to communicate. I can say they have a much less draconian sex offender registry then we do. I'd be surprised if he ended up on it.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Nemu said:
Andy Chalk said:
I don't know much about hentai but I do know that being sent to jail for possessing the wrong kind of drawings in the wrong part of the country is simply wrong. Handley was sentenced under the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protect_Act] noted, "The drawings are not obscene and are not tantamount to pornography. They are lines on paper." Which is enough, it seems, to send a man to jail and irrevocably destroy his life.
Honestly, I don't get it either, and I've been a fan of manga and anime for 25 years.

That being said, I do NOT understand why this man is quite possibly going to jail and, likely, be forced to register as a sex offender over DRAWINGS. Were these pieces of art by, say, Da Vinci, would there have been an issue? I understand why rules about physical child pornography exist--and thankfully they DO, but drawings are even less real than (one could argue) a photograph is. It's crossing a very dangerous line of what is considered "art" and what isn't.

No children were harmed in the making of those books. Sure, they're twisted and the guy needs help to get over his kid/beastiality issues, but they were COMIC BOOKS.

Blah. I fee like I'm in the dark ages.
I register my agreement. We cannot afford to throw people in jail just because those people have problems (after all, if that happened, wouldn't we all be in jail?) and locking this man up won't help anyone. Not society in general, and certainly not him. This man will rot in jail and probably get seriously mistreated while he's in there (how kindly do you think gangbangers will treat a lonely nerd who's in there on child porn charges?) and he will have no life when gets out (he'll have no money, no job or employment history, and he'll probably still be hooked on hentai).

There are no winners in this affair.


New member
Oct 17, 2009
Everyone has a hobby, and if his hobby happens to be to collect hentai, let him collect it. Its not like it can harm anyone.
This whole case is weird, and makes me wonder about how people are judged.


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Good thing homosexual stuff isn't illegal anymore, because Jesylin & I both own a shit-ton of yaoi. & I'm sure someone here has an equal shit-ton of yuri.

Don't really understand the beastiality one. I thought 1/4 of Americans were into furries & yiffing & stuff. At least that's the impression I get on DeviantArt. There are things there you can't unsee.... But $5 says that the "beastiality" was little more than a guy screwing a Catgirl.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
i think the punishment was harsh but he did have a comic containing obscene acts with children so he is a weirdo and to some extent a pedo


New member
Jun 16, 2004
Mcface said:
Cliff_m85 said:
Mcface said:
Axeli said:
Sounds like a harmless pervert to me - someone who has all kinds of weird porn on his hard drive, not some child stalking pedophile.

15 years and a quarter million fine for a victimless crime is ridiculous either way.
It starts off with this type of stuff, but could easily escalate to him wanting to act upon his fantasy, as it does with most pedophiles.

in any situation..

False dilemma. The opposing argument could be that if he wasn't using cartoon images he would've used actual images. Or that if he wasn't able to procure animated images he would've acted out his fantasies in real life. Both you and I are wrong, since there is not enough information to judge the individual. After all, he could've just been a collector of rare materials.
True, but I have personally seen and heard many cases in which a guy will start with this kind of thing, and it will build the urge to actually act on it. Weather or not this could would have, is impossible to prove. He used bad judgment in buying this stuff, but the government has no right to bust in and seize the material, only prevent him from obtaining it.
You don't mind if I reserve my judgement despite your valuable witnessing.

This honestly sounds like the "killing in video games makes you want to kill in real life" argument.

Regardless the guy didn't hurt anyone. Putting him on some watch list seems reasonable, jailing him as a criminal who doesn't have a single victim is not.
Feb 13, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
Handley will also be required to serve three years of supervised release and undergo a "treatment program" that will include psychological testing and polygraph examinations to "reveal possible new criminal behavior," which he will have to help pay for, and five years of probation.
Surprisingly, this is the part that pissed me off the most. Do any of the people involved actually know what they are looking for? How do you test for the ability to like drawings?????

What other criminal behaviour could come from that?

As for the "obscene" ruling...

How come this isn't child pornography? (And you all know that said material exists on the web)

Syntax Error

New member
Sep 7, 2008
This was already said in lordlee's thread, but who's willing to bet that the judge/jury heard Naked, Child and comic in the same sentence, and then immediately decided he was a sexual deviant kids should stay away from?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Axeli said:
Sounds like a harmless pervert to me - someone who has all kinds of weird porn on his hard drive, not some child stalking pedophile.

15 years and a quarter million fine for a victimless crime is ridiculous either way.

Pretty much this. They've destroyed a man's life basically beyond repair over something I honestly wouldn't have thought to have been an issue. Just because the guy has manga with bestiality and child-porn does not mean he's going to act upon those drawings. While you could argue the drawings are morally wrong, they aren't 15-years-in-prison-with-psych-testing wrong.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
reciprocal said:
The Austin said:
Piecewise said:
The Austin said:
Rex Dark said:
So collecting artwork is illegal now?
Good thing I don't live in the US.
I'd rather move to Japan!
.......Did you just call animated child porn artwork?
Prove that it is not.
Prove that it is.

Please refer to the upper right image.
Two adults in the early stages of homosexual sex? I don't really see how that helps the case.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
As for the "obscene" ruling...

How come this isn't child pornography? (And you all know that said material exists on the web)
Because he's not getting fucked or in a sexual scenario?


Green Thumbed Gamer
Jan 11, 2010

The entire topic opens a sticky subject to the mind of the reader - just what do you find offensive?

Some people don't find comics depicting underage sex offensive. Whether you find it arousing is a different matter, but that's your pot, not mine. Its the words the defense said that interested me -
Brownstein said:
"The drawings are not obscene and are not tantamount to pornography. They are lines on paper."
Does that mean a photograph of a sexual act isn't pornography, simply an image depicting something in action? Is a movie only a copy of a memory? Quite an abstract concept.

fix-the-spade said:
It's the nature of art is that it depicts things. It's what those lines signify that matters.
(Quote edited for relevance, sorry for butchering it 'fix-the-spade')

This is the thing we should all be focusing on.