Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material


New member
Oct 13, 2009
And here we are wasting our time on this guy for having some comics from Japan, when there are far more urgent crimes with actual victims out there. Good job America.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Gotta love the American legal system. Killers and rapists walk due to technicality, and this guy gets put away for naughty drawings that the conservative thought police deem 'obscene'. What's next? Is all adult material going to be banned based on a judge's personal tastes?

The guy was a harmless pervert, what an affront to justice.

It's also worth considering that material like this may keep actual child rapists from committing crimes, giving them a victimless outlet.

faceless chick

New member
Sep 19, 2009
jesus christ again..

why oh why can't judges or anybody for that matter tell the difference between cartoons and reality?
6 month old babies can tell that cartoons aren't real, why can't they??

hentai=/= child pornography.
if you get aroused by underage rape in a cartoon, it doesn't mean you'll automatically want any real pics of child abuse.
that's how japan works.

if anything,this shit keeps you AWAY from real-live child porn by satisfying your needs without having to get your pics yourself.
i feel sorry for the guy, his social life is ruined now that he's been labeled a pedophile , he'll probably lose his job and gf (if he has any)

anyway, wtf is wrong with these guys?
they've been banning cartoon porn left and right recently.
wtf? are we going back to the middle ages?
even the Renaissance had nude paintings and nobody objected to them like this!

and..psychological testing for criminal intentions? wtf??
ppl have certain things that tickle their funny bone.

some like gainers, some even balloon animal fetish (yes, it's on youtube).i don't support sick porn, but you can never know what arouses you.your body is that mean to you.he's not insane or a criminal.and most ppl would never do what they fantasize about, that's why cartoon porn is actually good for.

those ppl doing tests on him probably would get aroused by scat porn, but they don't want to admit it. fucktards.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Demonraiser said:
fletch_talon said:
Piecewise said:
fletch_talon said:
Piecewise said:
So you're saying that we should arrest people for crimes BEFORE they happen? Well I guess we arrest anyone with a copy of "Mein Kampf" before they kill a few million jews or a bible before they trick an entire town into getting circumcised before slaughtering the lot (it's in there)
I'm sorry, if I'd had known I was arguing with an idiot I would have stopped ages ago.

Yes, despite repeatedly stating that this man is not a criminal and that paedophilia is not a choice, clearly what I meant to say is that this man is a criminal and all paedophiles should be imprisoned.

What I AM saying is that people with sexual attraction to children should be evaluated, monitored and given support both emotionally and psychologically.

Learn to read before you make more ignorant claims about what people are saying.
And I'm saying that owning lolicon does not correlate with a sexual attraction to actual
children. You must prove that it does before psychological evaluation is considered.
As a heterosexual male who has the usual reaction to child pornography (its wrong) when I look at porn, including hentai, it does not involve underaged children, just as it doesn't involve porn without a female component. That's because I'm not turned on by children, and I'm not turned on by homosexual sex... actually to be specific, I'm not turned on by male homosexual sex.

Hentai, unless I'm mistaken (and it is possible) is porn in an animated form.
Porn is unless I'm mistaken (and this is considerably less likely) a form of sexual aide/entertainment.
So if we're being told correctly that he had hentai with depictions of children in sexual situations then he effectively owns child pornography, albeit in animated form.

The only evidence you've put forward to say that child porn in hentai is not for paedophiles is that its not about them being children. You claim that its the body shape and innocence. To which I respond, why not depict those things in adults.
To be honest I'd be satisfied regardless of what they look like, provided they act like adult/consenting age people. Its not size and shape that makes child pornography wrong, its the fact that they are too young to give consent to such things. As people have said, there are plenty of anime and manga characters that look younger than they act, so why the need for depictions of children.
Oh believe me, the characters in the books are "consenting" as you mentioned, and Hentai isn't just animated porn. for many (including me) its a form of entertainment. It can be funny as hell sometimes. His case should have been thrown out for many reasons. One of which is that they seized possessions in his house and prosecuted him without looking into the sub-culture of hentai.
I'm sure there are plenty of photos on the net of nude 10 year old boys who consented to it.
I'm sure there are also plenty of 10 year old girls that are so starved for any attention from a father/father figure that they happily consent to anything they're asked.

The point is they are not of an age to make those choices and thus give their consent. And its this reason that I don't think its appropriate content for anyone. At worst it makes light of fantasies involving sex with small children, seemingly showing them in a positive light, as opposed to the disgusting and wrong act that it is. At best its masturbatory material for paedophiles, and regardless of their preferences not being an issue of choice they are wrong and their sexual preferences should not be encouraged.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Rex Dark said:
So collecting artwork is illegal now?
Good thing I don't live in the US.
I'd rather move to Japan!
In all serousness though, saying this isn't child porn is loke saying hentai isn't porn. And watching/reading this sort of thing obviously shows a divient mind. Moreover it may work as a stepping stone to acyuall child pron in much the same way that illigal cannabis smokers here in the Uk are often attracted to take stronger things by drug sellers.
The again it is the whole "If i had this I wouldn't go after actuall kids" arguament so I take a middle ground position. Ban it buy maybe use it to get actuall peado's off child porn.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Don't you think its strange that instead of molesting some 14 year old this man was looking at lines of a piece of paper and yet he's still treated as if he sexually assaulted a minor? Hentai child pornography is a much better way of making these individuals satisfy their sexual urges without seriously harming the community around them. Lets face it, sending him of to some prison isn't going to change his sexual perversions - this is quite similar to trying to 'cure' homosexuals by locking them up.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
CoverYourHead said:
How can you have a crime this damaging without a victim? Sure, it's sick and perverted, but seriously, it's just some drawings. This is stupid. But still, that hentai is messed up.

