Hobbit Casting Agent Fired For Dismissing Non-White Hobbits


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
flaming_squirrel said:
If when watching this film I find that there is a lone black hobbit trying to blend in I will rage to fuck.

zala-taichou said:
And I quote LotR page 4:

"Before the crossing of the mountains the Hobbits had already become divided into three somewhat different breeds: Harfoots, Stoors and Fallohides. The Harfoots were browner of skin, smaller and shorter,..."
I've got a sneaking suspicion that he intended it to mean they have a slightly more tanned look, not black.
Yes, quite probably. Still, no reason to exclude Pakistanis. :)


New member
Mar 18, 2009
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Freebird. said:
Interestingly, this would not be the first time Peter Jackson worked with black folk.

... Uncle Sipho?

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
I don't really see this as stereotyping, the casting call was specific, it's not discrimination if you have to have certain qualities to play a part. For example, I'm not going to my local theatre and trying to get the role of Juliet, because I assume they don't want a guy for that role. Because I'm not an idiot, I'm not going to cry 'sexism!' over it. What the casting call demands is what they want in the role.

Middle Earth is primarily based off of Europe. It's natural for them to want to cast light skinned actors, in the same way that they wouldn't cast white people as slaves in Roots. Poor example, but hey, Roots was awesome.

Though I don't get why the light-skin casting call was specific to women only.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
some neurotic bint gets uppity and another precious notch of common sense, logic etc. gets washed out of the world. i suppose i should be dissapointed at the stupidity of this, but it appears to be par for the course at the moment.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Wuvlycuddles said:
Ok, so it's perfectly acceptable to have a bunch of White guys pass as middle eastern nobility in that Prince of Persia film but a non-white hobbit is somehow completey unacceptable?

Would you listen to yourselves?

Its a freakin fantasy film, SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF IS IMPLIED.
Persians are indo Europeans, not Arabs.
In actuality, it is more accurate to have a white actor rather than an Arabic one.

The more you know.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'm all for equality, but I also think crowbarring minorities in when they're going to stick out like a sore thumb is just dumb and shouldn't even need to be explained, sadly, there's journos just lurking, waiting to leap on something like that and prove that someone's a racist.

In other news, I'm making a feature length documentary about the Harlem Globetrotters, and I have a quota of caucasian female dwarves to fill in the main roles.

(yes I know the difference between real people and fictional characters...sheeesh.)

It does kinda bug me when anyone in history (at least before Hitler) gets called out as being racist, because tbh, it's like calling them out for not having broadband, sure being racist is wrong, but it was accepted and the norm then, and it annoys me when people have a go at say, H.P. Lovecraft for not being a fan of black people.

If Dan Brown or J K rowling turns out to be a racist author, go ahead and slam them, because it's not acceptable in today's society, but gah, I hate the term, but we're just whitewashing over things to pretend that racism was something notable about a person back then.

I know almost nothing about Tolkien, but I'd hazard a guess that one good reason Bilbo wasn't black, is because JRR couldn't imagine anyone being able to relate or sympathise with him who'd be reading his book.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Is... is beer not available?
Beer? You mean donkey piss? Uh sure, I'll just go fetch the donkey.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Dark skinned hobbits wouldn't bother me in the slightest. They would just be travelers from other hobbit communities in differed locales.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
LordCuthberton said:
PayJ567 said:
LordCuthberton said:
This has to be the biggest thread hijack I have ever seen.
Are you saying I'm a middle eastern terrorist? Cause I'm exactly the sort of person to take offense for no reason.
Damn straight I am.

I hate you and your people Joe!
Fucking white people and their pointy noses.

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
I'm pretty Tolkien himself would say the same thing. In all fairness, in the lord of the rings universe, all black people (well, middle easterners. there are no black people) are from far of into the east (they happen to be evil btw) and rarely come west. Especially not all the way to the hobbit lands.

I just get annoyed when they cast black/white people in roles that are obviously not suited for it...let me explain before flaming.
I once saw a movie (it was based on a Shakespearian play or something) where there are two brothers. one is black and the other white...this doesn't make any sense.
Another example is Stargate. In this movie, you see an alien ship land on earth in Africa thousands of years ago...and every single human was whiter than snow.

It's not racism. It's in fact, less racist than the call for the casting agent to be sacked.
Why can't we live in a world where it's okay to say, "I'm sorry, we need someone who's supposed to play Winston Churchill. we can't cast Arnold Schwarzenegger". Can you imagine Blood Diamond with a cast consisting solely of japanese people?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Is... is beer not available?
Beer? You mean donkey piss? Uh sure, I'll just go fetch the donkey.
When will you black hobbits learn, donkey piss is for showering virgins, not for drinking. Your culture is so backwards.
Do not force your ideologies on me Americano. I have killed many tigers in the African jungle, one puny Americano will be nothing!