Hobbit Casting Agent Fired For Dismissing Non-White Hobbits


New member
Apr 6, 2009
GiantRedButton said:
Thats kinda stupid o. O
Even if they don't give a shit about the book, everyone who watched Lotr still knows the skin colour of the Tooks.
Funny thing though. If a white guy would play a character that is meant to be black they would immediatly be accused of white washing , but this is apparently ok.
exactly, and when did Tolkien mention that hobbits were of varying skin color? now, he didnt exactly mention that they were all white, either, but it will raise some questions when Bilbo's cousin turns out to be black, if you get my meaning


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Don't really see the problem, it's more geographical, from all I can see middle earth seems, like fable, to be based in a medival england, and due to our geographical location we have light skin, it wouldn't make sense if characters were black as there would be no explanation for the pigmentation of their skin.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
It's good that they put a stop to this, and even if they hadn't they could at least tell people up front so they didn't have to wait. I don't think they should exclude anyone, especially since this is just casting for extras, it's not like it would ruin any "authenticity" anyone could claim from a little diversity in people in the background.

No, what I'm more disappointed about is that this is the most news I've heard about the production of the Hobbit for a while. I hadn't even heard it was being made again. What's more, at 5' 4", I could have been an extra if I had known about this. Oh well.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
This just in:

A white man is going to play Rosa Parks in the interest of racial and gender equality.

What a ridiculous world we live in. PC bullshit.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
teh_gunslinger said:
JDKJ said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
JDKJ said:
You'll notice that I said "for example" when providing just one authority.
You'll perhaps recall you said that Gollum was Jewish. I've yet to see evidence that proves this. Just something that hints it might have been the reason.
So you're requiring proof beyond all reasonable doubt and question? Like were in murder trial? If so, then you aren't caring that burden of proof when you claim that Gollum isn't Jewish. At least I provided you substantiation of the fact that there's scholarly research suggesting that Tolkien's inspiration for Gollum was Golem. What have you provided in support of your contrary position? A whole lotta nothing, best as I can tell.
The problem with the essay or whatever it was is that it's not really a solid piece of research. Its claims for a Jewish folklore inspiration of Gollum is at best flimsy I think. Whoever wrote it did not do a very good job at substantiating the claims beyond mere superficial similarities. And in the part about Wagners opera he compares Gollum to the dwarf by calling them both aquatic. In the Golem part he called Gollum "of the earth" or some such. That lack of coherence is not really good for the line of thought. I might add that according to the essay Golems were guardians of the ghetto. Gollum is not that sort really. The words are phonetically similar sure, but one would have to substantiate it a lot more to build a good case. As it is it seems like reaching for straws.

One might as well claim that Gollum was inspired by Odins son Baldr who got the golden ring Draupnir on his pyre before entering the underworld. But that would take some serious backing up to make stick. Work that I don't believe the author of the essay has done.

And I feel like going a bit further: as a piece of scholarly research, if indeed that is what it is it falls a bit short. There is very little actual analysis and discussion going on. Mostly he is just referencing other authors without actually adding anything to the table.

That's perfectly alright for an early assignment at university, but it hardly is worthy of being held up as scholarly work on a subject. God knows that a lot of my early work on Greek history, while pretty good at what it needed to be, can't be used in any real way.
I do have to agree with you. And that they wouldn't rely on the character's coveting of a material object (i.e., the ring) as obvious support of the proposition of Gollum's Jewish roots doesn't say much in support of the quality of their scholarship.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
darthzew said:
I hope tall people are outraged by this as well. I cannot believe they would discriminate both against dark-skinned people and tall. Tall people have rights too!
I know I was outraged! Just because I'm 6'3 doesn't mean I don't have the same rights as 8 inches shorter then me to play a Hobbit. Sure I don't fit one of the basic criteria of the character, but that's not the point!

