How did you find "The Escapist"?


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Well in my case it was thanks to Zero Punctuation. But I like to go a little bit further than that and after an analysis I can trace it back to that terrible man Adolf Hitler himself. Yes I saw zero punctuation after a friend showed it to me. He was showing the review from a fast talking british man to me because I had shown him a completely different review from a fast talking British man (TheDevilsJoker on youtube. Watch him if you haven't). I found out about the devils joker because I had seen a video he did summarising the plot of halo. I was looking for the halo summary because I wanted to write a spoof of the song American Pie but along the lines of Halo and it had been years since I'd played it. I first heard american pie after I'd heard the spoof of it "The saga begins" by Wierd Al Yankovic. I'd first heard Wierd Al Yankovic one day when the music video for his song "Fat" was playing at an RSL club. The returned servicemens league was founded to honour the Australian diggers who fought so valiantly in WW2. World war 2 began largely due to the invasion of Poland by the Germans right? And who was the man who (Largely) rallied the troops to invade poor old Poland for land...Adolf Hitler.

I told you so.

shOOp da wOOp

New member
Apr 5, 2009
My friend showed me URealms, i signed up to tatke a quiz, started watching ZP, and hooked i was, needless to say, i'm here to stay!


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I found it because moviebob talked about it in some of his Game Overthinkers and because I was looking for zero punctuation because I heard it was awesome and it is!


New member
Oct 8, 2009
My older sister showed me ZP and i was curious about what else was on it, doomsday arcade got me hooked and now here i am


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Got told by a work mate about ZP back in... November of last year, been here ever since - less for ZP and more for the forums.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I took him out of the coffin he was tied up in. *ba-dum-tish*

Okay, seriously, I found it via ZP, like everyone else.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Surprisingly another vote for ZP

Although where I got the link for that first video I don't know

Inverse Skies

New member
Feb 3, 2009
My friend kept on telling me to watch ZP, except I never did. So one day he physically sat me down and made me watch it. I'm glad I did, although I only started to comment on the forums after I broke up with my ex and suddenly had more free time. She would have dissaproved, but then again that statement applied to a lot of things.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Someone on another forum posted a link to ZP.

Pegghead said:
Well in my case it was thanks to Zero Punctuation. But I like to go a little bit further than that and after an analysis I can trace it back to that terrible man Adolf Hitler himself. Yes I saw zero punctuation after a friend showed it to me. He was showing the review from a fast talking british man to me because I had shown him a completely different review from a fast talking British man (TheDevilsJoker on youtube. Watch him if you haven't). I found out about the devils joker because I had seen a video he did summarising the plot of halo. I was looking for the halo summary because I wanted to write a spoof of the song American Pie but along the lines of Halo and it had been years since I'd played it. I first heard american pie after I'd heard the spoof of it "The saga begins" by Wierd Al Yankovic. I'd first heard Wierd Al Yankovic one day when the music video for his song "Fat" was playing at an RSL club. The returned servicemens league was founded to honour the Australian diggers who fought so valiantly in WW2. World war 2 began largely due to the invasion of Poland by the Germans right? And who was the man who (Largely) rallied the troops to invade poor old Poland for land...Adolf Hitler.

I told you so.
Wow... well, beats the piss out of my 9 word story of finding it.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I was googleing some game (can't remember which), and one of the links went to a ZP review on this site.