EDIT: Isn't this like getting arrested for murder after shooting someone in a game?

A very valid point.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
This is in the realm of thought-policing. Anyone who agrees with the decision to jail, fine and commit this man to psychological evaluation is an enemy of freedom. The man committed no crime. His interests may be unusual - sick even, by some standards - but they are purely in the realm of fantasy. No victim, no crime.

What of the violent video-games? Hell, what of violent movies? I doubt most people who watch violent movies would move on to shooting or stabbing people themselves, why should it be any different in a sexual scenario?

This pisses me off.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
Quadtrix said:
Not saying I support this stuff, but let people look at whatever the fuck they want, for Christ's sake.
Yeah this. As long as it's drawn... cos then it's not like it's real children. But still. It's pretty yuck, but he wasn't hurting anyone...


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Irridium said:
Well, that is disgusting.

But their not even pictures of real people. Just drawings.

If I drew a stick figure bent over another stick figure, would that count as pornography and would I have to go to court for it?
Are we talking children sticks, or 18 year old sticks?


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Jesus Christ, that's ridiculous. This guy's possession of that... stuff isn't even illegal! What kind of asshole prosecutes something that isn't illegal? Oh wait, OUR kind of asshole! God bless the U.S. of fuckin' A.
Apr 28, 2008
Mammon said:
Irridium said:
Well, that is disgusting.

But their not even pictures of real people. Just drawings.

If I drew a stick figure bent over another stick figure, would that count as pornography and would I have to go to court for it?
Are we talking children sticks, or 18 year old sticks?
1 stick is significantly shorter than the other. But judging age by height isn't accurate at all. Who's to say it isn't a midget? Or just a really short man/woman?

Jay Cee

New member
Nov 27, 2008
Krythe said:
How much do you wanna bet there's gonna be at least one person who shuffles through their manga collection and/or destroys some of it after reading this thread?
I sincerely hope you aren't projecting...


New member
Oct 27, 2009
It seems a bit odd that they studied his background and character and found no problem or previous "offenses", and yet still made him have to pay for pyschological treatment. Yes, the guy was perverted, but christ it is just drawings for the lords sake. Man, maybe I'm defending him too much? Whatever, point still stands, jail for that seems incredibly harsh.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Treefingers said:
Quadtrix said:
Not saying I support this stuff, but let people look at whatever the fuck they want, for Christ's sake.
Yeah this. As long as it's drawn... cos then it's not like it's real children. But still. It's pretty yuck, but he wasn't hurting anyone...
Yeah, this is just a tad harsh. Dosent the "protect act" only protect IRL children? or is there a Manga/Anime/Game division?

sure he's a perv, but a victimless perv.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
Welll... oops.

Case details aside, I don't agree with Mr Brownstein here. It's the nature of art is that it depicts things (and elicits an emotional response, which is no doubt why a guilty plea came in), you can apply the ink on paper argument to anything from racist propaganda to a bank statement. It's what those lines signify that matters, which in this case just happens to be Hentai. Surely a little bit of logic would have told the guy he was buying porn depicting under age characters and that that was going to rub quite a lot of people up the wrong way (pardoning the expression).

Six months seems fairly lucky all things considered, although the mind boggles at those titles.

Aside from that, polygraph test? What the hell? Why are they even bothering a system that's worse at spotting lies than flipping a coin? That's just plain bizarre.
The guilty plea came from the realization that it was illegal and as the original post said how the jury would react when they saw the things he had. No matter if he knew the law or not he was guilty in possession of it no matter how you look at it, he can't plead not guilty after admitting he had it and enough evidence to make a case to go with it. Is this porn with underage characters or is it simply lolicon? More important, is there any real persons hurt by this at all? It's perverted and kinda sick, but there is no actual evidence that it hurts someone. Who knows what he could have done if he didn't have that kind of reading material though...

The punishment is unfair and he should not be labeled as a criminal for it. This person might be a pedophile for liking the stuff, but there's no proof that he's actually done something except enjoying questionable drawn images. He should get some serious help and an evaluation of his mental condition. Putting a guy like this in prison and making sure he spends the rest of his life broke wont improve anything. In prison he will get into an environment that will have a bad influence on hm, being broke will make him depressed. Now what will a possible pedophile guy with the influence of criminals do when he's depressed? Aaah, the justice system works out for the best...


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Well, I have comics about people killing each other. I expect them to come for me shortly.

As ridiculous as the charges are, I'm not trying to white-knight for him. He gets off to little kids. That is hella messed up.