Hobbit Casting Agent Fired For Dismissing Non-White Hobbits


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
JDKJ said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
JDKJ said:
You'll notice that I said "for example" when providing just one authority.
You'll perhaps recall you said that Gollum was Jewish. I've yet to see evidence that proves this. Just something that hints it might have been the reason.
So you're requiring proof beyond all reasonable doubt and question? Like were in murder trial? If so, then you aren't caring that burden of proof when you claim that Gollum isn't Jewish. At least I provided you substantiation of the fact that there's scholarly research suggesting that Tolkien's inspiration for Gollum was Golem. What have you provided in support of your contrary position? A whole lotta nothing, best as I can tell.
The problem with the essay or whatever it was is that it's not really a solid piece of research. Its claims for a Jewish folklore inspiration of Gollum is at best flimsy I think. Whoever wrote it did not do a very good job at substantiating the claims beyond mere superficial similarities. And in the part about Wagners opera he compares Gollum to the dwarf by calling them both aquatic. In the Golem part he called Gollum "of the earth" or some such. That lack of coherence is not really good for the line of thought. I might add that according to the essay Golems were guardians of the ghetto. Gollum is not that sort really. The words are phonetically similar sure, but one would have to substantiate it a lot more to build a good case. As it is it seems like reaching for straws.

One might as well claim that Gollum was inspired by Odins son Baldr who got the golden ring Draupnir on his pyre before entering the underworld. But that would take some serious backing up to make stick. Work that I don't believe the author of the essay has done.

And I feel like going a bit further: as a piece of scholarly research, if indeed that is what it is it falls a bit short. There is very little actual analysis and discussion going on. Mostly he is just referencing other authors without actually adding anything to the table.

That's perfectly alright for an early assignment at university, but it hardly is worthy of being held up as scholarly work on a subject. God knows that a lot of my early work on Greek history, while pretty good at what it needed to be, can't be used in any real way.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
The_root_of_all_evil said:
teh_gunslinger said:
Nor is Constable Dorfl [http://wiki.lspace.org/wiki/Dorfl] but both are awesome. Thanks for reminding me that I need to read those books again, root.
Am I missing something here? I mean, I would agree that one should always hurry to re-read them, but is there more to what you're saying?

I mean, I have them all, but it's quite a task to read through 30+ books or so again.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
Well, it is total bullshit. But I can't help but feel sorry for the guy who was fired. He was the one with the common sense, and he was only trying to smoothen the process by limiting it right off the bat. But I think it would have just been better to hire the actors at the end, rather than turn people away at the door. Not because it isn't right, but because dumshits put up a fuss.

Although, I'm curious about why he'd only put the limitation on women. You'd think that all hobbits would be white, not just the females. Why isn't someone putting down the feminism card too? At least that would be marginally more believable.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
While there seems to be a consensus here on the forum that they are supposed to be white according to the books, I'd say this is more of the matter that the women was excluding minorities without instruction, meaning she is a racist.

That's Funny

New member
Jul 20, 2009
Wow, this is one big thread hostage situation right here.

OT: Well since the shire is based off of England, then it makes sense to have caucasion Hobbits.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Is... is beer not available?
Beer? You mean donkey piss? Uh sure, I'll just go fetch the donkey.
When will you black hobbits learn, donkey piss is for showering virgins, not for drinking. Your culture is so backwards.
Do not force your ideologies on me Americano. I have killed many tigers in the African jungle, one puny Americano will be nothing!
You talk the talk, but your stumpy legs won't let you walk the walk.
Icy Lemon said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Is... is beer not available?
Beer? You mean donkey piss? Uh sure, I'll just go fetch the donkey.
When will you black hobbits learn, donkey piss is for showering virgins, not for drinking. Your culture is so backwards.
LordCuthberton said:
PayJ567 said:
LordCuthberton said:
This has to be the biggest thread hijack I have ever seen.
Are you saying I'm a middle eastern terrorist? Cause I'm exactly the sort of person to take offense for no reason.
Damn straight I am.

I hate you and your people Joe!
OK henry, well we'll see. Go up tower bridge with your family at 10:30 on christmas day. I'll be sure you get a nice surprise.

Ugh, that's so like you. You can't be subtle about it so you have to take the whole bridge down.
I was going to leave an anonymous package of forgiveness you ************.
My stumpy legs are going to be far up your ass you'll be praying to the god of Africa, Nelson Mandela, to give you diarrhea!


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Its racist to ask for a white skinned actor/statist, if he needs play a white skinned character ? What a stupid world we live in.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Bravo Doth, Bravo thank you for inserting some clear thinking.The Hobbits are clearly lighter skinned. They are an extremely small genetic pool. The darkest you could get with them is a Spanish level of melenin. Is this racist? No it is the group. That is like saying Henry V is racist because it doesn't have any Asians in it. Well of course not it is about the English. The Hobbits are light Skinned. That is their genetic data. A black Hobbit would make as much sense as a black William Wallace. There is nothing racist in calling a white person a white person.


#virgil { display:none; }
Jun 13, 2002
As far as I know, there is no reference to skin color for Hobbits (or, for the most part, any race) in Tolkien's works. If anyone has an actual passage from the books that covers this, I'd love to see it, but otherwise everyone is making a huge assumption that all Hobbits are Caucasian. All the descriptions I know of relate to their height, build, body type, and minor physical features.

