Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material


New member
Apr 23, 2008
JohnTomorrow said:
Its the words the prosecutor said that interested me -
Brownstein said:
"The drawings are not obscene and are not tantamount to pornography. They are lines on paper."
....? Did you mean the defence said that? If the prosecutor said that, I'd have to wonder why he won.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
The Austin said:
Rex Dark said:
So collecting artwork is illegal now?
Good thing I don't live in the US.
I'd rather move to Japan!
.......Did you just call animated child porn artwork?
Yes, I did, as is the rest of hentai and manga.
What else should I call it?
"A collection of RGB-values"?


New member
Dec 13, 2008
That is seemingly harsh, I mean, it's just manga. Some of that shit is pretty intense, but it's not real.


Green Thumbed Gamer
Jan 11, 2010
Doug said:
JohnTomorrow said:
Its the words the prosecutor said that interested me -
Brownstein said:
"The drawings are not obscene and are not tantamount to pornography. They are lines on paper."
....? Did you mean the defence said that? If the prosecutor said that, I'd have to wonder why he won.
Eheh. Oops. Thanks for the heads up.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
JohnTomorrow said:
Doug said:
JohnTomorrow said:
Its the words the prosecutor said that interested me -
Brownstein said:
"The drawings are not obscene and are not tantamount to pornography. They are lines on paper."
....? Did you mean the defence said that? If the prosecutor said that, I'd have to wonder why he won.
Eheh. Oops. Thanks for the heads up.
No worries ;)


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
reciprocal said:
The Austin said:
Piecewise said:
The Austin said:
Rex Dark said:
So collecting artwork is illegal now?
Good thing I don't live in the US.
I'd rather move to Japan!
.......Did you just call animated child porn artwork?
Prove that it is not.
Prove that it is.

Please refer to the upper right image.
Intercrural Sex.

I gotta say, I learned something today, just from that one picture and its caption.

thanks, in all sincerity.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
This is an interesting issue. I'm glad he's not being fined and going to jail but at the same time....*gags*


New member
Sep 20, 2004
So... if you draw something along those lines on paper "for fun" you can go to jail for it too? Lol. Watch out! The paper will keel you!


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Ligisttomten said:
So... if you draw something along those lines on paper "for fun" you can go to jail for it too? Lol. Watch out! The paper will keel you!
Well, potentially even worse, distribution with intent to sale...I don't know that much about american laws. But yeah, I was thinking just that, they can't prosecute guys in Korea/Japan/China etc. (btw is somebody from there so he/she can tell me if it's illegal there? I'm just curious) for drawing the stuff, but if you did that in USA, you could get a lot more jail time.

Which reminds me:
- So what was you last job about? Can we see your portfolio?
- Well first we drew some 10 yearolds in sexual poses, but we had special editions furries as well, I only did colouring on those though.

And the last point - if there is some point of view where it is "okay", wouldn't this be great as a substitute for pedophiles, at least they won't be looking at real children. I bet the Catholic church would be a subscriber. :)

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
JohnTomorrow said:
Does that mean a photograph of a sexual act isn't pornography, simply an image depicting something in action? Is a movie only a copy of a memory? Quite an abstract concept.
The definition of pornography is pretty poorly defined (I do remember bill hicks having a good rant about this actually) but I'm sure the point he was making was that it isn't as explicit in any way; no real child was subjected to it either, so there's no one being victimised. Well you were probably just arguing semantics, but in any case...

This is kind of a ridiculous situation in general. Sure, what he had was completely sick, but it wasn't hurting anyone, and the sentence was completely out of line. It's baseless to say he'd act further, there's no proof either way.

This sounds like a slippery slope...


New member
May 28, 2008
See this is just fucked up, manga porn is one of the most heavily pirated things on the internet, you can download tonnes of gigabytes worth for free if you know where to look. All this man wanted to do was give a little money to the guys who make this particular series of books and what happens? he gets freaking arrested. He loses, the creators stay poor and society once again proves how much it still has to grow up.

Anyone who thinks he deserved this treatment is an asshole. The subject matter in the books is irrelevant, its all fantasy and anyone is entitled to indulge in whatever fantasies they enjoy within the confines of their own private space without being judged. No one is being harmed by these books, they aren't being sold in regular book stores or being promoted as anything more than what they clearly are so why the hell treat this man like he's bought a book of child porn?


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I should be sentenced to prison for all the terrible things I did in Fallout 3. Mass murder, child enslavement, torture...


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Yokai said:
Wow. His prosecutors must not be very familiar with the internet...
While I fully believe there's no harm in shaming the guy--hentai is disgusting--five and a half years of jail time/counseling/probation for owning what amounts to cartoon porn is ludicrous. Seriously, you can beat someone up and steal their wallet and get away with less. Doesn't the justice department have more important things to worry about?
Yes There IS harm in shaming the guy because he looked at hentai. would you like to have someone ragging you for any kinks, women choices, sexual preferences or material you owned, just because someone else finds it "disgusting"?


