Hentai Collector Sentenced to Jail Over "Obscene" Material


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Krythe said:
How much do you wanna bet there's gonna be at least one person who shuffles through their manga collection and/or destroys some of it after reading this thread?
Now where did i leave those matches...


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Oh god this government is dumb. Just cause you imagine raping your underage sister or whatever DOES NOT make your a child rapist. GOD. I like that kind of shit and you don't see me raping little girls. It's the same argument of if you like futanari you must be gay. No. Or if you play GTA you must be a murderer. Stupid motherfuckers... *facepalms*

Or even worse, loli-futanari. Hehe


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
I don't really see who he was harmed by buying and keeping this stuff at home.
Aug 4, 2009
Pervert? Yes. Jail, fine or prosecution of any kind material? Fuck no. Sure the material is...deviant to say the least but 3 years of supervised realese, 3 years probation and psychological and polygraph tests. Well not only does that severley complicate a man's life but the guy will probably have big work problems(fired in the worst case), and will be labeled a "sex offender" by the comunity. Like I said before the guy is a pervert, but once you think in perspective all he did was look at some (albeit extremely) dodgy porn magazines.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Aby_Z said:
Hell, this isn't going to help much with people thinking all anime is porn...

And hell, that's why you view that stuff on the internet what?
In the UK you can be done just for viewing it (even if not intentionally), look up extreme porn bull.
So that's not a defence either =p


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Oh in Australia having small breasted women are now not allowed to do porn just in case some people get off imagining they are underaged *sigh*

welcome to the thought police!
what country was it that recently made a sex offender of someone who took mainstream porn and photoshoped the woman from something Stupid like a tripple D down to an A cup and was sentanced under child pron laws for it!

ffs >_<


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
Lines on paper is a fine argument, someone shouldn't be able to gain a prison sentence and a hefty fine for lines on paper...

But when those lines on paper come together to form the image of a child/animal being sexually abused then surely that's a different matter all together?
Granted you can't argue that because he had drawings of such things that it means he must also engage or have the potential to engage in such acts...

But simply the idea that he was interested in seeing such acts, even illustrated should raise enough questions, right?

I mean I'm sure there are people out there (in vast quantities) that enjoy the sight of a pair of hand-animated titties flopping around...
And if they want to satisfy that part of their tastes fair play to them...
But child pornography and Bestiality is wrong no matter how it's portrayed and people who actively seek it out are fairly disgusting...

So yeah, I'd feel sorry for the guy if the case was he was found in possession of illustrated pornography, because that would be over-reacting...
But he went for child pornography and his only excuse was,

"I thought it was only illegal if I downloaded it..."



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Aug 2, 2006
cobra_ky said:
I understand the intent of the law. The problem is that by invoking the Miller Test, it subjects the First Amendment to subjective, arbitrary, "commmunity standards". As far as I know, this is the only instance where constitutional protection varies depending on your location.
Really? Given just how radical cultural relativity is, I suspect you'd fall into culture shock of you knew just how many things did differ cross-culturally.

And ideas aren't (or at least shouldn't be) illegal.
It's interesting you think that and yet you know of the existance of the Miller Test.

Child porn isn't evidence of intent to molest children any more than violent media is evidence of intent to commit murder.
You might want to be careful with your terms. "Child porn" is actually evidence that the molesting of children has taken place. What we're referring to here is something else - conceptual child porn.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Cannorn said:
Aby_Z said:
Hell, this isn't going to help much with people thinking all anime is porn...

And hell, that's why you view that stuff on the internet what?
In the UK you can be done just for viewing it (even if not intentionally), look up extreme porn bull.
So that's not a defence either =p
I don't live there though, so I guess my computer is safe what?


New member
May 12, 2009
That... is an idiotic sentence.

There are anime and manga in the states that depict such things and are still sold, and this man gets six months in prison for buying it over-seas?
That is pure rubbish. The justice system has gone too far with their paranoia, and apparently they don't realize that in anime and manga most of the characters look like children (even if they aren't). It's almost a trademark of the style.
Even if the characters were of age, if they still looked like children because of the drawing style would they still punish this person? Probably.

Here, justice system, punish the many writers and authors who use child abuse and rape in their pieces and tell them that such things are now illegal. Tell it to the media and entertainment industry, that such topics that hint towards those incidents should be illegal.
By their logic, shows like Law & Order: Special Victims Unit should be made illegal since they cover an 'obscene' subject.

Yes, those things are obscene. Too bad such things have made an impact on almost every single media outlet that can be obtained.
You have bigger things to worry about than a man who ordered some questionable mangas.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
jobu59749 said:
Because I love playing devils advocate. You all jump right on board to say let him read or watch whatever he wants. It's wrong, but it's his life. But think from a psychological standpoint. What is to say that he reads this stuff and then suddenly tries to act on what he has read or viewed. I know this is a wide gateway and that we could say that about anything. But if he did act on those feelings and raped your little sister or daughter, would you feel the same way? Again, devils advocate, but think about it. I'm still totally against the government, but this is how people tend to think. Speaking from the perspective of one who's father is in prison for molesting my sister.
I'm sure others have already responded to your post, but as this topic is already on its 14th page, I'll weigh in before reading the rest of the posts.

