How important is High-Definition to you?

Reverend Del

New member
Feb 17, 2010
Not for the quality of picture, it's only important because the text is far too small to read on standard def for most new games. It's daft.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I don't have an HD yet. I gotta say it can be hard reading stats and all playing Ps3 on an analog tv... And I can't read Shepard's answers in advance.



New member
Jan 3, 2011
No. I couldn't care less about HD. I just want to be able to see what's going on, and I don't need much more than that.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
For current gen gaming it's pretty much essential.

With movies it's just a nifty little luxery. Though every spectacle movie needs to be on blu-ray by default for me.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
AnarchistFish said:
HD is a waste of time. It's looks great for about a week but then you get used to it and all it does in the long run is cost more money and mean that when you watch things on lower quality settings, they seem worse quality than they did when you only had that. It's a waste of time and money.
Using that logic you should only ever eat out of garbage cans. And don't ever drive a car, because it'll make walking feel like you're a caveman.

But seriously, for anyone that hasn't noticed the pattern from these few comments already: those that don't have HD don't seem to think it's important, those that do are never going back to SD. Me, I think HD is fantastic, the difference in quality is enormous.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Plinglebob said:
w9496 said:
It's not very important to me at all. Up until 2 years ago I never owned anything HD, and I couldn't care less if it is or not. Right now I'm typing on a standard-definition monitor, while my brother is playing Gears on an HD monitor.
Sorry to be picky, but what resolution is your monitor? If its 1024×768 or more, its HD, even if its a CRT monitor. PCs, HD Gaming since 1994!
This. I know it's the sort of thing that gets console gamers crying about PC elitists, but seriously, even a phone can have an 'HD' screen these days, it's just TVs that are playing catch-up. I've never been excited about HD as I've been gaming on a 1920x1200 resolution display for a full 4-5 years now, so the introduction of a 1920x1080 now screen doesn't exactly 'wow' me.

What is impressive is the ability of HD tvs to increase the resolution of standard definition footage, very clever stuff despite the occasional scene that the effect stands out in, and it works quite well on, say, output from the Wii. Not work buying one for, but impressive tech none-the-less.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
AnarchistFish said:
HD is a waste of time. It's looks great for about a week but then you get used to it and all it does in the long run is cost more money and mean that when you watch things on lower quality settings, they seem worse quality than they did when you only had that. It's a waste of time and money.
The same can be said about colour TV.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
crotchdot said:
AnarchistFish said:
HD is a waste of time. It's looks great for about a week but then you get used to it and all it does in the long run is cost more money and mean that when you watch things on lower quality settings, they seem worse quality than they did when you only had that. It's a waste of time and money.
Using that logic you should only ever eat out of garbage cans. And don't ever drive a car, because it'll make walking feel like you're a caveman.
No, because HD isn't necessary or particularly noticeable. Driving a car actually has a long term use.

Casual Shinji said:
AnarchistFish said:
HD is a waste of time. It's looks great for about a week but then you get used to it and all it does in the long run is cost more money and mean that when you watch things on lower quality settings, they seem worse quality than they did when you only had that. It's a waste of time and money.
The same can be said about colour TV.
Again, it's still more noticeable. You could say that, but you'd actually be losing out long term if you didn't switch to colour.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
HD is one of those things you can live without indefinitely if you haven't seen it.

But once you start watching HD TV shows in particular, you very quickly start noticing how bad SD looks :)


New member
Dec 15, 2009
I think HD is getting more imporant as graphics improve, playing Enslaved on the 8 year old tv downstairs makes it difficult to see whats going on.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
I like my games to look sharp. I can play low-res stuff, and never really minded, but when I started PC gaming I loved the clarity it provided. Hi Def isn't a necessity, but it's a definite improvement.

Also, my family bought a DVD upscaler thing, because my mum's partner is a bit of a technophile. This thing is unintentionally hilarious. Because it's trying to produce a HD image from an SD source it has to try and fill in the blanks itself, and it makes some amusing mistakes. You get people's facial features swimming around on their face, gun muzzles wobbling on the ends of guns and a variety of other things.

I had problems with MW2 on PC not so long ago, and I dropped the resolution down to the bare minimum with all the other details turned up to see what would happen. OH GOD. WHY.
I also decided to go for everything at minimum. it looked like the DS version. no joke.
Just thought that little horror would be fun to share.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
I dont have a HD tv, I dont give a shit as long as I know whats happening.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
w9496 said:
It's not very important to me at all. Up until 2 years ago I never owned anything HD, and I couldn't care less if it is or not. Right now I'm typing on a standard-definition monitor, while my brother is playing Gears on an HD monitor.
It wasn't important to me until i first experienced it, then I simply couldn't go back.

It's one of those things that you're not bothered about until the experience hits you.

Then again, most people don't realise that HD (or full HD) is 1920x1080, which is what most modern monitors are at these days. So if you run a PC with a 1080 monitor, that's HD. As usual, the PC crowd are far ahead of the mainstream. But it certainly has improved television viewing and stuff like that.

Mr. Gency

New member
Jan 26, 2010
It's only important when playing games that require paying attention to small details. Also when browsing the web, though, that's less wanting to see a page in extra detail, and more just wanting to see more of a page without having to scroll as much.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I buy all my movies and series on Blu-Ray.

I have a HD TV and a HD monitor for my PC.
I see no reason not to go HD.