But in all seriousness, if she knew enough to read that "Hey, the auditions will be here and you must be at least this short and light-skinned" why did she stop reading before the end? Probably decided before hand she would go anyways and just start shit if it came up. Some people just go out of their way looking to be offended so they can make themselves feel better about the world not being rainbows and cookies.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
On certain medieval dramas set in England, there are a lot of non white people, I'm sure this is highly unlikely and removes the plausibility of the show, perhaps it would do the same to the Hobbit

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
You're all missing the point..

If the production team had decided that the hobbits were all going to be white and passed that on to the casting agent, it would have been fine.

What this person did was to make an individual decision based on a personal interpretation of the book/universe and enforced it without the support of anyone else.

It's like if the guy who colourizes the frames decided that middle earth was actually all a bright pink colour and colourized everything pink without telling anyone else.

This person is being fired for making a stupid independent decision, not out of political correctness gone mad or any of that other Daily Mail bullshit.


New member
May 8, 2010
Do non-white people really want to be represented in Middle Earth? A Peter Jackson Middle Earth at that. Think about it.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
Virgil said:
As far as I know, there is no reference to skin color for Hobbits (or, for the most part, any race) in Tolkien's works. If anyone has an actual passage from the books that covers this, I'd love to see it, but otherwise everyone is making a huge assumption that all Hobbits are Caucasian. All the descriptions I know of relate to their height, build, body type, and minor physical features.

KarmicToast said:
Why is it impossible to get an Escapist article without the opinions of the author infused in the news.
Because we intentionally encourage our writers to put their opinions into the posts they write. If you're looking for a "neutral point of view", you should stick to Wikipedia.
So you need to levy your opinions on others in order to encourage their viewpoints? I think people have opinions on news whether its flavored or not.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Karma168 said:
Did tolkien ever actually say that hobbits were white? i cant remember ever reading that they were. the only reason it is assumed they are white is because of the time period in which tolkien lived.
I wish I could remember where I read it, but there was a piece that went through the individual hobbit families, and explained who they were based on. Being scottish I remember the Tooks, 'cos they're based on us apparently; that's why Pippin is ginger. I'm pretty sure the Brandybucks were loosely based on folks from Yorkshire or somewhere nearby.

I love that people are getting offended by this, but not the Christian influences of Tolkien's works. Oh, wait, that'll be the next thing, someone complaining they can't possibly play their role because it goes against their religion.

These things always attract trouble, especially when people don't read the works first; yes, the LotR movies were pretty good, but they miss out on explaining a lot of stuff that was in the books. People need to do their homework.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009

Race Card played yet again over bullshit reasons. The hobbits in the book were all light skinned IIRC. I don't doubt that if Middle Earth was like the real world that there were other Hobbit enclaves were different ethic Hobbits lived, but Jesus this is like complaining about a movie set in 5th century Japan only had Japanese people in it.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
electric discordian said:
Do you mean I could have kicked up a fuss when Samuel L Jackson beat me to the punch for the role of Shaft? I knew I could have done a better job that Morgan Freeman in Invictus as well!

Once again people unsuitable for a role go in for it and then complain because they are turned down! It's not racism it's simple casting, oh and if you want to level the racism gun at Tolkein how about all the Orcs being Black and all the heroes being White apart from Sauruman.
Tolkein never said that all of the Hobbits were white, we just assume that. I think that's the main issue, is that we all just assume that all of his characters were white, when it was never stated.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
evilthecat said:
You're all missing the point..

If the production team had decided that the hobbits were all going to be white and passed that on to the casting agent, it would have been fine.

What this person did was to make an individual decision based on a personal interpretation of the book/universe and enforced it without the support of anyone else.

It's like if the guy who colourizes the frames decided that middle earth was actually all a bright pink colour and colourized everything pink without telling anyone else.

This person is being fired for making a stupid independent decision, not out of political correctness gone mad or any of that other Daily Mail bullshit.
Or, just as likely, was thrown under the bus as a sacrificial lamb when the shit hit the fan.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
I don't quite remember if any of Tolkien's books specified if Hobbits were all one skin color or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were. And if so I don't see why looking for "light-skinned" people to play Hobbits is wrong. I mean if all the characters are white and they want to stick to the story then they need white actors. I remember watching one of the film versions of Hamlet where there were black actors used throughout. It was a little jarring as the whole thing takes place in Denmark. Last time I checked there weren't that many people of African decent in Denmark. I understand that the actors were cast according to their skill, not their race; but if every other Hobbit is light-skinned and you see one darker-skinned one, that would be pretty odd.