You cannot arrest and try something for what you believe they might do sometime down the road. I'm sorry about your sister, but possessing hentai with children in it does not make one a child molester. You might as well the first official "Thought Police Department".


New member
May 12, 2009
Archemetis said:
But when those lines on paper come together to form the image of a child/animal being sexually abused then surely that's a different matter all together?
Granted you can't argue that because he had drawings of such things that it means he must also engage or have the potential to engage in such acts...

But simply the idea that he was interested in seeing such acts, even illustrated should raise enough questions, right?
You'd be coming dangerously close to saying those who have created shows like Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Cold Case, and books about characters who happen to have been abused/molested as a child (not to mention the people who watch/read those books) should also be illegal and searched/punished on a whim.
Those things give ideas, and are just as dangerous as having the actual image/act waved in front of the consumers/viewers face.
Plus there are books, legal books, that go in-depth about some of those things because it's supposed to give insight to the character.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
From what I've seen, though it wasn't much, at least 80% of hentai involves rape and on top of that, most of that part involves highschool girls.
If "pedohentai" is an indication you're a pedophile and/or will act upon it, doesn't that mean that they'll most probably rape somebody if you watch "regular" hentai? Even though there are adults depicted, I'm pretty sure people don't like to be raped.

Yeah, majority of people think it's discusting, but if everyone shouldn't do what somebody else might find disturbing or "wrong", where would we be?
There is a small part of this that might indicate that it's encouraging people, but along those lines then almost all hentai encourages sexual crimes and all other media do the same for robbing, killing etc. - if it's that kind of influence, then any random thing can be a trigger. Yes, free thought is a pain in the arse but drawing lines is always more difficult.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
I'd just like to point out that the laws regarding obscenity are so bad that judges have actually allowed the laws of one state to be applied in a totally different one. Someone needs to take obscenity laws to the supreme court and have them ruled unconstitutional. The supreme court has already ruled that congress cannot create a national obscenity law because of the subjective nature of obscenity. (Which would invalidate the very concept of the Miller test since it is a subjective standard try to masquerade as an objective metric.) The judge should have granted the motion to dismiss this case on the grounds that obscenity laws are not constitutional.

This article:http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/forumy/2006/06/rape-porn-and-criminality-political.php Suggests that A. There is no causal link between pornography and rape. B. The availability of porn may actually help reduce the incidence of rape. I wish there were more studies on the subject since correlation isn't evidence of causation. The article author also points out that the Regan era commission that said that there was a causal link between exposure to violent porn and criminality is full of shit in another paper linked to in the article.


Is Probably Awesome.
Aug 13, 2008
crypt-creature said:
Archemetis said:
But when those lines on paper come together to form the image of a child/animal being sexually abused then surely that's a different matter all together?
Granted you can't argue that because he had drawings of such things that it means he must also engage or have the potential to engage in such acts...

But simply the idea that he was interested in seeing such acts, even illustrated should raise enough questions, right?
You'd be coming dangerously close to saying those who have created shows like Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Cold Case, and books about characters who happen to have been abused/molested as a child (not to mention the people who watch/read those books) should also be illegal and searched/punished on a whim.
Those things give ideas, and are just as dangerous as having the actual image/act waved in front of the consumers/viewers face.
Plus there are books, legal books, that go in-depth about some of those things because it's supposed to give insight to the character.
I'm only trying to maintain my stance that child pornography and bestiality is disgusting in any form... Be it literal or illustrated.

The difference here that I think it's important to remember is, Law and Order isn't pornography, Hentai is...

I can tell the difference between something that is used to tell a story and something that someone uses to get off...

And I just don't buy into feeling sorry for the guy, simply because of his excuse...
Just because it's not a digital copy doesn't mean it's stopped being illegal.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
America the country where you get hit harder with the ban hammer for being interested in other cultures than being part of the KKK


New member
May 12, 2009
Archemetis said:
I'm only trying to maintain my stance that child pornography and bestiality is disgusting in any form... Be it literal or illustrated.

The difference here that I think it's important to remember is, Law and Order isn't pornography, Hentai is...

I can tell the difference between something that is used to tell a story and something that someone uses to get off...

And I just don't buy into feeling sorry for the guy, simply because of his excuse...
Just because it's not a digital copy doesn't mean it's stopped being illegal.
Hentai is intentional pornography, Law & Order isn't intended to be pornographic but the element is there regardless (in theme, not visuals).
My point was; Hentai is intentional but there are many other things that use such themes as an element to tell a story. Quite a few aren't seen as being 'pornographic' in the way that Hentai is, yet it is there nonetheless and is accepted because it's not 'intentionally pornographic'.

Intent of the material in question is what people seem to find offensive. Does that really make it any better, intentional or not?
There are images that aren't meant for people get off to, yet they are not tame images. Same with books and movies.

His excuse is weak, but the fact that they are giving him such a bogus sentence and doing so much to him is overkill.
(I'm rather tired, I apologize if some of this doesn't make much sense.)


New member
Sep 2, 2009
You would think that it is illegal in japn to write that suff, i swear it must break international child protection laws. Anayway it serves the guy right for buyin that stuff anayway.