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Irridium said:
Well, that is disgusting.

But their not even pictures of real people. Just drawings.

If I drew a stick figure bent over another stick figure, would that count as pornography and would I have to go to court for it?
Your statement has been heard. the FBI will arrive at your doorstep in a few minutes. Do not leave the premise or WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN.

OT: sucks to be him.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Piecewise said:
fletch_talon said:
Piecewise said:
So you're saying that we should arrest people for crimes BEFORE they happen? Well I guess we arrest anyone with a copy of "Mein Kampf" before they kill a few million jews or a bible before they trick an entire town into getting circumcised before slaughtering the lot (it's in there)
I'm sorry, if I'd had known I was arguing with an idiot I would have stopped ages ago.

Yes, despite repeatedly stating that this man is not a criminal and that paedophilia is not a choice, clearly what I meant to say is that this man is a criminal and all paedophiles should be imprisoned.

What I AM saying is that people with sexual attraction to children should be evaluated, monitored and given support both emotionally and psychologically.

Learn to read before you make more ignorant claims about what people are saying.
And I'm saying that owning lolicon does not correlate with a sexual attraction to actual
children. You must prove that it does before psychological evaluation is considered.
As a heterosexual male who has the usual reaction to child pornography (its wrong) when I look at porn, including hentai, it does not involve underaged children, just as it doesn't involve porn without a female component. That's because I'm not turned on by children, and I'm not turned on by homosexual sex... actually to be specific, I'm not turned on by male homosexual sex.

Hentai, unless I'm mistaken (and it is possible) is porn in an animated form.
Porn is unless I'm mistaken (and this is considerably less likely) a form of sexual aide/entertainment.
So if we're being told correctly that he had hentai with depictions of children in sexual situations then he effectively owns child pornography, albeit in animated form.

The only evidence you've put forward to say that child porn in hentai is not for paedophiles is that its not about them being children. You claim that its the body shape and innocence. To which I respond, why not depict those things in adults.
To be honest I'd be satisfied regardless of what they look like, provided they act like adult/consenting age people. Its not size and shape that makes child pornography wrong, its the fact that they are too young to give consent to such things. As people have said, there are plenty of anime and manga characters that look younger than they act, so why the need for depictions of children.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
the japanese have the most law-abiding citizens on earth (for a democracy) so what's the big deal if they're a bunch of filthy pervs?

EDIT: i'm not condoning rape or child pornography or anything.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
fletch_talon said:
Piecewise said:
fletch_talon said:
Piecewise said:
So you're saying that we should arrest people for crimes BEFORE they happen? Well I guess we arrest anyone with a copy of "Mein Kampf" before they kill a few million jews or a bible before they trick an entire town into getting circumcised before slaughtering the lot (it's in there)
I'm sorry, if I'd had known I was arguing with an idiot I would have stopped ages ago.

Yes, despite repeatedly stating that this man is not a criminal and that paedophilia is not a choice, clearly what I meant to say is that this man is a criminal and all paedophiles should be imprisoned.

What I AM saying is that people with sexual attraction to children should be evaluated, monitored and given support both emotionally and psychologically.

Learn to read before you make more ignorant claims about what people are saying.
And I'm saying that owning lolicon does not correlate with a sexual attraction to actual
children. You must prove that it does before psychological evaluation is considered.
As a heterosexual male who has the usual reaction to child pornography (its wrong) when I look at porn, including hentai, it does not involve underaged children, just as it doesn't involve porn without a female component. That's because I'm not turned on by children, and I'm not turned on by homosexual sex... actually to be specific, I'm not turned on by male homosexual sex.

Hentai, unless I'm mistaken (and it is possible) is porn in an animated form.
Porn is unless I'm mistaken (and this is considerably less likely) a form of sexual aide/entertainment.
So if we're being told correctly that he had hentai with depictions of children in sexual situations then he effectively owns child pornography, albeit in animated form.

The only evidence you've put forward to say that child porn in hentai is not for paedophiles is that its not about them being children. You claim that its the body shape and innocence. To which I respond, why not depict those things in adults.
To be honest I'd be satisfied regardless of what they look like, provided they act like adult/consenting age people. Its not size and shape that makes child pornography wrong, its the fact that they are too young to give consent to such things. As people have said, there are plenty of anime and manga characters that look younger than they act, so why the need for depictions of children.
Oh believe me, the characters in the books are "consenting" as you mentioned, and Hentai isn't just animated porn. for many (including me) its a form of entertainment. It can be funny as hell sometimes. His case should have been thrown out for many reasons. One of which is that they seized possessions in his house and prosecuted him without looking into the sub-culture of hentai.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
As horrific as they may be, they're still just drawings, they cause no harm to anyone, he hasn't done anything to cause harm to anyone, what's the big deal? Honestly, I could agree if he'd ACTUALLY done something, but apparently thoughtcrime is enough to convict a person now. Big Brother seems to be watching our comic collections. Be afraid. Be very afraid.