KarmicToast said:
Why is it impossible to get an Escapist article without the opinions of the author infused in the news.
Because we intentionally encourage our writers to put their opinions into the posts they write. If you're looking for a "neutral point of view", you should stick to Wikipedia.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Is... is beer not available?
Beer? You mean donkey piss? Uh sure, I'll just go fetch the donkey.
When will you black hobbits learn, donkey piss is for showering virgins, not for drinking. Your culture is so backwards.
Do not force your ideologies on me Americano. I have killed many tigers in the African jungle, one puny Americano will be nothing!
You talk the talk, but your stumpy legs won't let you walk the walk.
Icy Lemon said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Is... is beer not available?
Beer? You mean donkey piss? Uh sure, I'll just go fetch the donkey.
When will you black hobbits learn, donkey piss is for showering virgins, not for drinking. Your culture is so backwards.
LordCuthberton said:
PayJ567 said:
LordCuthberton said:
This has to be the biggest thread hijack I have ever seen.
Are you saying I'm a middle eastern terrorist? Cause I'm exactly the sort of person to take offense for no reason.
Damn straight I am.

I hate you and your people Joe!
OK henry, well we'll see. Go up tower bridge with your family at 10:30 on christmas day. I'll be sure you get a nice surprise.

Ugh, that's so like you. You can't be subtle about it so you have to take the whole bridge down.
I was going to leave an anonymous package of forgiveness you ************.
My stumpy legs are going to be far up your ass you'll be praying to the god of Africa, Nelson Mandela, to give you diarrhea!
Nigga please. I will stomp on your face so hard that you'll look like predator when they dig your body out of the diamond mines.
My cuntry mines gold you racist [HEADING=2]fuck![/HEADING]


New member
Mar 18, 2009
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Is... is beer not available?
Beer? You mean donkey piss? Uh sure, I'll just go fetch the donkey.
When will you black hobbits learn, donkey piss is for showering virgins, not for drinking. Your culture is so backwards.
Do not force your ideologies on me Americano. I have killed many tigers in the African jungle, one puny Americano will be nothing!
You talk the talk, but your stumpy legs won't let you walk the walk.
Icy Lemon said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
reg42 said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

OH NO SHE DDN'T! I felt that pwnage all the way from Africa. Me and all the black hobbits wuz like "nigga wut".
Then we went hunting."
Catch any child soldiers for the local warlord?
Only 3... It's been a slow week.
I need this post to be more controversial. Hmm... Oh!
See, if you stopped cutting off their arms and legs more could fight for you.

When will you black hobbits learn, harvest them young, torment them daily, drug them till they swell up.
Stop cutting off their arms and legs? Are you fucking retarded? How will I sex them up?!?
You raise a good point there sir. I propose a drink to this new predicament.
A drink? Well sure. I've got the sweat of a blood diamond labourer or the blood of an infected infant. Pick your poison.
Is... is beer not available?
Beer? You mean donkey piss? Uh sure, I'll just go fetch the donkey.
When will you black hobbits learn, donkey piss is for showering virgins, not for drinking. Your culture is so backwards.
LordCuthberton said:
PayJ567 said:
LordCuthberton said:
This has to be the biggest thread hijack I have ever seen.
Are you saying I'm a middle eastern terrorist? Cause I'm exactly the sort of person to take offense for no reason.
Damn straight I am.

I hate you and your people Joe!
OK henry, well we'll see. Go up tower bridge with your family at 10:30 on christmas day. I'll be sure you get a nice surprise.

Ugh, that's so like you. You can't be subtle about it so you have to take the whole bridge down.
I was going to leave an anonymous package of forgiveness you ************.
My stumpy legs are going to be far up your ass you'll be praying to the god of Africa, Nelson Mandela, to give you diarrhea!
Nigga please. I will stomp on your face so hard that you'll look like predator when they dig your body out of the diamond mines.
My cuntry mines gold you racist [HEADING=2]fuck![/HEADING]
You know what man. I'm not even sorry.
You are Satan! ... I just thought I'd let you know that.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Did tolkien ever actually say that hobbits were white? i cant remember ever reading that they were. the only reason it is assumed they are white is because of the time period in which tolkien lived.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I thought only the guys from the East were dark-skinned, and that was more like the skin tone of Persians or some other Middle-Easterners.

...oh dear god, the impliciations. The darker skinned people are evil?

(okay, according to the book, they weren't outright evil, just you know... slaves to that asshole who ran thingz)
(whih is still kinda raist)


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Ok. I really hope i won't get banned for saying this.

When person (and I mean ANY person regardless of skin colour, religion or IQ) is been given too many rights he\she will start exploiting it in every possible way. This is a nature of mankind, we cannot control ourselves when we have power. I love Tolkien. I never heard about a dark toned hobbit, nor I ever saw a clue to this in any of the books. There are people of Haradrim, there are Coastal Pirates, there are many nations and races who are ONLY dark-toned and all the white\pale guys are basically their slaves. Tolkien created the whole universe, where every race is given very strong and outlined characteristics - this is what makes us love his books and immerse into imaginary land of fairytale. How would you like to see a black-skinned wood\moon elf? Cause it was said that they were pale in the book and the movie IS an adaption of the book.

Point is - woman should be banned from further talking to the press and go read the books, agent should apologize for not quoting the book and should be re-hired in order to avoid creating a precedent for future BS like that and the case should be closed forever.