The person was fired to probably make sure that people didn't start accusing the movie or the people in charge of making the movie racist.

Although the fact that only female actors had to be light-skinned to be Hobbits is pretty weird...

electric discordian

New member
Apr 27, 2008
DuctTapeJedi said:
electric discordian said:
Do you mean I could have kicked up a fuss when Samuel L Jackson beat me to the punch for the role of Shaft? I knew I could have done a better job that Morgan Freeman in Invictus as well!

Once again people unsuitable for a role go in for it and then complain because they are turned down! It's not racism it's simple casting, oh and if you want to level the racism gun at Tolkein how about all the Orcs being Black and all the heroes being White apart from Sauruman.
Tolkein never said that all of the Hobbits were white, we just assume that. I think that's the main issue, is that we all just assume that all of his characters were white, when it was never stated.
Its a pretty safe assumption as he was writing in Britain in the 1950's that hotbed of racial diversity! You could have thrown a rock and not hit a Black person and if you did no one would have cared! As we were horrendously racist!


New member
Oct 23, 2010
electric discordian said:
DuctTapeJedi said:
electric discordian said:
Do you mean I could have kicked up a fuss when Samuel L Jackson beat me to the punch for the role of Shaft? I knew I could have done a better job that Morgan Freeman in Invictus as well!

Once again people unsuitable for a role go in for it and then complain because they are turned down! It's not racism it's simple casting, oh and if you want to level the racism gun at Tolkein how about all the Orcs being Black and all the heroes being White apart from Sauruman.
Tolkein never said that all of the Hobbits were white, we just assume that. I think that's the main issue, is that we all just assume that all of his characters were white, when it was never stated.
Its a pretty safe assumption as he was writing in Britain in the 1950's that hotbed of racial diversity! You could have thrown a rock and not hit a Black person and if you did no one would have cared! As we were horrendously racist!
zala-taichou said:
And I quote LotR page 4:

"Before the crossing of the mountains the Hobbits had already become divided into three somewhat different breeds: Harfoots, Stoors and Fallohides. The Harfoots were browner of skin, smaller and shorter,..."
It's not a safe assumption. Matter of fact, it turns out to be a dumb assumption.

It's about as dumb as suggesting that Britain in the 1950s wasn't racially diverse (at least regarding its larger, more metropolitan cities). Never heard of a West Indian immigrant (who, racially, were for the most part Blacks)? They started appearing in large numbers on the shores of Britain in the late 1940s and by the late 1950s had established entire neighborhoods in which they were the dominant racial group.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Irony said:
I don't quite remember if any of Tolkien's books specified if Hobbits were all one skin color or not, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were. And if so I don't see why looking for "light-skinned" people to play Hobbits is wrong. I mean if all the characters are white and they want to stick to the story then they need white actors. I remember watching one of the film versions of Hamlet where there were black actors used throughout. It was a little jarring as the whole thing takes place in Denmark. Last time I checked there weren't that many people of African decent in Denmark. I understand that the actors were cast according to their skill, not their race; but if every other Hobbit is light-skinned and you see one darker-skinned one, that would be pretty odd.

The person was fired to probably make sure that people didn't start accusing the movie or the people in charge of making the movie racist.

Although the fact that only female actors had to be light-skinned to be Hobbits is pretty weird...
zala-taichou said:
And I quote LotR page 4:

"Before the crossing of the mountains the Hobbits had already become divided into three somewhat different breeds: Harfoots, Stoors and Fallohides. The Harfoots were browner of skin, smaller and shorter,..."


New member
Jun 26, 2010
just a quick point... hobbits are white... its kinda their thing. this is like how Stephen segal tried to be Genghis Khan, it just doesn't work or make sense, and if anything, is partially insulting to the culture