Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Have to agree with those arguing in defense of the guy. I'm disgusted by what he had in his possession, but if no one was victimized in the production of the... material... then there's no basis for making it illegal. As someone just pointed out, this verges on thoughtcrime. If the defendant had been blessed with ample financial backing he might have appealed this all the way to the top. The Supreme Court has ruled against this sort of thing [http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/search/display.html?terms=speech&url=/supct/html/00-795.ZS.html] in the past.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
"Shit," say the right wingers, "this is child porn. This is horrible! We must save the cartoon children."


New member
Nov 20, 2008
geldonyetich said:
cobra_ky said:
I've never been to 4chan or a porn site, but I'm still outraged by the assault on free speech that American anti-obscenity law represents.
Hmm... I suppose there's more than one reason to be outraged about it.

However, you're misunderstanding free speech if you believe it was ever intended to be any kind of shield for obscenities. We've been damning certain things as profane since well before the bill of rights and well afterward. If we weren't, and it was done in the name of free speech, it seems likely we'd have repealed free speech centuries ago.
I understand the intent of the law. The problem is that by invoking the Miller Test, it subjects the First Amendment to subjective, arbitrary, "commmunity standards". As far as I know, this is the only instance where constitutional protection varies depending on your location.

geldonyetich said:
He had a collection of over 1200 manga, 7 of which were found objectionable. As far as I know, there's no evidence that this man was actually a pedophile. What you're suggesting is along the lines of arresting people for owning guns, since it's a good sign they're going to commit a crime.
Not really. A gun is a tool. As a tool, it is bereft of any significant agenda. Literature, on the other hand, is representative of ideas.
And ideas aren't (or at least shouldn't be) illegal. Child porn isn't evidence of intent to molest children any more than violent media is evidence of intent to commit murder.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Doug said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
As for the "obscene" ruling...

How come this isn't child pornography? (And you all know that said material exists on the web)
Because he's not getting fucked or in a sexual scenario?
Google "Simpsons Sex". I triple dare you.
I'm fully aware that where is some rather strange people who take the Simpsons image and (I presume illegally given they don't own the character nor would Fox probably allow them to use said characters) use them in porn. If said porn involved Bart, Lisa, or any of the kid characters, then it enters the realms of kiddie porn.


Jan 23, 2008
this is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen... It's a fucking cartoon. The problem with child pornography and bestiality isn't morality, it's that you can't guarantee consent (due to the maturity of children and the lack of proper objective cross-species communication from animals), which would mean children and animals would get hurt from it.

That problem goes out of the window when we're talking about fictional cartoon characters that, again, are FICTIONAL.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Irridium said:
Well, that is disgusting.

But their not even pictures of real people. Just drawings.

If I drew a stick figure bent over another stick figure, would that count as pornography and would I have to go to court for it?
depends on how big the boobs are


New member
Apr 3, 2009
oh god, people being raped by giant tentacled space monsters is a REAL PROBLEM people! we should not do ANYTHING that promotes this most REAL THREAT!
Feb 13, 2008
Doug said:
I'm fully aware that where is some rather strange people who take the Simpsons image and (I presume illegally given they don't own the character nor would Fox probably allow them to use said characters) use them in porn. If said porn involved Bart, Lisa, or any of the kid characters, then it enters the realms of kiddie porn.
Like this incident? [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/87960-Simpsons-Sex-Scandal] I do my research doncha know.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
RagnorakTres said:
Krythe said:
How much do you wanna bet there's gonna be at least one person who shuffles through their manga collection and/or destroys some of it after reading this thread?
No bet, sai, no bet.

I get the feeling that it wasn't so much he found that kind of thing attractive as it was that he was a collector and "had to have them."

Like a Pokemon master!
HAHA all those little children... gotta catch 'em all!

How do you get 100 Pickachu's on a bus? Poke 'em on.


Elite Member
Jan 9, 2009
I agree with what people are saying about the harshness of his sentence.

I don't agree with how people are trying to make it seem like these fetishes of his are normal. The most certainly aren't, child porn in any form is WRONG.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
seriously though.

all the moral reasons and "just wrong" parts aside,

the most practical reason child porn is illegal is because the possession and distribution of it directly promotes the creation of it, which involves the terrible abuse of REAL children.

the same can not be said for animated porn.

are there proven links between animated porn leading to real porn of the same nature? of animated child porn leading to real child porn?


New member
Nov 16, 2009
I hate my country more and more every day....Hentai, while being sick,(and yes I'm a fan) is hardly illegal. Hell, why don't they round up everyone on paheal? I've always thought Lolicon was legal, but I guess not.If it were toddlercon, I might be okay with it. THAT is sick and disgusting. He should just be glad he doesn't live in the south, or he might have been lynched.

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
matt87_50 said:
are there proven links between animated porn leading to real porn of the same nature? of animated child porn leading to real child porn?
I'm not entirely sure I agree with this type of thinking, which is in effect, thought crime.

Ban cannabis because you might start taking crack cocaine afterwards.
Ban violent video games because you might become a more violent person.
Ban shandy because you might move onto absyinth.

While the subject matter is distasteful as fuck I don't agree with outlawing something because of what it MIGHT POSSIBLY make ONE PERSON do.


New member
Sep 18, 2007
Due to circumstances, i would appeal this in two seconds. This is possibly one of the few examples of a victimless crime. There is no person who is exploited by lolicon hentai. It is simply drawn images that while of an obscene nature, are charicature representations of fictional individuals, thus not subject to traditional statutory and obscenity laws. There is no right within US or any national law to legislate morality as long as the parties involved are able to understand the situation. Since the only ones involved are the artist behind the doujins and the person buying them, all parties are aware of their nature and there is no right to sentence one to jail for it.